7 Deadly Words

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It seemed too good to be true, but also way too terrifying. She wasn't heavy at all, she even felt weightless on top of Sunset, but it still felt like the whole universe was on top of her. Sunset closed her eyes and prayed that Twilight didn't feel her heart on the verge of a panic attack.

"Uh Sunset?" The familiar voice snapped her back to reality.

How long had they stayed like that? She opened her eyes and was met with Twilight's classic look of concern inches from hers. Twi lifted herself off of Sunset with ease, followed by the other girls who had been taken down in the fall as well. Sunset looked over to Rainbow Dash who was dusting off her storm pj's and was met with a wink.


"Alright, that was fun... Sunset you lose! You guys want to play again or should we should we just skip to Truth or Dare?" Twilight asked.

The girls all argued as Twilight looked at Sunset for her opinion.

"Truth or Dare definitely!" Sunset quickly decided in an attempt to sooth the arguing.

"You're just saying that cus' you lost." Applejack ribbed her.

"I'm ready to move on too, we can take a proper vote if it bother you Apple." Twilight said in defense.

Everyone gathered their blankets and go in a circle.

"Is this Truth or Dare or spin the bottle." Rainbow joked to poke fun at their excited faces.

There were a few laughs but Sunset just wondered if they could actually play. Pinkie went first, daring Fluttershy to shove her face in an old leftover pie in the fridge. Thankfully Sunset knew Fluttershy and could fully enjoy the satisfaction at her humiliation. Twilight was next and sure enough chose Sunset.

"Truth or Dare?" she asked.

"Uhm...Da-no truth!." Sunset debated after weighing her options

"How do you truly feel about me?" 


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