~Chapter VIII: A Maiden's Bloody and Torn Voyage~

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Lady Midford groaned, holding up her sword, trying to fend the zombies back from her husband, son and maid. She panted, the creatures closing in on them, pushing them to a wall. She screamed, piercing one of them in the chest. She yelped in horror as the zombie was unfazed, and wriggled around, skewered, trying to gnaw onto her.
The zombie's head burst into a smithereens in mere seconds, Sebastian elegantly landing in front of her.
"I hope you have not been injured?" Sebastian inquired, with his usual smug smile.
"Butler!" Lady Midford gasped.
Sebastian swiftly rose to his feet, stood to the side of her, both ready to fend the creatures off.
"What are they?" Lady Midford scowled.
"I do not know much about them myself," Sebastian frowned," But there is only one way to defeat them. Smash in their heads!"
The last two zombies roared, pouncing forwards to bite them. Lady Midford took one, piercing its head with a mere flick of her blade; Sebastian took the other, crushing its head with a loud snap.
Lady Midford stared at the corpses, scoffing," It seems you speak the truth. So, out of gratitude, I shall overlook that indecent face and hairstyle for today."
Sebastian bowed, deadpanning," I am deeply obliged, my lady."

"Francis!" Lord Midford gasped, rushing over," Are you alright?"
"Butler!" Edward yelled," Where is Lizzie?"
"She is with the Young Master. Both of them are alive, sir," Sebastian stated.
Lady Midford smiled at her husband," If they're both together, there's nothing to worry about."
"Indeed," Lord Midford nodded with a hum.
"After all," Lady Midford's smile grew," It is one's duty to protect family at all costs."
Sebastian smiled, pressing his hand to his chest," He did say he would protect her 'without fail'. I have come under their orders to a safer locati-"
"We can't have that."
Sebastian tilted his head, startled," Eh?"
Lord Midford held his blade over one eye, scowling," The Marquessate of Midford is a house of knights that has protected our people for generations. To ignore the plight of our people would go against the code of chivalry."
"We, the Knights of fair Devildom," Edward pulled his own blade from its sheath," Must be the shield that protects the weak."
Both turned to Lady Midford, beaming.
"Is that not so!?"
Lady Midford nodded, sternly," Quite! Go back to Ciel and Lizzie and don't dawdle!"
"But-" Sebastian frowned.
"What, have you no faith in our swords?"
Sebastian let out a long sigh,"...All right. I pray for your safety, Lady Midford."
"And tell Ciel this!" Edward snapped," I won't show him anymore mercy if something happens to my little sister!"
"As you wish, sir."
Sebastian ran away from the Midford's with a deadpan. He hated this game of back and forth. It was a game dogs played.

Ronald sighed, staring at the corpses in the lower class hall where he had spent his night's drinking

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Ronald sighed, staring at the corpses in the lower class hall where he had spent his night's drinking.
"What'd I tell you?" The reaper smiled, sympathetically," We didn't get to meet again in this life, after all, did we now?"
Ronald frowned, staring at the corpse of the woman he'd met at that party and flirted with. He furrowed his eyebrows, marking her off his soul collection book.
"'Cos I had you on my list!"
Ronald sighed, snapping the book shut.
"Cripes, what a mess this is turning out to be. And when I'm so hellishly busy too..."
He glanced down at his watch.
"... Since the real show starts now."

As the Campania sailed magestically over the night sky tinged ocean, two men huddled closely in the crows nest, staring out. They were workers for the ship, on duty.  One man rubbed his arms, shivering, as the other glanced down the post AF the deck.
"Say. Ain't it kinda noisy down there?"
"Awww, 'sprolly then drunks making a racket again," The cold one shrugged.
The other laughed," Sounds like a right good time to me! In any case, the moon ain't out tonight, so you can really see the stars!"
"An honest-to-goodness sea of stars, eh?"
The two paused, glancing up. There was a strange silhouette of something gliding on the sea surface. They weren't supposed to hit land so soon? The two gasped in horror. That wasn't land at all! It was an ice berg, and the ship was headed straight for it.
"W-we gotta get word to the cap'n!!"
"Why didn't we hear anything about this from other boats ahead of us!?"
"Hello!? Come in quick!!"

In the captain's room, the walls were practically dripping in blood. One zombie steered the ship's wheel, as her child zombie watched. The captain lay on the floor lifeless, as the bells rang desperate for their attention.

The men screamed in horror, the ice berg coming in closer and the ship was about to hit it.

Ronald groaned, shaking his head, standing on the deck as he stared at the approaching ice berg.
"Haaaaaah! I'm about to crash straight into overtime, aren't I? And I'm against overtime as a rule! I mean, managements really pushing it, am I right? It's crazy, leaving the retrieval of all these souls...to just the two of us!"
On the ice berg, a heel pierced it's surface, staring at the approaching ship. The owner of the heel sighed, jeering at the ship as they twisted their locks around their finger.
"What bad manners on a maiden's first niiight! If you ram something big and hard into her, she might just...break, you know?"
They let out a sharky grin, as the boat's side collided with the ice berg, scraping it as they went past. The figure leapt off the iceberg, plunging down at the unsuspecting zombies on the deck with their chainsaw.
"A maiden's voyage torn to shreds and smeared with blood. There's no stopping it anymore! There's no going back!"
The chainsaw pierced through each of the zombie's unsuspecting heads.
"It's too late to turn back now even if you try! Oooh, yes! This truly is-"
They leapt down onto the deck.
"A luxury cruise..."
Grell grinned, winking, holding her rocker hand poser to her face,"...To die for ★!"

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