Elements | 2 |

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You jumped out your bedroom window, safely teleporting yourself to the ground with your bag hanging loosely on one shoulder.

You started walking down the streets of Ninjago city, towards the pier. You liked walking by there sometimes on your way home from school, it was nice. Though there was a lot of workers there during the day, plus you hated the water. You nearly drowned once when you were little.

(Flash Back)

"Mum, Dad! Look what I can do!" You tried to teleport a few meters in front of you, along the shore of the lake where you guys were camping. But ended up teleporting a few meters into the water.

Your parents had warned you not to go into the water, as it got deep quite quickly. It was dangerous as you could drown, especially since you didn't know how to swim. You started doggy-paddling around in the water, that's the only thing you really could do right now.

You moved your hands around wildly while trying to keep your head above the water, which worked for a few seconds before you sunk under the water. You tried to swim up in a panic but that failed. Damn, were you going to die here?

You felt arms rap round you as someone pulled you to the surface, and started swimming back to the shore with one arm rapped around you, dragging you along with them. You started coughing out some water before taking a few quick breaths, you looked up to see your dad, he saved you.

(End of Flash Back)

You felt so helpless then, you couldn't do anything to save yourself. The only thing you could do was wait for some one to help you, or for the water to swallow you whole and slowly drain the life out of you.

The thought made you shiver, you never wanted to feel like that again. That's why you trained so hard, so you could take care of yourself. After that incident you insisted on getting swimming lessons, so next time something like that happened you could at least swim by yourself.

You approached the pier, no one was there yet. Damn, maybe you came a bit too early.

You stood a few feet away from the edge of the water, gazing out at the endless sea. Even though you could swim now, open water still terrified you. You never knew what could be hiding in there, and you didn't want to know.


You weren't sure how long you stood there, just staring at the water. But you got snapped out of your thoughts as soon as you heard people approaching.

You quickly turned around, noticing a few elemental masters coming up to the pier. Great, you'd have to socialize.

Hesitantly, you stepped onto the pier with a few other elemental masters, and soon more started to gather. Like, a lot more. You didn't know there was this many elements, and you weren't even sure if that was all of them.

You went up to a girl with a orange outfit and a hood covering her head, and an overgrown dude with a wooden walking stick that reminded you of big foot.

"Hi, I'm Y/n." you smiled at them, this was how a normal conversation started, right? Though your dad did tell you not to talk to strangers, oh well. Too late now.

The girl smiled back at you, "Skylar." Great, so that was her name. Big foot nodded to you, "Bolobo, master of nature." you had to hold back your laugh after hearing his name, were his parents on drugs when naming him?

Well apparently you were sharing your elements now, "Master of teleportation." You said simply. Now that you looked around you noticed most of these people were probably older than you, and damn. Some of these people were really old.

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