A Twisty Situation

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The two girls walked inside where five other girls in pajamas, including Twilight, were sitting on the floor around a twister board.

"Sunset! Rainbow Dash! You're finally here!" Twilight gave a warm smile with all her teeth, the way she always did.

Sunset felt a sense of overwhelming pride at her name being called out first. She took her eyes off Twilight to examine the other girls. Some of them she knew, others she didn't recognize. Rainbow Dash sat down next to a girl in apple-themed pajamas who Sunset didn't know.

She opted to sit with Twi, obviously, and felt her heart flutter when twilight scooted much closer to her. Was Twilight toying with her again? Was Sunset just being paranoid? Suddenly she clapped her hands and rubbed them together.

"Alright, lets finally start." Twi announced as scattered cheers rang out.

Twister, lovely.

"Okay we'll go counter clockwise, me Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and finally Sunset." She calculated above, ending smiling at Sunset. Making her whole face burn an unnatural shade of maroon. 

Everyone spun and contorted themselves into more and more difficult shaped. Rainbow Dash was particularly smug after reaching one blue corner with her elbow and one red corner with her heel. Then, it was Sunsets turn. She spun once, green.

There was a green dot in the middle she was seeing that somehow wasn't overcrowded. Plus it was close to Twi, but not too close for comfort. She spun for her second color n the board, a yellow. Fuck, not a yellow. The only yellow left was directly under Twilight?!

Of course this would happen. And she knew fully well that there was really no way out of this. It would look weird no matter what she tried to do to escape. Plus, its not like she REALLY didn't want too. It was what would inevitably happen after that caused her panic. 

"Whatever. Just get it over with." she thought.

Crawling and dodging the limbs of the other snickering girls trying to hold their positions, she managed to reach the yellow dot. She maneuvered her hand onto it and finally, success. She looked up to see Twilight staring down at her. Through their eye contact Sunset saw something in Twilight's eyes.

Twi came crumbling down.


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