Episode 4: Operation Firestorm: Part 2

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"The Nemesis"

An incoming transmission comes in as Starscream enters the bridge and answers it.

Starscream: Report!

Swindle: ::I've got some good news! Remember those new Vehicon variants we talked about? The first batch is complete and ready for action!::

Starscream: Excellent. A field test is in store, and I know the perfect subjects to test the might of my new armada! Ready them for deployment at once!

Swindle: ::Righty-o!::

Swindle signs off.


"2:00 P.M"

In the old, abandoned ruins of the older portion of the city, several armed Vehicon troopers are on stand-by as they see to the transport of hundreds of human P.O.W.S as they're led into an underground metro station, which now serves as a makeshift prison.

Amongst the human prisoners, are two of the Autobots' human allies: Agent Simmons and Diego, who are in disguise.

Inside the prison, humans are loaded into large glass jars by the dozens and mechanically hoisted into air via crane.

As they await imprisonment, Agent Simmons scopes the scene out while Diego slips his hands into his hoodie and activates a signal.

Vehicon Trooper: MOVE!

The next batch of humans are loaded up and hoisted into the air while the squad leader in charge goes over the basics.

Vehicon Squad Leader: Listen and listen closely, humans! During your stay here, you'll be carrying out manual labor eight hours a day, and four days a work. For those new here, you'll start tonight at 7. No exceptions. You don't work, you don't eat! Start any trouble, and...

Suddenly, a loud metallic thud echoes throughout the halls of the prison as the squad leader turns to his men.

Vehicon Squad Leader: Find out what that is!

The troopers deploy their blasters and head out to investigate the source of the disturbance. 

Down the hallway, a hand phases from underneath the floor and pulls an unsuspecting trooper down, catching the others by full surprise. 

A second is snatched up while a third and fourth are entangled by chains and pulled into the shadows where they receive a massive beatdown.

Back in the holding area, the squad leader and his two remaining troops ready themselves for battle, only to be suddenly ambushed as Arcee drops down from the ceiling. 

She beheads the two troopers with her Arm Blades and finishes the squad leader off with a straight shot through the spark.

Once the coast is clear, she then heads over to the control panel and frees all the prisoners, who look around in confusion. 

It's here where Agent Simmons and Diego shed their disguises.

Agent Simmons: Listen up, people! I'm special Agent Simmons, and I'm to escort you all to evac outside of city limits!

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