Episode 1: Aftershock

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*One Month after Operation Warpspeed*

"December 28, 2018"

A squadron of Eradicons flies over the ruins of Detroit, Michigan, patrolling the open skies in search of rouge Autobots or their human allies.

On the desolate city streets below, a lookout for a local resistance group scopes the scene out from the safety of an abandoned shop before giving the signal to his comrades to move out.

Assured that the coast is clear, the armed resistance members lead a group of refugees to a secret hideout across town, making sure everyone keeps their heads low and remains in the shadows.

About halfway, the leader orders everyone to halt as the sounds of jet engines are heard roaring in the distance. 

A second elite Decepticon squadron passes overhead, scanning the area while a convoy of Vehicons, in vehicle mode, patrol the streets. 

After what seems like an eternity, the patrol passes, and the resistance group proceeds.

However, an elderly refuge in the group falls to his knees, clutching his chest as he struggles to catch his breath.

Mrs. Belle: William!

The resistance group stops in their tracks while the captain goes to check on the elderly couple.

Mr. Belle: Can't breathe...need...inhaler!

The captain helps the man to his feet. 

Resistance Captain: We're just down the street from base, sir! Just hang in there a little...

Resistance Soldier: CAPTAIN, WE'VE GOT COMPANY!!!

Everyone looks up to see a trio of Eradicons descending from above and transforming, landing on the streets below with an earth-shattering thud as they deploy their blasters.

Eradicon: You're not going anywhere, anytime soon, humans! Surrender now or be eradicated!

The Eradicons charge up their weapons, preparing to open fire as the humans look on helplessly and tremble in fear.


"The Nemesis"

The doors slide open as Starscream enters the bridge and approaches Soundwave, who's busy monitoring global activity. 

Starscream: It's been over a month since the destruction of Project Nexus, a product of our unbridled genius and engineering, reduced to atoms in mere moments by those accursed Autobots and their human pets! Oh, and speaking of...

Starscream steps up and presses a button on a nearby terminal, bringing up all four high-ranking Decepticon officers.

Starscream: Report!

Barricade: ::No signs of any Autobot activity in my sector, my liege!::

Blackout: ::None on mine either.::

Blitzwing (Icy): ::Our squadrons have been patrolling the skies over Michigan for days on end. Unfortunately, we have nothing of the Autobots, aside from their former base. However, you'll be pleased to know that any and all forms of resistance within this region have been thwarted, and all humans associated with said group are being transported to a secure facility to await due punishment.::

Starscream: Continue monitoring the area, and report all findings to me directly!

::Yes, Lord Starscream!:::

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