Annoying Fly IV

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[Neshan pov.]

As I got back. I saw that the sitting arrangement was changed by group.

So infront of our seats are Sha Sha and Nero. On the next row Tasha sat parallel to Sha Sha.

"Everyone seemed to have their own world." I said as I sat on my own sit and saw that the teacher was a woman with big boobs and glasses.

😑 Seriously. Why does every girl I meet have big boobs.

Even Tasha. Come to think of it she does look familiar.

Deja vu?

"Well Mrs. Nakamura says we should all familiarize ourselves with each other so that we could fill each other's weakness up. Also to form our own tactics and plan for every mission we receive."

Nero explained that I nodded. In response.

I looked at the board where her name was written. Rowan Nakamura. Hmm. Nakamura sounds familiar. Maybe they're one of the members on the organization our family ran.

Then a blue haired boy approached us. Or maybe me.

"Hey. You're the boy Sogu had interest right?"

I don't know what you mean by that but oh well.

What do you mean? He literally just tried to seduce you and he's not interested at you? He even told you that at the trai- shut up.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"I'm Relcov by the way. That's Efler." He said and pointed a pink curly haired boy. "And that's Levron." He pointed at a blonde boy who seemed lost on his thoughts.

He offered his hand. I smiled and accepted it. "I came by the name Neshan pleased to meet you."

He scratched the back of his head. "Ahaha no need to be so formal. We just wanna know you since were curious on what did you do to our Sogu. But I guess I see it now." He laughed.

My smile didn't falter. "Thank you. I'll take it as a compliment I guess."

Okay wait. What the fuck am I thanking for? What the hell is he talking about? Huh? What did he see? What does people see in me that I don't fuckin see? Am I the dumb one or them? what the fuck?

"Well he seemed to be in good mood everytime he finished talking to you. Oh see, here's another proof."

We looked at the Sogu who walked in the classroom with a carefree smile. He seemed glowing.

I pretty much well knew that we didn't just talk. Waaaah you're too innocent for this world Relcov.

"Haha I see. Tell the others I said hi."

Damn I'll be in doom if this continues!!
More people are going to notice and talk to me thanks this bastard who seemed to enjoy every single bit of misery I have.

As he left, I was met by a sulking face.

I crossed my arms and asked him. "What's with that shit?"

He frowned further and looked at Relcov's retreating back. "Why the heck did you smile when he's the one who talked to you? When we first met I was hit by your cold gaze."

He pouted as he sat beside me.

I stretched my hands and leaned back comfortably at my chair.

"Maybe because, when I was focusing on reading my book, a certain annoying fly came to occupy my fuckin time."


"And that wasn't a one time only. It lasted for two fuckin days."

I cut off his words. I opened my right eye to see a head hung low and him playing with his finger.

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