Episode 3: Operation Firestorm

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"11:30 A.M"

The revered Autobot ship, "The Jackhammer", soars through the open skies as it carries The Wreckers to their mission.

Their objective: Locate and destroy the Decepticons' main base of operations.

"11:45 A.M"

The Jackhammer lands in a dense wooded area and opens its backdoor, allowing Ironhide, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack to hop out.

Wheeljack pulls out a remote and activates his ship's new cloaking technology, hiding it from plain view as it blends in with its environment. 

Wheeljack: Neat.

Ironhide: Let's move!

The Wreckers transform and proceed down a dirt path in the middle of the forest.

"11:55 A.M"

The Wreckers arrive at a nearby drainage pipe and transform.

Bulkhead: How do we get in?

Wheeljack: I'll go.

Ironhide: We'll be waiting. Stick to the shadows and maintain radio silence until you reach the control room!

Wheeljack: Gotcha! I'll see you boys on the other side!

Wheeljack transforms into his sleek vehicle mode and drives off down the long path to the objective inside the pipe.

Meanwhile, Ironhide and Bulkhead eye the large radar facility towering in the distance.

"12:00 P.M"

At the heavily guarded facility, armed Vehicon troopers patrol the area.

In the control room, the Decepticon second-in-command, Blitzwing, stands before a set of monitors, overseeing all  Decepticon operations within the region.

In the bathroom, two Vehicons go on break and take a brief moment to relieve themselves after a long shift.

Gary: How's your day?

Steve: Long. Tiresome. Stressful. You?

Gary: More or less the same. Only difference is that I have an early leave today!

Steve: Lucky son of a glitch.

Gary: When's yours?

Steve: Not soon enough! That's for sure!

As the two co-workers chat, Wheeljack sneaks in through a grate on the floor.

Steve: I mean seriously! Even with all this security and technology, it's like they think an Autobot is just gonna waltz in all willy-nilly like they own the place!

"In this day and age, you never know."

Gary: Got that right...wait a minute!

The Vehicons look at each other and look down at Wheeljack before looking back and forth in confusion. 

Wheeljack: Oh, and you might wanna get those moles checked out too!

As the urinal flushes, Wheeljack heads out, leaving the Vehicon to stare at each other.

Steve: So...are we just gonna...

Gary: Eh, I'm not paid enough to care.

Steve: But...

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