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(The last part didn't seem very productive so I decided to post two today)

You slowly opened your eyes and blinked a few times before looking around you.

As you fully regained consciousness the sharp pain in the back of your head returned. You clenched your jaw and tried to grab the back of your head, but you couldn't.

You were tied up with all the other fighters apart from Lloyd, Chen hadn't caught him.

The guard that was holding you let you go now that you were conscious. As the gate infront of you lifted you could hear drums beating.

"So the ninja were right. This was never about any of us winning the tournament. This was always about something sinister." Turner said from infront of you.

The guards started leading you down the stairs. "What gave that away? Was it his cult following, or the giant snake head?" Shadow asked sarcastically.

"We've been fighting eachother for so long it took us all losing to finally pull us together." Neuro spoke up as Jay started humming. "Too bad it's too late."

Kai turned his head to look at Jay. "Why are you humming? You do know they're about to take our powers?" He was obviously annoyed.

"Since these cursed shackles have blocked our powers, I choose to use the power of positive thinking." Jay replied.

You scoffed. "Can you positively think us out of this situation?"

He gave you an annoyed look. "Lloyd will come save us, you just wait."

The guards stopped you on a circular platform made of stone in the middle of the room.

"Go ahead and look away, but you know as well as I do, after he takes our powers, he's still gonna need yours." Kai spoke to Skylar.

She had a guilty look on her face as she defended herself. "You don't understand. My father gets everything he wants. I had no choice."

"Just tell me one thing." Kai said quite seriously. "Was it his idea to make me fall for you, or yours? Because it worked."

Skylar gave a shocked gasp, as if it wasn't obvious he liked her, she smiled happily and sighed.

Though you couldn't really understand why she was happy, sure they both like eachother but you were all stuck in some lunatics basement.

"Lock 'em down." One of the guards ordered, pressing on the back of your knee to force you to a kneel.

"All rise for Master Chen!" The drums started beating louder and the workers started cheering as Chen used his staff to float his Throne around as he sat on it.

"Look at me, I'm floating." He was, until he wasn't. The workers gasped as his throne started falling but he quickly used the staff to make it float again.

"I got it. I got it." He reassured them as he started floating around again.

You gave a disappointed frown when he didn't fall and burn alive in the lava, the thought of his screams making you brighten up a little.

He landed his throne in front of all the fighter's. "I just got distracted by how awesome this place looks." He said while glancing around.

"Well done, Clouse. You've really set the mood." He congratulated before pointing his staff at you and the other Elemental Masters.

"And look at this, soon I'll have more power. Its good to be me." He said as if it were some sort of achievement.

This seemed to annoy Jay aswell as you watched him speak up. "You may have us, but you still don't have the Green Ninja."

Yours Truly (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now