Part three

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Marisa Líadílé

I paced back and forth in my room scratching my head trying to figure out how I will be able to get out of this situation. I picked up my phone to call back my mother, I've already miss 10 calls.

"Hey momma." She rambles in Italian almost yelling my head off. "I'm sorry momma I had an issue.

"What happens Miele?"

"There was a mix up with the home, but I have it under control."

"What do you mean, need me to come by?"

"Momma no that's way too far of a drive."

"Anything to see me baby." I sighed and straightened my hair down.

"Momma I'll be fine can I call you back later?"

"Okay but only if you promise."

"Yes, I promise." We hung up with a *mwah* at the end kissing each other goodbye. There's one more person I need to contact.

"Marisa, how are you?" Mal exclaims.

"Don't Marisa me. What is going on Mal?"

"Ok I may have messed up with the contract. I'm guessing you met my cousin?" Cousin? Great.

"Oh, I met him alright. Is there any way we can fix this sooner? I don't know how much longer I can handle him."

"I'm trying my best to find a solution but for right now just get acquainted I'm sure he'll warm up to you." Warm up my ass. This man is the definition of ignorance.

Walking out the room I looked down the hall to hear that it's silence. Going downstairs I hear some clicking of glass in the kitchen as well as shutting and opening of cabinet doors. Brushing pass this mysterious man; I grab a plastic cup I've brung along with me to pour some juice from the fridge. For some reason I feel eyes on my every movement and no more messing with cabinets. I took a sip and turned to see him looking at me.

"Are you gonna say something or just stand there." I gave a disgusted face.

"Will we always cross paths? Maybe we need to set some rules if we're gonna make this work."

"You want to be away from me so bad then ok but you're not gonna tell me what I'm to do in my own home." I took the rest of my drink and down it before heading upstairs to unpack some more. I love the way I dress so casual but sexy as well. I never wear makeup maybe some mascara and a touch on my brows but that's mostly it. Going in the bathroom to wash my face and my teeth then get settle into a tank that cups my boobs perfectly with shorts to frame my bubble butt.

Turning on my laptop, I began making sure everything was set for tomorrow. I can't believe my first opening is coming true everything is working in my favor. Time and time my papa made me feel as if I wasn't good enough that whatever my dream was, none of it is possible that everything is a lie. Danny also made me believe that I'm worthless and useless, not able to provide. I've done everything for both people I loved no matter what. Both making me feel unwanted, a reason why I'm not interested in dating anymore. The two men that made me feel worthless was enough.

It's nighttime and I felt my eyes become heavy, so I called my mother back to let her know everything was ok and I put my laptop aside, then went to bed for the night. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

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