Birthday Spanking Engagement Part 1

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Birthday Spanking Engagement Part One

Patty and Mark have been dating for 17 months. Patty made a commitment to her dad at 14 before he died to save herself and not fool around until she got married. Her mom was always overly controlling and she remarried twice since her dad died. Both times were because she never respected them, she was bitchy and controlling. Patty realized this as she grew up and watched how much turmoil, arguments and fights she had to listen too. Her mom was just a controlling person and had a need to control everything and ended up pushing all the guys she got involved with away.

Patty moved out the second she was 18. She was working her way through college for nutrition as a aerobatic instructor and fitness training at the local gymnasium. She began reading books about relationships because she didn’t want to go through what she saw her mom go through with men. She read books on personality and how to have a good relationship. Like “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” etc. As she was reading more and more, she discovered her mom had a lot of codependent issues and did know how to treat men. She learned that even her dad was a wimp and just capitulated to just about everything her mom said. She actually had to morn inside because she saw it for what it was and that she never wanted go through broken marriage. All the books she read told her that one of men's primary social need is respect.

As she was surfing the web one day she came across a site called domestic discipline. The more she read the more she was enthralled. She than started reading more and more from all the sites she could. She decided that she wanted to try it. She tried with a few boyfriends but they had to accept the fact she wasn’t going to fool around and only spank her over her cloths. She was in one for about two years and it ended because he moved to Australia for a internship grant for his degree specialty. However, she learned all kinds of things about herself. She was a spanko, she had a high pain tolerance and she definitely wanted to explore all kinds of spankings, maintenance, corrective, erotic (sexual release even though it was only over her cloths) and even real ones. However she also wanted to experience a really hard one for and cathartic therapeutic emotional release, ones that made her sob out of control but decided to save that experience for her future husband since she was getting no where with boyfriends. She so afraid to talk guys into without feel like she was a freak. She wanted to know what it felt like to feel the bonding that can happen after the real emotional release and discipline ones. She knew though it would be hard to relinquish control accept it, but from what she read they were all worth it. She learned all about different implements and how some of them felt. Others she read about online. The closest thing she got to bare butt one she got from one of her boyfriends over her bikki swim suit after she lost her tempter. She came to the frightening realization that she was head strong like her mother and she had a temper. She was a very driven person and hated the idea of being controlling like her mother. She was determined that she didn’t want to have broken relationships.

She determined in her heart that her first bare butt spanking would be from her husband who she was also saving herself for. She broke up with a few boyfriends because of that issues. Because all they wanted was sex. She was closing herself up inside about it. She resolved inside that she wouldn’t bring it up, admit it or expose this part of her life until she was ready get engaged and hope he wouldn’t freak out too much. This bring her back to Mark. She was 23 almost 24 now and knew she loved him.

Mark was a highly intelligence, self-motivated who finished his degree in business with a specialty in investments and stocks and a minored in mathematics. He was a natural math wiz. He could do math in his head pretty quick. He weight lifted and jogged all the time.

They had a lot in common, they both liked country music, wearing cowboy boots (expect when running), western leather belts with cowboy buckles and hats. There were times he ware business attire and thin office belts too at work. He was a full 6 feet talk with blond hair and in great shape. He was always so respectful of her boundaries and never pressures her about sex or removing any of her cloths. Although, she knew he liked seeing her in a bikki when they went swimming down at the lake with her friends. She had a few fusses with him over the 17 month of dating but they worked it out. He was a gentle giant and wouldn’t hurt a fly. But she saw he could be assertive sometimes and didn’t always back down when he really felt he was right. They both enjoyed horseback riding also, which was one of things they did a lot at her grandmother place.

She was 5' 2” and she was of course was in great shape like he was; she was slender and thin, weighing only 115lb.  She was in no doubt in love with him but never opened up to him that she was a spanko. She knew she had too but was really concerned he would freak out and break up with her.

At the time she was house sitting for her grandmother house and taking care of the cat and the horses which she partially owned. Her grandmother gave her the houses for her 20th birthday a few years back. The house was on about 10 aches of land and there only two buildings, the house and a good size barn to store the hay and wood. It was about 20 miles out of town. Her grandmother was visiting her second cousin in California for about 3 months.

Her birthday was coming up and a mutual girl friend of her tipped her off about what Mark was planning to do. He showed her girlfriend the full carrot diamond ring, he was going to ask her to marry him on her birthday. Well, she knew that she had to tell him and resolved it in her heart to tell him. She devised plan to tell him. Hopefully before or after he proposed her. She was scared to death that he might feel she was a freak. She went to jewelry store and got a really nice men’s webbing band with four square cut diamonds in it that she charge to her credit card. Her birthday was a week away and her mom planned a fairly big party at her place. She let her mom throw it because it just wasn’t worth fussing with her over it, she knew her mom was just being controlling.

It was a day before her birthday and finally met after they both got off work and met at the local coffee shop at there usual table outside furthest away from everyone else.

T9 be continued. . . .

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