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"Uno next?" Sunset looked over to Twilight for confirmation of her suggestion.

No game could be safer than Uno, Sunset figured.

For once Twilight didn't smile at her, instead turning around to the other girls. She looked deep in thought, like there was something she didn't want Sunset to know. Almost immediately her usual giddy demeanor was back though.

"Sunset you've chosen like every game! What do you guys wanna do?" Twi remarked playfully.

WHAT? This sent waves of panic throughout Sunset, although she knew her long enough now to know these mood swings of hers were typical, Twi just tended to get lost in her own world, still, every time this happened Sunset felt her stomach turn. It wasn't personal, she told herself.

"I'm telling you! Spin the bottle is where it's at! You could use the kissing practice Twilight. You're seeing Flash next week aren't you?" she winked at her and stuck out her tongue.

Twilight blushed profusely. "Rainbow it's not- it's not like that! We're not even dating!"

"Not yet! Everyone knows he wants to ask you, darling, it's SO obvious." Rarity chimed in.

Sunset felt her anger and jealousy begin to bubble over,

Better get to a bathroom before anyone notices, NOW!

"Hey Twi, I gotta piss real quick! Once I get back we can start spin the bottle. Don't start without me! Haha!" She laughed convincingly.

"Okay, is everything good?" Twilight looked at her puzzled.

Dammit, she knew her too well. She already sensed something was up with me.

"Yup!" Sunset answered while rushing through the hallway.

She looked in the mirror and was met with the familiar sting of tears on her cheek. This was crazy. WHY WAS SHE CRYING? Sunset splashed cold water on her face then dried it with the nearest towel. Something about the hand towel helped to calm her down, it did smell exactly like Twilight.

Alright pull it together. This is realistically the only time you'll ever even POSSIBLY get to kiss her, might as well take advantage of the opportunity, right? Forget about Flash, forget about Rainbow. That's not what the night's about.

Sunset took one last breath before heading out into the hall, where she was met with Twilight's once more, concerned face.

"Are you sure everything's alright? Sun I KNOW you, I know when something's wrong" Twilight pressed her.

Unfortunately, Twi was only a few feet away from her face and only moving closer. Rendering any chance of words coming out of Sunset's mouth, completely obsolete. Suddenly, Twilight put her hand onto Sun's shoulder in a soft grasp.

"You know you can tell me anything." She said, focusing back and forth between Sunset's eyes.

"Really? Anything." Sunset felt she really could tell her anything, that it would really be okay. But, she knew that wasn't true

"Anything." Twilight firmly reassured.


EDIT: Sorry it's been so long, I totally forgot I made this...

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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