~Chapter XII: A Mutual Agreement~

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Elizabeth clenched her teeth, pointing her blade straight at Grell, who blinked, confused. I'm fine with not being cute...if it means I can protect you! Two gloved fingers gently held the blade between them, stopping Elizabeth.
"My Lady, you have done enough," Sebastian stated, softly.
"Sebas...tian?" Elizabeth croaked, her face bloodied and tearstained.
Sebastian fell onto his knee, bowing," To have forced a lady to go to such lengths as these...I am a failure as a butler. Please forgive me."
Sebastian briskly stood up, tugging down his glove.
"I shall handle the rest..."
Grell giggled," Mmmm~! I do feel a bit like the wind was taken out of my sails, but...no matter~! Let's pick up where we left off, hmmm~?"
Malice gasped," Wait! Sebastian!"
Sebastian froze, glancing back at her.
"We can't afford to deal with them at the current moment," Malice stated," Ryan is the one who holds all the keys to this case! We're going after him!"
"Hey you!" Grell raised an eyebrow, glaring at Malice," Are you saying we can get to the bottom of the reanimated corpses if we put the screws on this Ryan chap?"
Behind him, Ronald muttered Ryan's name, flicking through his notebook. He inhaled, sharply, prodding Grell.

"Mister Sutcliff, look."
Grell scanned the pages of his notebook.
"I see...it seems we can't afford to play with you either."
The two reapers leapt back up the hold they had come from.
"It does soooo pain me, but I fear we'll have to part here for now, Sebastian darling~. Next time I'll be sure to wrap you all up in rosy red~! Count! On! It! Toodles~!"
Grell blew the demon a kiss, before the two sprinted away. Malice had to force down a chuckle as she saw Sebastian convulsively shiver.
"We should hurry too-! Ugh-!" Ciel yelped, crashing back down.
"Young Master!" Sebastian rushed over, crouching at the Earl's side.
Malice watched with Elizabeth as Sebastian ran his hand across Ciel's leg, squeezing it a little.
"Your leg is quite swollen."
"Oh no!" Elizabeth gasped, crouching down," I'll carry you on my back!"
Ciel yelped," WHA-!?"
"Lady Elizabeth," Sebastian smiled, speaking in a hushed tone," I can take care of that. I truly cannot allow you to do such a thing."
"Ah!" Elizabeth blushed," Oh, yes! Of course! You're right! Oh dear...whatever has come over me!? I..."
Elizabeth burst into tears, the three stared at her, unsure what exactly to do.

"I'm the type of scary girl Ciel despises!" Elizabeth wailed.
"EH!?" Ciel gasped," What are you talking about?!"
"Well, you said before that you hated strong, scary girls!" Elizabeth sobbed, hiccuping.
"Th-That..." Ciel glanced nervously, seeing Malice disapprovingly tut and shake her head at him,"...was a long time ago. Besides, I should be the one apologising to you."
"S-so?" Elizabeth whimpered," You don't hate me?"
"How could I possibly hate y..."
Ciel frowned, not wanting to give Elizabeth the wrong idea. Malice noticed Sebastian's mouth scrunch into a weird position. The butler swiftly covered his mouth, bursting into laughter. It was strange, Sebastian's genuine laugh was so stuffy and winded.
"Now isn't the time for this!" Ciel snapped at the butler," You said we should head for the deck!"
"Kuh! Kuh! Kuh! Even the Young Master cannot hold his own against his cousin, I see. Ohhhh, h-how very amusing!"
"Shut your mouth, you!!!" Ciel hissed, a violent shade of red.
Sebastian exhaled, scooping Ciel up into his arms, trying to control himself," Well, then. Let us be off."
"You bastard..." Ciel grimaced, still hearing a snort from him," Are you quite done giggling ye-"

"Smile! Malice!"
Malice whipped around, recognising the voice," Snake-!?"
Snake rushed over, panting," I am truly glad everyone is safe...Says Emily."
"Where's Ryan?" Ciel asked.
"Sorry, he ran away on us...Says Oscar."
"Is that so," Ciel let out an exasperated sigh, massaging his temples.
He knew very well that Ryan was a coward, but this was just a whole new level.
"Well," Ciel sighed, nudging Sebastian on his cheek to get his attention," Let us regroup with the Marquess and his family for the moment."

The first-class deck was flooded with swarms of nobles, trying to escape onto the lifeboats

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The first-class deck was flooded with swarms of nobles, trying to escape onto the lifeboats.
"Back off!!" Edward roared, he'd been brought up in a traditional family," Women and children first! Just look at the sight of you! How can you call yourselves Devildom gentlemen!?"
"Edward!" Elizabeth cried, rushing forward to her brother.
Edward swiftly gathered his sister in his arms, holding her close.
"Lizzie! I'm so happy to see you well!"
Edward glanced down at the sword in her hand, his heart throbbing for her.
"...It must have been hard for you..."
"Forgive me," Ciel stepped forward," It was entirely due to my helplessness."
Edward scoffed," You said it! But, fine, my lecture can wait. Now, you lot, get on a boat, quick as you can!"
Malice stepped forward, beside Ciel," Edward, I have a favour to ask of you. Ciel is going on the boat, so Snake on the boat in my stead."
Sebastian gasped, glaring at Malice.
"Ciel, I will devote myself to finishing your mission," Malice stated," I want to help. I'll stay with Sebastian."
"Malice!" Sebastian seethed, swivelling around," Do not play the hero, you will get on that boat this instant!"
"I won't leave your sight, I promise you this, Sebastian, please," Malice furrowed her eyebrows.

"You think for a moment a mere beg will change my mind?" Sebastian grabbed her by her wrist," You will listen to what I tell you, and get on that boat!"
"You're not my father!" Malice snapped, Sebastian blinked, taken aback.
He didn't seem to know how to respond to that. What she said was true, but to some extent.
"Sebastian, what if there's a clue about her situation on this ship?" Malice stated," If I know it, I can help. Now. You will let me help."
Sebastian sighed, irritated," Fine. However, you must follow my terms! You must oblige to every command I give you. You must not fight, do not even touch a weapon. And you must prioritise yourself over me. Do we have an agreement?"
Malice nodded, slowly. Snake blinked, confused as to why she'd help him. Malice turned to Snake, smiling at him reassuringly, the serpent man gulped, feeling his cheeks slightly tint.
"The ship is listing considerably," Edward stated," It's foundering is but a matter of time. Please leave the ship with the utmost urgency and get as far away from it as you possibly can."
Malice nodded, flinching slightly as Sebastian picked her up into his arms. She was about to argue back, until she forced her mouth shut, remembering her agreement.

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