Episode 5: Operation Firestorm: Part 3

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"5:15 P.M"

Thousands of feet in the air, Optimus Prime soars through the open skies when he suddenly receives an emergency call over his comm-link. 

*Blaster Shots*


Prowl: *Static* ::Optimus...we're outnumbered...need assistance...NOW!::

Optimus Prime: Hang in there, lieutenant! I am on my way!

Optimus activates his jetpack's boost as he blasts off and makes a beeline straight for Detroit, breaking the sound barrier in the process. 

Meanwhile, on the ground, Lockdown steps out of The Gunrunner and looks towards the skies, activating his Battlemask as it uses its built-in targeting systems to lock onto Optimus Prime. 

Lockdown then proceeds to deploy anchors into the ground from his feet as the parts in his face begin to shift and shape, forming into a large gun.

With his Armored Head Shotgun deployed and his target in sight, Lockdown opens fire, setting off a shockwave that jolts the nearby surroundings as a high-explosive shell is launched. 

The shell soars through the and makes a  direct impact with its target, taking out Optimus's jetpack as he's sent hurdling towards the ground at high speed.

Lockdown: Bullseye!

Lockdown transforms into his sleek new Alt. Mode: an all black Lamborghini Aventador, before descending from the hill and speeding off in the direction of the crash site. 

At the crash site, Optimus Prime emerges from a smoldering crater, groaning as he holds his throbbing head before detaching the mangled remains of his former jetpack. 

Suddenly, the sounds of a roaring car engine is heard as the Autobot leader turns to his left and sees a sports car rolling up on him.

The car drifts and grinds to a screeching halt before pulling off an impressive transformation as Lockdown, now fully upgraded, reveals himself. 

Lockdown: Ah, Optimus Prime! Fancy seeing you here in these parts...alone!

Optimus Prime: Lockdown, now is not the time! Billions upon billions of lives are in jeopardy as we speak! You may not care about them, but I do! We will talk again soon.

Lockdown: How about right here and right now? Just you and me!

Optimus Prime: Even as a Prime, my patience has its limits. I suggest you stand down. Immediately.

Lockdown: Heh. Y'know, as an opportunist, any opportunity that presents itself, I take it, and right now, there's probably a whole heap of credits on the line with my name of it! Could imagine how much that little trinket in your spark chamber would be worth on the market? Better yet, imagine the look on everyone's faces when I not only have your head but also the Matrix of Leadership, the reliquary containing the knowledge of The Thirteen mounted on the wall in my Trophy Room. 

Optimus Prime: I'm afraid you leave me with no other choice. 

Optimus activates his Battlemask and draws his trusty Energon Axe and Shield.

Lockdown: Now we're talking! I've been itching for a chance to test this new body of mine, and who'd be a better test subject than you, Optimus Prime?

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