Annoying Fly V

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[Neshan pov.]

"Ah this is where we part. Im on night class... And don't you ever... EVER! Look for me when it's past dusk... And if I said never look for me, it means Im not available no matter what happens even when it comes to our missions. Its like Im dead at night so don't come over to my dorm or anything that makes you need or wanna see me. Im warning you, you can contact me but you can never see me at night understood?"

"Yes ma'am." Nero was the only one who replied.

I glared at them as I leave our table on the cafeteria.

I sling my bag on my back as I retreat and walked towards my dorm.

I took a quick shower and remembered that it was my hell day.

"Tsk talk about damned tasks."

Speaking of the shit, a notification popped up on my liz watch. Lookslike there's a GC for giving missions. With a tickbox.

[Mission 101 Chat Off]
'Team Midnight Reapers Daily Task:
[ ] Clean the section 4-B toiletP:10
[ ] Throw section 1-S trash P: 5
[ ] Wash section 10-C curtain P: 10 '

'[ ⭕ ] Clean the section 4-B toilet
[ ⭕ ] Throw section 1-S trash
[ ⭕ ] Wash section 10-C curtain
congratulations for Midnight Reapers on accomplishing your assigned task. Please keep this up to gain more points'

'25 points are added on each of your account.'

Huh?! The tick boxes are filled that fast? I didn't do anything yet.

[Midnight Reapers 🙂🔪☠️]:

Moanday Neshan 💦: Who the fuck have some hyperspeed that the task I should be doing was finished in a second?

Thirstday [4 Neshan Only]🔒: Meeeee!!

Moanday Nesh 💦: Bastard why the fuck did you do the tasks when it's obviously my duty day?!

Thirstday [4 Neshan Only]🔒: Because I'm awesome!!

Moanday Nesh 💦: That doesn't fuckin change anything or make sense at all!!

Thirstday [4 Neshan Only]🔒: I'm just being a gentleman.😙

Wetday Sha 😘: Gooo brother!

I face palmed. These two are really hopeless.

Moanday Nesh 💦: Asshole if you do my duties again I swear to god or maybe to Leonard's bald statue that I will never ever talk to you!!

Then I logged out. But as I walked out of my dorm I gave off a straight face.

I scuffed and crossed my arms. Leaning on the door frame.

"Of course... Another one of your coincidences I guess... Your fucking highness."

I stood there as I face my dorm neighbor. He looked back at me smirking. He looked like he just got out of the shower as his hair was still wet.

"Shouldn't you be resting? You have night school from 8 to 11 right?"

"Yeah but... I still have plenty of time so Imma take a stroll. Ja-ne!"

I waved and closed my door without looking back.

The door automatically locks if closed. It has a scanner for the students Id and a passcode if my friends come over. Tho I can also install their Id's too.

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