Fights | 4 |

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(Sorry for the late update, I was supposed to update on Friday but forgot. I'm making another chapter right now so I might update on Wednesday. Have fun reading ^^)

Your stomach growled as you watched Kai fighting Ash, the master of Smoke. Chen rushed you all over to the arenas before anyone could finish breakfast, but you had to admit that the fights were quite entertaining. Neuro, the master of mind had won the first fight, against Bolobo and Turner had won the second fight, against Gravis, the master of gravity.

Kai struggled as Ash held him in a chokehold but he was quickly released after setting the rope bridge on fire and causing it to collapse. They both landed on separate stone platforms on the lava, and almost immediately started fighting again as they both dove for the jade blade in the centre platform.

They both started rapidly firing kicks and punches at each other before landing on a platform and trying to push each other off of it. Ash disappeared making Kai fall forward, Ash jumped for the jade blade but disappeared again to avoid being hit by Kai's fire balls.

Kai took this opportunity and jumped to the centre platform and grabbed the Jade Blade before landing on another platform.

"Winner!" Chen yelled from his throne, which apparently got moved to every arena, and everyone started cheering. "Loser. Master of Fire moves on." Chen pressed a button on his throne and a trap door opened under Ash, he screamed as he fell down the hole.

You continued watching as Kai jumped out of the arena and started celebrating with his friends, luckily your fight was tomorrow, but that didn't seem to help you calm down.


Music played as everyone started cheering, well, mainly the people working for Chen were cheering. Chen stood up from his throne and started speaking "Let the tournament continue! Jay, Master of Lightning versus Cole, Master of-" He was cut off as they both started running at each other.

Jay shot lightning at Cole, which he quickly dodged and made rock spikes come out of the ground towards Jay. Jay dodged and they yelled something at each other before Cole shot a bunch of rocks at Jay, who counter attacked with his lightning.

They both quickly got in a fight between elements, Jay was using his lightning to try and push Cole backwards, and Cole was using his earth power to try and push Jay backwards. It looked as if Jay was about to win until Cole shoved him backwards making Jay land on his back.

They both started talking again and soon started kicking and punching each other, which Master Chen didn't seem to like since he released something called, the Condrai Crushers.

They were vehicles which bodies resembled a snake head with a metal snake tail attached to the back of them, and a grinder on each side, consisting of three large stone blades spinning quite quickly.

They stood back to back as four Condrai Crushers surrounded them, one tried to crash into them but they dodged it causing it to crash into the wall of the arena.

Cole ran at another one and created a stone ramp in front of it, the Condrai Crusher sped up the ramp and flew into the air, Cole grabbed its tail and spun it around before throwing it into another one.

The last Condrai Crusher came towards Jay, he jumped onto the vehicle and tickled the driver with his lightning until it came to a stop right in front of Cole. He came off the vehicle and they high-fived each other.

Chen jumped off his throne and started yelling angrily, "Enough! I know what you are trying to do. If neither of you will win, then both of you will lose!" He quickly stood on his throne and started pressing a bunch of buttons.

The floor around Cole and Jay slowly started disappearing in hexagonal tiles, they both jumped out of the way as the tiles beneath them started falling. They started talking again and Cole ran for the Jade Blade, he climbed the Pole in the centre of the arena and grabbed the Blade out of the snake statues mouth.

He threw the Jade Blade to Jay and he quickly caught it, "Winner! Loser. Master of Lightning moves on." Chen yelled from his throne. Cole jumped down and started talking to Jay, they spoke for a few seconds but Chen pressed a button on his throne and the tile Cole was on fell.

He screamed as he fell and you could hear Chen talking, " Ah. About time. Phew!" You took a deep breath, you weren't going to lose a fight to someone basically the same age as your dad.


Skylar snuck behind the Master of sound and broke the last vase and grabbed the Jade Blade, everyone cheered and Kai jumped onto the railing and yelled. "Yes! Go, Skylar."

"Winner!" Chen shouted from his throne, "And Loser." He pressed a button on his throne and the Master of Sound fell as a trapdoor opened under him, he screamed while falling. You felt bad for him, he was blind after all.

"I hope the Tournament of Elements has entertained you as much as it has me." Everyone looked over to him as he started talking. "To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things." Everyone started cheering an clapping in celebration, you weren't here for the jewels and stuff, but you wouldn't mind taking some of them.

Master Chen continued talking, "But then in yesterday's battle, Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset." He said angrily before throwing the plate of treasures behind his throne.

Everyone turned to the ninja as Master Chen continued speaking. "For their insubordination, all of your fancy quarters will be taken away, and tonight everyone must sleep together in the chow house." All the Elemental Masters, including you gave the ninja angry looks.

You could barely sleep on this island before, and now you'd have to share a room with ten other Elemental Masters. "That is all. Thank you, you can go." Chen finished off and everyone started leaving the arena.

You followed everyone outside, into the pouring rain and met up with Skylar. "You did great." You told her as you both walked back into the palace. She started leading you through the halls, she seemed to know this place quite well.

She led you through another hall, "Thanks." She replied with a smile, you walked towards a pair of doors which opened to reveal the Chow House. It had exactly eleven beds inside, you quickly went for the most isolated one, it was in a corner further from everyone else's.

Skylar and Camille chose a bunk bed next to you, you lied down on your bed and started wondering why you decided to come here in the first place, but your thoughts were interrupted. "Tired already?" Skylar joked while sitting down on the top bunk.

You nodded while looking up at her, "Yeah, watching you fight is tiring." You joked, earning a laugh from Skylar and a slight chuckle from Camille. You turned around and got comfy on the bed, you covered yourself with a blanket and closed your eyes, everyone else was still talking so it wasn't easy, but you eventually drifted off to sleep.

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