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As much as Jimin wanted to turn around and go back into the store, where she had just been supposedly banned from, in order to piss Kim Minjeong off even more.

She had refrained herself from doing so due to her manager's black Porsche waiting outside.

"How did she not know me? Was she stupid?"

Were the only thoughts swarming in her head as she made her way to the car, opening the passenger door before inserting herself into the vehicle.

She was so annoyed and shocked at the situation, that she didn't even greet her manager nor realise how long she had been staring at her.

It wasn't until she spoke that she caught the idol's attention.

"You didn't buy anything?"

Jimin finally came back to reality, not bothering to look at Aeri.

"Changed my mind." She mumbled.

Aeri could sense the coldness coming from Jimin, however she shrugged it off and pressed on the gas, knowing it was best to leave her as it wasn't uncommon for her to be in these type of moods.

10 minutes into the drive back to the idol's penthouse, where silence now had fully engulfed the car, Jimin instantly thought of an idea.

She grabbed her phone, opening up her instagram feed.

She then clicked onto the search bar, staring at it and contemplating.

"Should I really do this?"

She asked herself, however her aggravated emotions took over fast and she couldn't help herself.

It took her no less than 3 seconds before the name of the cashier was on her search bar.

If only poor Minjeong didn't have her nametag on.

She scanned the profiles, scrolling further and further down until she found an account that had a profile picture resembling the girl she had encountered only half an hour ago.


Jimin smiled in victory before clicking onto it.

Her eyes took in her account, seeing that Minjeong had about 4.4k followers with a low following of only 300.

"Impressive, she must think she's a celeb herself then."

Jimin snickered, obviously feeling a little more superior as she had a larger amount of followers compared to Minjeong.

A way larger amount.

Minjeong's posts were what caught Jimin's eyes.

She clicked onto them, revealing a bunch of photos of the younger girl gigging at various bars with her electric guitar and even some videos of her playing the instrument itself.

What fully caught her attention was one of her most popular videos, reaching about 15k views.

Here, Minjeong was covering a song from Guns N Roses, the distortion of the guitar blasting through Jimin's airpods.

Jimin was almost lost in a trance as her eyes fell on Minjeong's skilled fingers which moved at a high speed against the fretboard.

Her gaze then slowly moved up towards the girl's lips, where a lit cigarette rested between them, giving a grunge impression towards the idol.

She was obviously taken aback as it seemed nothing like the cute little cashier she fought with just earlier.

Jimin continued to watch the rest of the video, completely mesmerised and leaving her slightly impressed from Minjeong's talent, however she mentally scolded herself for even thinking about that towards someone who had literally kicked her out of a store.

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