Fake Smiles and Real Feelings

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Back at her dad's apartment she was getting ready for the sleepover, or at least that's what she planned to do. Instead she was writing about Twilight in her diary, the thing she does the best, and the most. The narrative in her diary always seemed to switch between how perfect Twilight was, pretty, funny, smart, and how she could never love someone like her. Along with how increasingly hard it was to hide her feelings, sometimes it felt like Twilight as trying was toying with her, as if she knew how sunset truly felt, like maybe she felt the same. But then, she'd bring up Flash. It was always Flash.

"Shit, its already 5? I need to start actually packing." she realized aloud.

She threw her diary on top of her pile of clothes, shoved it in her bag, and ran out the door. Outside Twilight's house there was one other car with some tired looking mom in it and a tomboyish girl with long rainbow-dyed hair. 

"Hiya! The names Rainbow Dash, you've probably heard of me." she flexed her muscles "Number 1 soccer player in the state, and in general." she gloated  with a laugh.

"Yeaaahhh I think I have!" Sunset lied in reply to avoid awkwardness because of her lack of knowledge in the entire sport area.

Rainbow Dash stuck out her hand, which Sunset shook feeling her stone grip.

"so...uh how long have you known Twilight?" Sunset asked hoping desperately her infatuation with Twilight wasn't glaringly obvious.

"Oh me and Twi have known each other since we were just little kids! We met at a daycare and believe it or not me and that dorkazoid were super tight instantly... eventually." she answered anecdotally.

"That's so cool! Twilight and I only met this year, I just moved and she was super helpful in getting me involved." Sunset spewed out hoping it was genuine enough.

Her head was overflowing with what she knew was completely unreasonable jealousy. Why should she care if twilight has other friends, its not like she didn't know about some of them already.  And so what if this friend knew her decade longer, that didn't mean anything, Its not like Twilight DATED Rainbow Dash or anything, plus it was possessive behavior which Sunset knew Twi wouldn't like.

Still it hurt.  


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