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Fortunately for Minjeong, the tour managed to go smoothly as the Idol had to leave to wherever to fulfil her busy schedule.

In fact, the studio rehearsals were going so well that even Minjeong herself was slowly forgetting about the horrendous agreement she had made just a few hours ago.

"Perfect Minjeong! We'll wrap it up there!"

The man from the recording room gave a thumbs up to the guitarist through the window as she strummed her guitar one last time.

Minjeong breathed in disbelief, feeling absolutely unreal to be recording in an actual studio.

Giving a nod to the sound engineer, she began packing her equipment and gear after the session.


Minjeong's eyes darted to the door, seeing Aeri leaned against the doorframe with a smug smile on her face.

"Do you like it?" She spoke again, already knowing how the latter would respond.

Minjeong slung her guitar case over her shoulder and walked up to Aeri in a giddy manner, "Are you kidding!? It's fucking amazing!"

Aeri giggled at Minjeong's enthusiastic reply, "Glad you love it, you'll definitely have the time of your life here."

"Oh I so will." Minjeong cood as she noticed Aeri glancing down at her watch.

"Gosh it's already 7pm, well, that's it for the tour." Aeri averted her attention back onto the latter, "Go home and get some rest, I hope to see you here on tuesday."

Minjeong smiled, the butterflies of excitement arising again within her stomach, however it wasn't until Aeri spoke her next sentence where that feeling immediately took a turn.

"And let me know if you move in on Monday just fine okay? I've texted Jimin's home details to you already."

As if the happiness in Minjeong had just immediately deteriorated, her expression faltered at the reminder of having to move in with the woman.

Hell, she'd rather live with a huge spider, and she hates spiders.

Minjeong pursed her lips in attempt to prevent her hatred expression from coming out - though she could feel her eye already twitching.

"Right, I'll let you know."

In response Aeri stared contently at the latter, trying to brush off the very obvious unsatisfied expression on Minjeong's face before the girl turned on her heels, making her way out of the building.


"So you're moving!?"

"Yes, I'm moving."

Minjeong layed defeated on the couch after just arriving whilst Ryujin sat on the floor, staring at her with big wide eyes.

"On monday!?"

"Yes, on Monday."

"With Karina Yu!?"

"Yes with Karina Yu! Now can you stop reciting everything I just told you 20 seconds ago!?" Minjeong groaned, the memory of stumbling across the idol for the second time resurfacing.

Ryujin shook her head and tutted, "Man, you are so fucked."

Minjeong shot daggers through her way, replying in a sarcastic tone.

Hating Ms Yu | winrina (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now