Chapter 12:

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Tasia "why are you up so early", Luca "just enjoying the weather, and the nice breeze. Get over here", Tasia sat in Luca's lap, Tasia "yesterday was perfect baby. I can't wait to marry you and become your wife", Luca "I love you baby", Tasia "I love you too", Evie "um Tasia, do you have Tylenol", Tasia "are you okay sweetie", Evie "my head has been hurting all night, I haven't been able to sleep. And now I'm becoming really nauseous and lightheaded", Tasia "I should, come with me", Evie "can I have four", Tasia "um no baby, that is not safe at all", Evie "it really hurts though", Tasia "take this. Just relax on the couch. Here's your water, I'm going to make you some soup", Evie "I am not sure I could eat anything", Tasia "we'll it's better to try then not try at all", Evie "okay. Tasia can I ask you something", Tasia "sure. You can ask me anything", Evie "how did you get the part of the show you're in today", Tasia "Arabia in Moulin Rouge", Evie "yeah", Tasia "we'll it takes time. You could audition for a certain role but your not guaranteed the job. Which is okay because being in the industry you have to accept the word no, for every no comes an opportunity of a lifetime. I'm in another Broadway show, it hasn't opened just yet but we are working on production", Evie "I wanna be on Broadway like you. Is it bad or weird that I don't wanna be an actor like my parents. Is that bad thing"? Tasia "no honey. You can do whatever you want, no one can tell you what you can do with your career, that is completely up to you. Like Aracely, she doesn't wanna be entirely like me, she likes to sing but then she also likes to dance. She might be into it later on but right now she's really into dance", Evie "thanks for doing this for me", Tasia "you're welcome. I'll be in the recording room if you need anything. Don't hesitate to come get me", Evie "okay", Tasia went to the recording room with Luca. Stefania "morning", Danielle "morning", Stefania "Everleigh and Aracely are still asleep, I believe Evie is awake. Tasia texted me and told me that she wasn't feeling well, and that she had been looking over her since she was up", Danielle "that was sweet of her", Stefania "yeah", Danielle "did Jaina text you, she texted me", Stefania "the trailer is out for 19", Danielle "I know. Do you wanna post it on social media and get it out there for the fans", Stefania "I mean sure. Why not".

@ spampistefania
@ dsavre
The trailer it out, go check it out. Our fans, this wouldn't even be possible without them, and right now they are fighting for us, fighting to save the show. This show has brought so many of us together as a family and we can't stand to see it end. Help save station 19, anything can help, and anything can make a difference for us.

Danielle "how do you feel", Stefania "about what", Danielle "that the show is coming to an end. Are you sad"? Stefania "I mean yeah I'm sad. My character went from someone that was only supposed to be in three episodes to a whole series regular", Danielle "yeah. It's a show we grew up on together, becoming friends and now we're a family", Stefania "yeah. Back to filming next month. Are you excited", Danielle "yeah. Really excited, it was quite a long break, you know with the holidays and then the strike", Stefania "just glad the strike is over. We don't have to worry about it anymore", Danielle "me too. What are you most excited about"? Stefania "just returning to set, and seeing everyone. I mean it's been so long and you", Danielle "just being back to work. And seeing everyone, I've missed everyone", Aracely "Danielle", Danielle "yes sweetie", Aracely "Evie was teasing me and being mean to me", Danielle "what do you mean? Your sister is not like that", Stefania "babe", Aracely "so what are you calling me a liar. She was teasing me and calling me names. I don't know why she was doing it but tell her to stop before I tell my mommy", Danielle "maybe we can sort this out", Aracely "you are the one that's supposed to do that now me. So figure it out", she said raising her voice a bit. Stefania "Aracely with all do respect, you should not be yelling at an adult", Aracely "mommy", she yelled, Tasia "yes baby", Aracely "they think I'm lying", Danielle "okay. First of all no one said that", Aracely "Evie was teasing me and they don't believe me", Tasia "my love, go to your aunt Kara", Aracely "okay", Tasia "what's going on"? Danielle "she's saying that Evie was teasing her and being mean", Stefania "and calling her names", Tasia "did you ask Evie? I don't want my daughter being called a liar or whatever because you need to ask Evie", Stefania "okay. EVIE, come here please", Evie "I was playing with Everleigh", Danielle "okay that can wait. Have you been bullying your little sister", Evie "oh my gosh. That girl is lying", Stefania "excuse me but if she wants to play with the two of you she is allowed. She's your sister, you could play with the both of them. You should not be singling her out. That is not right and you know that. You are not being raised like that, your behavior is making me feel angry. You should not be treating her like that", Evie "if we are playing something and she gets out. She becomes upset and won't wait until we start a new game", Stefania "even if that's so, you are not supposed to be teasing her or making fun of her. Calling her names. She is your little sister, you should not be doing that to her. You tell one of us if something is wrong, but you don't take it upon yourself to start bullying her and attacking her. That is just really rude, and your her older sister. You are supposed to be a role model to your younger siblings but your not doing that with how you are treating her", Evie "it's just annoying", Danielle "that's not an excuse, you are all annoying to each other but at the end of the day you are siblings and you are family. All of you are to respect one another. Your punished for the rest of the day because of your attitude, you are wrong for what you did", Evie "ugh, I hate you both", Danielle "don't push it. Now go to the room", Tasia "excuse me", Tasia left to Kara's room, Tasia "hey. What are you doing", Kara "nothing just looking after her", Tasia "did she fall asleep", Kara "yeah, she cried herself to sleep", Tasia "how are you feeling", Kara "I'm okay. I have to tell you something", Tasia "what is it", Kara "at the end of next month I have my last show as a swing on Moulin Rouge", Tasia "leaving the show for good", Kara "yeah. It's time for me to move on and find out what's next for me", Tasia "your so cute. But just hearing that makes me wanna cry. Like I'm so happy for you, cause I wanna know what's next for you out there but it's sad because I have to see you go", Kara and Tasia hugged. Tasia "no matter what's out there next for you, I'll be right by your side cheering you on, I will be proud of you", Kara "thanks", Tasia "you're welcome baby girl. So I got tickets to the eras tour and I got tickets for her sister and them so they could come but I didn't like her attitude and how she treated my baby", Kara "all kids go through you but I don't think you should let her miss out on seeing it with ya", Tasia "okay, I'll surprise them later", Kara "by the way I got news, I got casted in another Broadway show that debuts in March", Tasia "oh baby. I'm so proud of you", Kara "thanks".

@ dsavre@ spampistefania Had such an amazing time experiencing Broadway in the big city, watching Aracely's mom perform

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@ dsavre
@ spampistefania
Had such an amazing time experiencing Broadway in the big city, watching Aracely's mom perform. She did an amazing job out there, she's unbelievable talented. She's so amazing, she even brought up the girls on the stage and Aracely sang with her mom, she's so good. Proud of you both for doing your thing, love you both!!

@ lucarapisarda
My beautiful fiancé performed at Bryant Park with her cast mates. Seeing her up there on that stage makes me so happy for her, I'm so proud of her and the accomplishments she's achieved. I love her so much, great job out there baby!!!

(After in the park)
Danielle "you did so good out there", Tasia "aww thank you", Stefania "it looks like you have so much fun", Tasia "it is so much fun", Danielle "I love that we get to be together and be friends. Have the girls grow up together. It really means a lot that you allowed us to remain in your daughter's life", Tasia "we love you all so much. I have to take this", Danielle "okay", Tasia left the table for a split second. Tasia "hey. Happy birthday beautiful", Tilly "thank you so much", Tasia "so what are your plans for today", Tilly "nothing really. May or may not go out with some friends. You are more than welcome to join us", Tasia "I'm going to have to pass on the invite, mommy duties", Tilly "I know. Maybe another time, I'm sure you'll make it up to me", Tasia "yeah of course", Tilly "by the way let's talk about your big surprise. Congrats", Tasia "thanks. It was literally the most romantic thing I've ever experienced. And I love him so much", Tilly "I'm really happy for you Tasia", Tasia "thank you so much", Tilly "you're welcome", Tasia "oh baby. I have to go I'll call you later", Tilly "okay", Tasia "bye", Tasia ran over to Luca hugging him, Luca "these are for you baby. You did amazing and outshined yourself today", he said kissing her on her lips. Tasia "thank you", they headed back to Tasia's place. Danielle "Why did you Chris break up", Tasia "It's pretty simple, he cheated on me not once not twice but five times. I couldn't take the pain no more", Danielle "it sucks being cheated on. I've been through it before", Tasia "we'll you have found the love of your life", Danielle "I did, she's my whole world. I love her so much", Danielle stared into Stefania's eyes, daydreaming. Tasia "are you okay", Danielle "how do I tell her I want to spend the rest of my life with her", Tasia "you want to ask her to spend the rest of her life with you", Danielle "yeah", Tasia "that's great", she said hugging her.

@ dsavreThis is the woman of my dreams

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@ dsavre
This is the woman of my dreams. My everything, she's the beat to my heart and the she shines bright in my eyes. I can't wait to ask you to spend the rest of your life with me. I love you so much Stefania! 🩷🩷🩷

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