~Chapter XVIII: The Second Cinematic Record of Michaelis~

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"Ultimately, this morning's breakfast was foul once again."
Ciel frowned as Sebastian trimmed his hair.
"I beg your pardon, sir. I am following the recipes word for word..."
"Don't you taste what you prepare?"
"My palate is different from that of humans from this world, so...if you instruct me in how my dishes offend your sense of taste, I shall work to make the necessary improvements."
Ciel scowled," Anyhow...we have a great many things to do from today on. There are far too many things I don't know about us Phantomhives since the previous earl passed away before he could teach me."
"You must learn about the family, of course. But as head of this house, you must also acquire the knowledge and education that will allow you equal standing amongst the best of the adults. Polite society is full of evil spirits more disagreeable than even I. A child like you is their ideal prey, Young Master. Languages, economics, marksmanship, riding, to name but a few...there are mountains of things you must study. While it may be presumptuous of me to ask, would you allow me to stand in for your governess?"
Ciel raised an eyebrow," You?"
Sebastian pushed Ciel's face back forward so he could cut his hair," One does not live as long as I have to gain only years. But I am quite strict, I shall have you know."
"That works for me," Ciel sighed," As earl and butler, you and I are still nothing more than imitations. We have to fashion ourselves into the real things quicker than has ever been done before."
Sebastian smiled," As you wish, sir."

Sebastian sighed, pushing his glasses up as he glared at Ciel's test," Yet another mistranslation. You should translate this as 'at first' instead of 'from the beginning'. Have you already forgotten that you made the same error yesterday? Now then, please remove your ring and put out your hands."
Ciel grimaced, removing his ring and holding out his hand. Sebastian swiftly and firmly brought down a small black whip to them, how he'd missed using Devildom punishments. He found it funny to see a human's reaction to it.
"Now!" Sebastian snapped," About those ten Greek poems I asked you to transcribe ten times each...do it over again!"

Ciel sat in the greenhouse, sipping his tea.
"Today's tea is a Darjeeling from Mariage Fréres," Sebastian smiled.
"Sebastian, let's have your hands."
Sebastian walked over, holding his hands out, he gawked as Ciel tipped his tea all over his gloves.
"This isn't tea. It's tea-coloured water," Ciel scowled," Make it again!"

"Please, pull in your chin and arm with care," Sebastian groaned, prodding Ciel's limbs gently with the whip to get him to hold a gun properly.
Ciel fired the bullet, hitting the sides of the target. Sebastian sighed in despair, snatching the gun off the earl.
"Your lower back is too loose. And your flanks are too weak. Brace those legs more."
Sebastian held up the gun, aiming at the target.
"If you keep this up, hunting on horseback will remain but a dream of a dream!"
The butler fired the bullet dead centre of the bullseye.

"My fork is tarnished," Ciel held his fork up to the light," Do you intend to allow your master to sup with dirty silver wear?"
"I beg your pardon, sir...I will replace it at onc-"
"Also! Sauce is staining the rim of the plate! Even if the dish tastes good, it is ruined if it does not look impeccable."
Sebastian sighed," It shall not happen again."
"I will not eat a thing until I can get to eating the moment I am seated, are we clear?" Ciel got up from his chair," Do it again!"

"Straighten up your back!" Sebastian snapped, as Ciel sat awkwardly on a horse, struggling," Pick up the rhythm with your body. To begin, please nudge the horse's abdomen gently with your heels."
Ciel attempted, the horse crying and struggling. Ciel fell off, Sebastian catching him with a scowl, pushing him back on.
"When up against a beast, the slightest hesitation on your part means you have already lost. Conduct yourself with dignity, for you are the master. Now, look forward and try it again!"
Sebastian slapped the horse's side, causing it to roar and dash forward as Ciel screamed.

Sebastian marked Ciel's work, turning around with a smile.
"Marvellous! You have earned full marks!"
Sebastian held up a sheet of paper, which he designed in a happy, red flower.

"I have prepared Mariage Frères' Darjeeling for tea today."
Ciel raised it to his lips, sipping it.
"Not bad."
"You are too kind," Sebastian bowed.

Ciel raised the gun to the sky, shooting twice. Sebastian returned with a duck in either hand, smiling.

"Your hors d'oeuvre, sir," Sebastian presented Ciel with his meal.
"What have you today for today's main dish?"
"A roast of the duck that you shot, Young Master."
"And dessert?"
"Gateau chocolat, your favourite."

Ciel sat on the horse, glancing into the distance with a hum," I think I'll head to the hilltop today."
"I shall accompany you," Sebastian smiled.
"Only if you can keep up!" Ciel grinned, digging his heels into the horse's abdomen.
He laughed, the horse bounding off into the distance. Sebastian shook his head, laughing as he chased after him.
"Dear, oh dear."

"Sebastian..." Ciel stated.
The butler glanced over, with a frown," Is there an issue, my lord?"
"We're moving."
"I'm sorry?"
"We're moving to your world," Ciel stated," I want to live there. We're moving."
"Sir, are you certain-?"
"Yes! Quite! Do not presume to doubt me!" Ciel growled.
Sebastian sighed, smiling," Then, I suppose I shall get you a seat with Diavolo."
The Earl blinked, confused.

Ciel walked down the hall of the Demon Lord's Castle, now Earl Phantomhive of the Devildom, after being commended by Diavolo.
"Now you have formally become an earl. Status, wealth, a new fiancé. It's all yours," Sebastian smirked," So, what do you say?"
Now Sebastian was back in his world, he felt an unquenchable hunger to take Ciel's soul now. And he had just a perfect plan for that. His fangs reappeared as he smirked.
"Why not cease aspiring to something as foolish as vengeance and simply live a happy life from here on."
"That's not a bad idea either..."
Sebastian's smile grew, his claw reaching out to grab the earl. Ciel swiftly turned around.
Sebastian swiftly transformed back before Ciel could see him.
"I didn't come here for happiness. I returned for the sake of waging war. Now that I carry this name, the name of Earl Ciel Phantomhive...moving forward is the only option left to me. I swear upon this baneful name of mine that I shall have my revenge!"
Sebastian's eye trembled in awe.
Ohhh...the sight of him turning his back on the light without the slightest hesitation...and plunging ahead into the abyss at a noble stride...how very beautiful and foolish it is.
"I command you, Sebastian. Become my sword and shield..." Ciel revealed his pact on his iris," And bring me to victory!"
Sebastian swiftly bowed on his knee," Yes, my lord."
The demon reached out, taking the earl's gloved hand and pressing it to his lips.
"I shall certainly bestow upon you the crown of triumph."
At the very moment the crown, adorned with despair, touches your head...your soul will surely be...
Sebastian's lips parted, revealing a hunger smirk, furnished with fangs only belonging to a demon.
...At its most mouthwateringly delectable.

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