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Friday came a lot quicker than expected and soon Minjeong was standing infront of the famous headquarters of SM Ent, where it stood tall in all of it's glory infront of her.

She took another drag of her cigarette, throwing it to the ground and stomping onto it before the cold winter air could engulf her.

She then began to make her way towards the automatic doors of the entrance, her hands tucked into her jean front pockets.

The girl felt confident, with a grunge beanie on her head and of course, her baby, her Ibanez RG strat with a blue chameleon finish, in it's trusty bag carried on her back.

She felt like a pro, she felt unstoppable.

But that only managed to last for merely a few seconds.

It wasn't until she entered that her gaze fell onto the interior of the lobby. It was rich, prestigious and fancy, something Minjeong was completely unfamiliar with.

Not to mention that the people surrounding her and working hastily were wearing all sorts of proper and formal attires, leaving Minjeong to feel out of place.

The girl felt nothing compared to these people.

For her, she wore her signature, black raggidy oversized jeans which was paired with a slightly worn out bikers jacket, and especially with a guitar on her back, her fit just screamed lesbian.

"Oh well fuck it."

Minjeong told herself, preventing her mind from overthinking even more.

Then, she began to make her way towards reception, receiving a few stares from those around her.

She finally stopped infront of the desk, where the lady from behind, who was just aggressively typing on her computer, now averted her attention onto the guitarist.

It was short and subtle, but Minjeong had caught the quick judgemental stare the woman had given her right before masking it with a forced smile.

"Hello Ma'am, do you need anything?"

Minjeong, unimpressed at her fake attitude, scoffed at the woman's behaviour before replying,

"I'm Kim Minjeong, filling in as a guitarist here." She spoke, "I got through with my audition earlier this week and was told I'd be shown around at 2pm today?"

The woman hummed, turning to her computer and typing a few words.

"Ah yes, that's right Ms Kim." She nodded, averting her attention to Minjeong again,

"One second please."

Then the lady rushed through the back door, disappearing.

A few minutes passed and the woman came rushing back out through the doors, a lanyard, with what seemed to have a card attached to it, placed between her fingers.

"Here, this is your access key for the meantime." She handed the card to Minjeong, "Make sure not to lose it as it's the only thing that allows you to access elevators and other facilities."

Minjeong nodded, looking down at the card and observing it.

On it was a print of some sort of barcode, however what instantly took Minjeong's interest was the label 'SM Musician/Guitarist' in bold.

This caused a smug smirk to creep up onto her lips, before the receptionist had caught her attention once again.

"Before you go, here." She handed a small note, "It has the room number you'll need to head to for today, and the initials is who you'll be working with."

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