Part one

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Marisa Líalídé

I know I said I'm ready to start my new beginnings, but it seems my mother can't handle.

"Oh honey, are you sure you want to leave?" My mother asks with tears springing from her eyes.

"Mom I'm going to be fine." I continue packing my bags and arranging my boxes for the movers to collect.

*tuh* my mother tuts her lips.

"Ugh, don't you think it's too soon?" I stared at my mother for a beat. I've realized how much this move is taking a toll on her, couldn't imagine. I mean of course I'm her only child, but I can't stay like this any longer.

I walked over to her to grab her face and wipe the tears.

"Momma I'm 27 now I can't move on like this. I hope you can understand that."

"I know I know. Uh my figlia is all grown up I remember when you were just a baby. Feel like it was just yesterday." She swipes a hair from my face.

My momma is a gorgeous 60-year-old Italian women with brunette hair so long it reaches the middle of her good posture back. It has always been me and her growing up. My papa became an alcoholic chasing beer after beer not caring how it affected this family. Then he eventually left us without a word. That was fine with us though because he would purposely bring home a woman just to have my mother curse at him in Italian. My papa was such a Jersey kid he couldn't even comprehend and would always yell at her back saying "speak fucking English!" Now it was time for me to move on and begin my wonderful journey of starting my salon buisiness.

There was a honk outside.

"The movers are here momma. Mind helping?"

"Of course, my love bird."

45 mins later

"Alright boys that's all." I wink at them and the 3 guys gave me a sly smile. I never really notice how attractive I am. I have my mommas brunette hair and my papas green eyes. I'm not gonna lie I do have a few tattoos that cover most my arms and legs which my mother almost had a heart attack seeing. I'm also pretty short, 5'3 to be exact. I could catch a man's eye but no one interest me anymore. Not like how my last boyfriend was. Danny... the most ignorant, verbal abuser you could ever find in Millfair County.

I have decided to move to Manhattan. There is so much to explore and seek my new adventures. I know a lot of women would love to hear about their first and ever beauty and spa salon. It's so convinient.

The movers are already on the move, so I grab the rest of what I have, kiss my momma goodbye and drove off into the thin roads of Millfair County, my hometown.

As I reached the newly built neighborhoods I found my specific dream house at the end of the block. The last to own, my landlord told me. I can't even explain how excited I am to begin my new life. I walked up to the nicely colored blue door with the key and went inside. The smell of a freshly built home is mixed with coconut and cream pie smells. Grabbing my things, I've texted the boys to see how far they are and not even 2 seconds they've replied and when I say they I mean all 3 of them replied to the exact same thing. What cute nerds, I laughed to myself. I walked up the brown wooden stairs to see my room on one end and 2 guest rooms to compliment. There is a full bathroom in 2 bedrooms and a half a bath in the other. Setting my things down I jumped backwards on the bed feeling the warmth of the sheets against my tan skin.

There is the doorbell, and I sat up straight scared. Thinking it's only the movers, not Danny...

"Hey boys come on in." I gave each of them a big smile.

"Wow Marisa, where the hell do you work?" One of them laughs and the others following.

"Oh Anjuelo, Miele I'm only an independent businesswoman." I smirk.

"Santa merda." Falípo exclaims.

"Holy shit is right." Manny says looking around in awe.

Another man is standing at the doorway when I went to close the door and when I say Santa merda myself I meant it because this man is amazingly built specimen. With a tux in 80-degree weather is a bit insane but he is most Definitely a looker.

"You must be the maid." He says and all that checking out dissipates.

"Excuse me signore?" I asked with a disbelief face.

"And you talk Italian, just great." He walks past me with that unnerving tone. Seriously what's with that guy and he has the audacity to come in MY house and disclaims me like that no.

"Um excuse me. Who are you and why you just walk in MY house like you own the place?"

"Your house? Tuh. It's because I do own MY place." I look at him dumbfounded. "So, if you don't mind can you fetch the rest of my things?" Ok that's it I've had enough. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around and he gave me the most incredulous look you can ever give someone. I swear if looks could kill, he would've done so by cutting my head into pieces.

"First off Miele, I'm not one of your little maids. I own this place with my hard-earned money. I don't know if you walked into the wrong place or what but-" he interrupts me.

"You own this place? This place that we are standing in right now?" I nod my head with annoyance. Like honestly who is he. "Fuck." He says and turns to dial a number on his phone.

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