Chapter 1

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Stefania "I'm leaving, do you wanna come with, you could bring Ford over and he could play with Jeff", Danielle "sure, let me get home first so I could shower", Stefania "okay text me when your on your way", Danielle "okay", Stefania's POV*
After getting home, I showered, I didn't wanna be too jumpy. I wanted to talk to Danielle about something very serious but I don't know what's her reaction gonna be. I didn't wanna seem to desperate about the situation either, I loved to cook, I started to make dinner. I was just dancing around in the kitchen, Jeff was next to me trying to beg for me to give her something. I made everything look nice and pretty, down to the slightest details, even my table cloths and curtains. Everything had to be perfect, at least that's what I wanted. I had just took the last dish out of the oven when the door bell rang, I took my apron off and rushed to the door to answer it. Danielle "hey", Stefania "hey", Danielle "you look very nice", Stefania "thank you. You look very good too, come in", Ford instantly went to Jeff and the two of them started playing together. I took Maya's jacket from her and hanged it up on the coat rack, Danielle "you did not have to do all this", Stefania "this is what I do, besides you my guest it's not optional I knew I had to cook something good for you", Danielle "we'll everything looks amazing", Stefania "thanks, I tried my best", Danielle "you did good. Could I use the bathroom before we start eating", Stefania "sure, you remember where it's at right", Danielle "yeah", while Danielle went to use the bathroom, I couldn't help pace back and forth, even panicking about what to say to her. Danielle "are you okay, you seem about antsy", Stefania "I'm trying to be for the most part", Danielle "what's going on, your never like this", Stefania "I don't know, it's nothing", Danielle "Stefania you don't have to hide anything from me, I won't ever judge you", Stefania "I know that", Danielle "then what's going on. We are supposed to be having a good time and here we are, you have me worried about something", Stefania "if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell the others, especially Shonda", Danielle "okay. I won't", I sat down in the chair next to the one Danielle was sitting in. I took a deep breath, "you know how we're a tv couple right", Danielle "a tv married couple", Stefania "yeah. I'm glad that I get to work with someone as amazing as you", Danielle "I love working with you too", Stefania "I didn't start feeling like this until the recent season we filmed", Danielle "feel like what, do I have to find another tv wife", Stefania "omg no, I love playing your tv wife. It's just that", Danielle "what is it, your really starting to scare me", I couldn't help myself, I didn't wanna stop myself so I smashed my lips right into Danielle's. I was shocked that I did that, so I immediately pulled away, Stefania "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Maybe you should go", Danielle "no. I mean I don't wanna leave, but what was that about", Stefania "I guess what I was trying to say was, I have feelings for you in real life, aside from being your tv wife. I have real feelings for you Danielle", Danielle smiled and didn't look surprised at all, Stefania "what, why are you looking at me like that", Danielle "I feel the same way, I had been planning on telling you, I just didn't know how. But now I don't have to because you already beat me to it", Stefania "we can't tell the others, they cannot know about this", Danielle "okay I'm fine with keeping this private. Wanna go on a walk, we could take the dogs with us", Stefania "that sounds like a great idea", we cleaned up a bit before getting the leashes on both Jeff and Ford, heading out the door and on our walk. We had walked maybe just a block, it was a bit breezy out but the breeze actually felt good. We had just entered the park, as we were heading to the dog run, I started to hear what sounded like crying. Stefania "do you hear that", Danielle "hear what", Stefania "listen, do you hear it", Danielle "still not hearing a thing", Stefania "stop for a sec and listen very carefully. Did you hear that, that cry. Did you hear it", Danielle "I still don't hear a thing", Stefania "hold on, we're getting closer to that sound, do you hear it now", Danielle "yes, I just heard it. Where's it coming from", Stefania "this way", we had walked halfway through the park, when we finally reached the source of the sound. Danielle "omg. Stefania is that a child", Stefania "omg, it is", me and Danielle made our way towards the young girl, who was curled up in a ball, and she was shaking. She had multiple injuries, she wasn't even in proper clothing. Danielle took Jeff's leash from me as I approached the young girl, she squealed as I gently rested my hand on her arm, trying to get her attention. Stefania "bambina what are you doing out here all alone", she didn't say a word, which I knew was gonna happen. Her voice was so scratchy and she was really scared but she still managed to speak, "you two are those actresses", Stefania "we are. Can you tell me how did you get out here, in the dark, and all alone", "scared", Stefania "hey, we won't hurt you. How did you get all these bruises", "my daddy and his girlfriend. They beat me", Stefania "bambina can you walk", "no everything hurts", she winced and cried as I took a look at her bruises, Danielle "what's your name honey", "my name is Averiana", Danielle "that's a very pretty name", Stefania "could I pick you up", she nodded, she felt so light for her age, let alone her whole body was covered in bruises, I knew she was in nothing much pain. We turned back around, walking back in the direction of my place, Danielle "she's asleep", Stefania "what should we do", Danielle "I don't know, I've never had to deal with something like this before", Stefania "me either. For starters it's a good thing we didn't leave her outside", Danielle "yeah, I don't know who could leave a child outside", Stefania "me either", once we got back to my place. Danielle "do you want me to stay", Stefania "I'll actually love that", the dogs went and laid down on the bed, unaware of how she would react, I didn't wake her up so I quickly took her a shower, and got her in one of my oversized shirts. She had a pretty tight grip on me, both me and Danielle sat on the couch, started to watch a movie, Danielle "should you put her in the bed", Stefania "I don't think it's a good idea if we leave her alone yet", Danielle "yeah, you might actually be right", Stefania "do you think we should tell the police, and social worker about this. We start filming again in three days, don't you think it would be a bit suspicious if we don't warn them about a child in the picture", Stefania "I'm not sure yet, I know we start filming again soon but if her dad finds out he'll come for us", Danielle "you may be right, do you want me to let Shonda know", Stefania "yes that would be very helpful", Danielle "it's almost midnight, should we get to bed", Stefania "yeah, you could wear one of my shirts", Danielle "thanks", after the two of us changed we got to bed. Stefania "do you have a specific side of the bed", Danielle "no, but she should definitely be in the middle", Stefania "yeah", we climbed in bed, and instantly fell asleep. Not too long before falling asleep I posted a pic of the two of us.

I used the caption, "dinner was fun, thanks for making me smile"!

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I used the caption, "dinner was fun, thanks for making me smile"!

Author's Note:
Any ideas, not my first story on here, go check out my Maya and Carina story. Couldn't pass up writing one of Stefania and Danielle, hope you like it!

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