~Chapter IV: Aurora Society~

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Sebastian placed the badges on Malice's chest and Ciel's chest. Malice couldn't help but notice the way Sebastian constantly coddled over her like she was a child, it was slightly oppressive to say the least. Ciel, on the other hand, practically had steam rolling off him from how embarrassed he was.
"I will not do it twice," Ciel uttered under his breath.
There was a strange laugh from behind, Ciel gasped, turning around. It was a companion of the Earl, the Undertaker. He cackled in fits of laughter, tears dribbling down his face.
"To think you would do that!" The Undertaker snickered, hysterically.
"Undertaker!?" Ciel grumbled.
"Saying 'The Phoenix' with that serious face! WAHAHAHAHA!"
"You bastard!"
"Now, now, young master," Sebastian tried to calm the earl; glancing up at the Undertaker," More importantly, why are you here?"
"Have you forgotten what is my work? The hospital is a regular customer of mine."
Malice frowned," Regarding to what is happening here. Do you know anything of it?"
"If you want information, I have to get my compensation."
"I already made you laugh plenty!"
"Let's see..." The Undertaker hummed," How about you do that pose once more?"
Ciel grimaced," Who will-!?"

In the distance, a flamboyant blonde haired male posed dramatically; though he stuck his leg out and placed his arms above his head romantically. The Viscount of Druitt. Every time Ciel went on cases and was forced to dress up as a girl, that Viscount was known to flirt with him in the most uncomfortable ways possible.
"Sorry," He smirked," I arranged the pose in my own style."
"Is that the Viscount of Druitt?" Ciel shivered.
"Come to think of it," Sebastian hummed," He had a doctor's license, didn't he?"
The Viscount of Druitt immediately noticed Ciel, immediately walking over.
"Oh my, are you beginners?"
Ciel hid behind Sebastian and Malice, shivering.
"Yes," Malice nodded," We saw the article in the newspaper."
The Viscount Druitt peered around Malice, raising an eyebrow," Have I met you before somewhere?"
Ciel leapt," N-No! I'm quite certain I'd remember!"
Viscount Druitt grabbed him by the chin, pulling the Earl in," Indeed, I surely wouldn't forget such a beautiful boy as you. Ah."
He stroked Ciel on his cheek.
"But what a pitiful bandage you have."
"F-Father!" Ciel shook him off," My father said, if I come here it can be cured!"
"Father?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow.

The doors opened, Viscount Druitt drew a serious expression.
"Hey, you three. It's starting."
The Viscount pushed them forward through the crowd to view the main event. From the doors, some men carried a coffin through; followed by a man in a doctor's uniform. They set the coffin on the table, the young doctor stepping over.
"He is the founder of the Aurora Society," The Viscount nodded," Ryan Stoker."
Ryan took a deep breath.
"The complete flame in our chests, shall not be extinguished by anyone. We are the Phoenix!" He posed dramatically, the light shining over him.
The crowd joined in. Ryan smiled.
"Everyone, thank you for coming to Aurora Society's 'Complete salvation for mankind through medicine'. What is complete salvation? That is a complex health! A healthy body, healthy teeth, healthy spirit, a healthy mood! Healthiness is truly splendid!"
The crowd erupted into applause, Ryan waving to silence them.
"However, there is the worst kind of health issue that we cannot overcome, no matter how hard we try. What is it? Death."
Ciel grimaced, watching Ryan caress the coffin.
"And the great power that will save us from this disaster? It is the Aurora Society medicine! From now on, we will present the fruits of our 'Complete salvation through medicine' project."

Ryan gestured towards the workers, who opened the coffin. There, was the corpse of a young lady. Wearing a funeral dress, her long, blonde locks tumbling down her shoulders. Upon her eyes was a blindfold, and she wore no kerchief. Rather her mouth seemed stitched; along with her chest and neck.
"Margaret Connor. Aged 17 years. Lost her life at an early age due to an unfortunate accident. It is truly pitiful. This death has scarred her family's hearts and ruined even their health. I want to save them completely."
Ciel glanced at the two, whispering," Is the corpse real?"
Sebastian nodded," Most likely. The smell of death is so strong, it makes my nose twitch."
The workers placed some metal plates onto the woman, the cords attached to a large and obnoxious machine. It was bulky and had light bulbs sticking out from its top.
"Well then," Ryan hummed," Everyone, please take a look at this. The power of medicine!"
The bulbs flickered with electricity.
"A complete salvation!"
The lights flickered off from the machine's potent current, electricity zapping into the corpse's body.

In the joyful lower deck, Ronald glanced at his fancy watch, frowning.
"Oh, it's about time."
He stood up from the table, the woman he had swooned pouted, miserably.
"Where are you going?"
Ronald smirked, tossing his jacket over his shoulder," There is a job I must do."
"Ehhh?" She leaned closer to him," Already? Well, then, would you like to meet here tomorrow as well?"
Ronald chuckled, putting his jacket on," Okay."
His glasses flashed under the light, as he smirked at the woman, winking.
"If we meet alive, that is."
"What do you mean!?"

The electricity zapped around the room, lighting Ryan in a light that only matched his sinister attitude.
"Come! Rise from the death! Just like the Phoenix!"
The electricity died down, and there the corpse lay, just like a normal corpse would. But then, her hand twitched. It slowly rose, clasping on the side of the coffin. The woman rose, staring at her lap, blankly.
"Take a look!" Ryan hummed," With our medicine, we can even overcome death!"
"Unbelievable!" Margaret's mother gasped.
"Doctor!" The father cried," Thank you so much!"
"That is the complete salvation!" Ryan beamed.
The crowd erupted into applause, simply awe struck. Yet, Malice did not buy it; nor did Ciel or Sebastian.
"Impossible," Malice shook her head," There's no chance he revived a corpse."
Sebastian scowled, skeptically. He squinted. In his crimson eyes, reflected the mother, hugging her daughter tightly and sobbing, joyed. Sebastian's eyes widened. The corpse opened her mouth, biting hard into her mother's shoulder, as blood squirted out. As her mother pleaded, the corpse dug into her flesh, consuming her alive. The mother was dead. Margaret panted, blood dripping from her mouth. The crowd screamed in horror, running for the door.

Ciel, Sebastian and Malice ripped off their disguises; glaring at the sickening corpse. Without a word, Sebastian flung silverware at the corpse, digging into her chest.
"Did you get her?" Ciel frowned.
Sebastian held his hand out," Both of you, please, step back."
The corpse twitched back up.
"I'm sure I stabbed her in the heart," Sebastian scowled," It is a being I do not understand."
Behind the machine, the Undertaker watched, smirking at the sight.
"Shit!" Ryan groaned," It failed! Why are you all standing about!? Take her down, already!"
The gun men fired at the corpse, yet it did nothing at all. It just angered her further. Margaret leapt at them, digging into their flesh.
"You're useless!" Ryan cried, fleeing.
The zombie turned back to the three of them.
"How are we supposed to deal with that!?" Ciel groaned.
"Firstly," Sebastian stated, flinging cutlery at it," Dismember it so it cannot move."
"These guys cannot be killed unless you smash their heads!"
The noise of a lawnmower filled the air, accompanied by a familiar voice. Ronald Knox held his death scythe to her head, obliterating it.
"Like this!"

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