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You were woken up by the sound of talking, you opened your eyes to see the ninja talking on the other side of the room. Suddenly you heard gongs and the ninja jumped back in their beds as Clouse and some workers came in.

"Good morning, fighters. Oh, that's right, it's the middle of the night." Clouse said as the workers spread out and went to different Elemental Masters. You sat up as one approached you, you could see the other workers putting skates on the Elemental Masters.

The worker that came up to you was carrying roller skates, he was about to move your blanket and put the skates on you but you stopped him. "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare." You warned him before teleporting next to the bed.

You grabbed the roller skates from him and sat on the bed to put them on, he gave you an annoyed look before walking away. You rolled your eyes as you put the skates on, how did they know your shoe size?

You stood up and started slowly skating along the wall to get used to the skates, you turned to see Kai wobbling and waving his hands around as he skated towards Skylar. Then he fell right in front of her, you started laughing and lost your balance. You fell back only to be caught by someone.

You looked up to see Lloyd had caught you, you felt a flutter in your stomach as he smiled at you. You stared at him blankly for a moment before snapping back to reality, he opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything you teleported away.

You grabbed onto the nearest bunk bed for support to avoid falling again. Why did that make you so flustered? Did you like him? No, you couldn't, you were probably just embarrassed, right?

You glanced up as Clouse spoke. "Master Chen wants everyone in the Royal Arena. I wouldn't be late if I were you."

Skylar and Shade skated over to him and you decided to join them, you used the chairs and beds for support as you tried to get the hang of roller skating.

"If most of us have already fought, why are we all in skates?" Skylar questioned Clouse as you stopped next to her, leaning on a pillar for support.

"Only two of you will be fighting, but the rest of you will have a chance to... affect the outcome." He answered. What did he mean by that?

Turner and Tox skated over to join the group, "Who's fighting? Tell us now." Turner asked.

Clouse started backing out of the room and he gestured for the workers to follow. "The Green Ninja versus the Master of Form." The workers ran past Clouse and they left the room, slamming the door shut behind them.

Well that was a dramatic exit. Everyone immediately started chattering, making it hard for you to focus on one conversation. Though you managed to overhear Lloyd speaking to kai."Master of form? Who's that?"

"You haven't heard? I hear she can look like anyone." Kai replied as he started skating around Lloyd. Wait, since when could he skate?

"She'd be right under your nose, and by the time you figure it out, she's already discovered all your weaknesses, then it's game over." He continued, but something about him didn't sit right with you, though it probably wasn't any of your business.

Kai put his hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "But you're the Green Ninja, what weakness could you have?" He asked with a smirk for some reason.

"Ugh. Aside from a sore back, not many." He replied while putting his hands on his back to stretch.

"Thanks." Kai said as he skated away backwards. You got caught off guard by Jay flipping across the beds behind you, and grabbed onto Skylar's shoulder for support.

She glanced at you, "You okay?" She asked. You nodded in response and she went back to her conversation.

You glanced back at the ninja, Kai was back with Lloyd, but he was all wobbly on the skates again. Then he fell onto his back.

You turned your head to see another Kai speaking- wait, why were there two Kai's? "Watch your back, Green Ninja." He said before turning into Camille...? That explained it, she was pretending to be Kai.

"Y/n?" You glanced back at Skylar, "You ready?" She asked as she began to leave the chow house.

You nodded and followed after her. "Yeah." You were starting to get the hang of skating, but you weren't sure how teleporting on them would work.


You skated out of the tunnels and onto the skating ring along with the other Elemental Masters. Kai was the last one out and the trapdoor closed behind him.

Music started playing and you all turned around to see Master Chen skating towards you as he spoke. "Welcome to my favourite event. Thinderblade!"

"Hey, I know this game. Its just like-" Turner got cut off as Chen interrupted him.

"No, it's not like that! This is my game, I made it up! Fully original!" He argued while taking baby steps towards the group, was he about to have a temper tantrum?

"A Jade Blade for you, Lloyd, Master of Power." He threw Lloyd the Blade along with a green helmet. "And another for Camille, Master of Form."

He glanced around, "Where-? Where are you?" He asked and the guard beside you and Skylar turned back to Camille.

"Oh, there you are. Ha, ha." He threw her a Jade Blade along with an orange helmet. "Rules are simple. Each lap you complete with your blade in possession, a point."

He explained, "Most points before the time expires, you win." You looked up at a board, a 14 minute clock set up in the middle and the scores on each side.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about us?" Turner asked. "Are we supposed to just stand here?"

"You get to help anyone you wish, or hurt for that matter. You're free to choose sides. I'm not a dictator." Chen replied.

Turner was the first to skate over to the helmets, intentionally pushing past Lloyd and Jay on the way. Mr Pale followed right after him, also pushing past Jay.

They both chose orange helmets, along with every other Elemental Master except Kai and Jay.

You paused for a moment wondering what side to choose, the choice should have been obvious, right?

You should have gone with Skylar and the others, right? Because you and Skylar were friends, plus most of the Elemental Masters went there.

But at the same time you felt like you owed it to Lloyd, he did stop you from falling. His group was smaller aswell, so it wouldn't be much of a fair fight, especially since Kai could barely stay on his feet for five seconds without falling.

What should you do?

(I had a writers block for a while then I kinda forgot about this but I'm back now!)

I hope you enjoy reading this :)

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