The Shadow Reaper II

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[ Sero ]

No one wants to be with me now. Since yesterday that they witnessed my powers they're really scared of me.

Better than ever right.

I sighed.

Yes but at this rate rumors could spread and I might get kicked out of school if I ever mess up.

My life really was made for me to stand out. What an ironic nature for an assassin to have.

The only ones who are my friends are Athena and Artemis. I sighed.


"Oi Sero! You keep sighing and yawning you good?" Artemis says.

"Yeah. *Yawn* Im just sleepy that's all."

And thinking about stuff.

"What did you do this afternoon that you didn't rest well huh?" Athena crossed her arms.

That stopped me.

I don't know if I'll thank that bastard or curse him.

I know that this school's motto was 'Break Your Limits' but what he broke was the wrong limit!!

He fuckin broke the time limit that we ended up eating each other like vampires and dogs for two fuckin hours.

"I feel like I wanna die. 😔"

"Something really did happen to her that made her not rest." I heard Artemis whisper to Athena.

"Well, whatever it is Im sure you could handle that well."

"I didn't rest because of a certain bastard."

"Well then make sure you beat him up! Ack!" Artemis glared at Athena who smacked her.

"Make sure you outsmart him and punish him really well." She corrected.

I giggled as I find their bonding cute.


The class is over... Everyone are already in deep sleep.

Yosh. Now's the good time to let her out.

I slowly walked towards the pond. This place do feels so familiar. Not that I don't know the reason my feet dragged me here but its something like that.

I sighed.

This place kinda resembles me...

It gives of a serene aura at day and you don't see anything special from it.

But then when night falls it shines through the dark. Where you see its real powers. It maintains clean and safe water for those around it. It takes care of anything that goes in it.

It absorbs all the darkness and toxicity of anything that it touches. It is the purest of pure.

I took a deep breath and washed my face.

Seeing the clear water, the girl that I used to hate but accepted anyways, looked back at me.

With glowing white hair and one violent and one grey eyes.

It almost feel like Im not like her anymore...

I feel like... They erased her very existence in me...

I looked at my phone. It's already midnight eh...

I winced and held my head. Damned ringing.


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