Birthday Spanking Engagement Part 4

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Birthday Spanking Engagement Part 4

She got off him, and they both stood up. She gently took his wrist and led him over to the chair, and motioned for him to sit down. She then sat on his lap and put her arms around his neck.

Now, I want to talk to you about this first set, alright? She asked as she was getting all turned on.

Sure, my love, what do I need to know? He queried.

I am asking for it, and as the song says, it was “my party and I'll cry if I want. You would cry too if it happened to you.” She said as she sang the tune with a cute look and cocked her head from side to side.

He chuckled pretty hard, and they both started laughing.

OK, now that was funny. She replied.

After they stopped laughing, she kissed him again.

Ok, tell me something. She said.

What? He queried.

Can you describe in detail what fireworks were like a few weeks ago at the city wide 4th of July gathering?

Well, we arrived at 5pm and got the best place to park on top of the hill and. . .

No, no, describe in detail the actual fireworks show was like.

Oh, well, it started off with little ones and then a series of smaller ones right after another in all kinds of colors. Sometimes, there were a bunch of small ones at the same time. Then out of nowhere there was a big one and a few big ones at the same time. It was random like that throughout the whole show.

And how did it end.

With a grand finally with lots of big and small ones all at the same time for at least a few minutes or so. Why do you ask, you were there you saw the same thing.

You really don’t get where I'm going with this, do you?

No, I guess I don’t. He said in a questionable tone.

Mark, I love you, and you are so vanilla, I sure hope you.

He interrupted her.

Vanilla, what does that mean, are you. . .

She slipped her fingers on his lips again.

Darling, it's OK. it does mean much. But a hand spanking is a lot like a fireworks show. It starts off by one or two, then a few harder and quick ones and suddenly a few hard ones and it's random throughout. You need to keep me guessing, give me 10 or 20 really quick, then slow down, and make sure you cover my entire bottom. Then there is the grand finally, say the last 30 or 50 or so really hard and fast. It's like the last few as a closure, and you are making the final point. A good hand spanking a like that, it a warm up to what coming afterward.

He gave her a strange look of confusion.

A warm up, I wouldn’t call a hundred and thirty-three swats a warm up. He said emphatically.

Mark, you're going to realize this tonight, but I have a very high pain tolerance, and you won’t be able to cry until you use something other than your hand.

Patty, why does this birthday spanking have to make you cry? He queried

She gently put her hands on his face and motioned for him to make eye contact.

Mark, baby, it's not just a mere birthday spanking per say, it’s a real spanking for my birthday, remember?. A spanking isn't real unless it makes you cry. It is supposed to hurt. Besides, we are starting with a hand spanking so that you, too, will get comfortable and more confident about it. It will also show you that I am truly am serious about this, so are you still going to be willing to follow through with this for me?

Of course, you made me promise, and while I'm still feeling uncomfortable with it, you're asking it, literally.

One last thing, once the spankings starts you are in complete control, you have to be. No matter how much I may fuss, or start asking for you to stop or even beg you to stop, I don’t want you to stop until you're done. I'm going to naturally be reacting to the spanking, especially when it starts to hurt. You can’t listen to my request to stop. I'm expecting you to man up and keep going no matter what I may yell out. The only exception is one word. If I yell out pineapple three times in a row, then you stop. That will be my stop word. But I assure you I won’t use it.

OK, your stop word is pineapple three times, right? Other than that word, I keep going? Now that’s the first thing I heard that makes me feel a little more comfortable about all this, Patty. He said with a little more confidence.

And even if I do yell out my stop word or what they call a safe word, I will tell you if I want to continue or not and it doesn’t mean you did anything wrong, OK?

Who are “they” when you said “they” call it a safe word, I don’t understand? He questioned.

I'll explain everything later, for now will you just trust me, okay?

Letting out a sigh of confusion as he was shaking his head.

OK, I'll trust you. Your word is pineapple three times.

Do you understand now what a warm-up hand spanking is, and are you ready to get started?

He gave her a light tap on her thigh.

Ok, you want to get over my knee? He said with a little skepticism.

She stood up and turned around and laid herself over his lap. He placed his hand on her bottom.

Are you ready?

Yes, sir.

He started spanking her softly at first. After about ten or so, he gave her a few firm smacks, and she didn’t even react. He then decided to give her ten really hard ones fairly quickly. Feeling more confident, he began spanking a little harder. He slowed down again until he got the third two swats and started again with another set of then firm and fast. By the fourth smack that set, she clenched up and started wigging. He thought it was because of the swats, but all of sudden, she farted really load.

When she did, he gently rolled her off his lap.

Ohhhhh, Patty, what the . .

As soon as she hit the floor, she was laughing hysterically, trying so hard to apologize in between laughing. He, too, began laughing so hard he was holding his gut. She was rolling around and couldn’t stop laughing. Just when they were settling down, she pointed his finger at him and said

You spanked the fart out of me.

Then started laughing hysterically again. He was laughing so hard he fell to the ground too. They just laughed and laughed for like a good twenty minutes or so. She finally crawled over to him and gently put her hands on his face and gave him a quick kiss.

Mark, I am so sorry, I really didn’t mean to do that. She said in such embarrassment l.

Still laughing some, he stood up and helped back to her feet. He sat back down and pulled her to sit down again in his lap. She did and just barred her face into his shoulder, still laughing a little.

I really am sorry, Mark.

He put both arms around her and held close.

It's Ok, but we have to get ourselves together if you really want to do this, OK.

He just held her for a good 5 minutes or so. She finally sat up and gave him another kiss.

Shall we try this again?

Yes, and this time without the farting, OK?

Yes, sir.

Ok, get back over my lap.

She got up and laid back over.

He stated, spanking her again. He got ten to twelve swats into it when she spoke loudly.

Pineapple, pineapple, pineapple!

He stopped immediately.

Are you OK?

Yes, yes, I'm fine. Can you let me up.

He let her up, and she was rubbing her bottom a little but not because it hurt.

What’s wrong.

This isn't right, you're my fiancé, you deserve more trust than this.

With a confused look.

More trust than what?

She leaned over and kissed him for a second.

You're really going to follow through with this aren’t you, I mean, all the way, you're really going to give me a real spanking for my birthday just the way I asked you, ah?

I have every intention, too, unless you call quits. I'm going to keep my promise, yes. I won’t do anything more than what you asked me to do, though.

She took a deep breath and sat down on his lap for a moment.

Mark, you trust me with all your heart don’t you?
He was rubbing her back a little.

Of course I do, I trust you explicitly.

Then, I should, too.

I'm sure you do too, my love. I feel you do. You're trusting me enough to ask me for a real spanking. He said with a questionable look in his face.

You really aren’t going to hold back tonight, are you?

No, not unless you tell me otherwise, I am going follow through with exactly what you asked. Do we have a problem? He queried in a concerning tone.

No, no, it's not with you. it's with me.

She kind of hopped off his lap and stood next to him again. She held out her hand in front of her so she could admire her ring again. She took a deep breath.

This ring means complete trust don’t you think?

Absolutely, I wouldn’t have given it to you if I didn’t think or feel I could trust with my life.

She swallowed hard, let out a deep sign.

Ok, we can start again, but we start all over.

Patty, there is no need to start over you already got. .

She interrupted him.

Yes, we need to start over again but do it properly this time. If I'm going to let you do this, and I am, as my future husband, I have to let you have the right to do the right way.

What do you mean properly what’s the right way?

She did even answer him as she began slowly undoing her belt. She got the flap pulled from her belt loop when he realized what she was doing. He quickly put his hands on her, and they made eye contact.

Mark, if I'm going to trust you with my heart, I might as well trust you holistically with my butt too. She said.

She placed her hand on his and gently moved it off, and she turned her butt towards him. She moved his hand to touch her lower bottom and upper thighs with his hand.

You can spank me from here to here on both sides. She said, as she moved his hand to touch the top of her behind to half way down her thigh. Now, I believe and trust in you more now than ever before. I know you won’t try anything else.

She turned back around facing him. And she continued.

I am going to show you how serious I am about this, because there’s a real reason why I want this. I know it's late, and I want this to happen.

She gently moved his hand off hers and said.

I know you're not going to hold back, so I going to show you I'm not going to hold back either. If I'm going to take a real spanking for my birthday, then it should be on the bottom of the birthday girl.

She pulled the lip of the belt to the right and got it unlatched, and started to pull the belt free from the buckle.

With a serious look on his face. He interrupted Her.

You don’t have to do that, I wasn’t evening going to suggest it. You don’t have to remove anything. Remember that was one of the boundaries you set up when we started dating. I respected that, and I still do.

She pulled her belt complete free now from the buckle.

I'm not removing anything, and I have always respected you for accepting those boundaries. But I accepted this ring freely and with my whole heart, and that changes things. You have earned and deserve not only my unconditional trust. You don’t know why I've asked you to spank me like this but you will afterward. I promise. She said with resolve.

But I don’t have a spank you like this to keep my promise to you. He said with a questionable tone.

She leaned over and kissed him ever so gently.

Oh Mark, you don’t understand this now, but believe me when I say this, I need it to be this way, I need to do it this all the way, I need to completely surrendered to you inside me. So please don’t stop me. Beside its better if you see what you're doing. Especially when you paddle me  with that backscratcher.

She held up her ring and looked at and gazed back, and made eye contact as she continued.

So please don’t let me hold back from you either. As far as I'm concerned, this ring granted you the right as my future husband to do it this way. Can we commit together right here and right now to not hold back?

OK, we won’t hold back. You really are serious about this, and if you go in all the way like this, then I will go in all the way as you want me to. But it's not necessary for you to do what I think you're going to do. He said in a serious tone.

She leaned over and gave him a long, passionate kiss.

Yes, it is necessary for me, it is. I feel wholeheartedly and so strong about it, we start over and you I want you to do this properly, alright! She said emphatically.

Alright, we can start over.  He said.

With that, she unsnapped her jeans and slowly pushed her zipper down. She looked at him and looked back at her ring. He began turning his head so she wouldn’t be so embarrassed. She gently reached out both fingers on his chin and turned his head back toward her.

Mark, it’s ok, you shouldn’t look away, your my fiancé, I just hope you. . .

Oh, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, Patty. Are you sure you want it this way? He said as he interrupted her.

Thank you, Mark. Absolutely, it has to be this way, I would prefer it to ve this way, I feel I need it to be 5h8s way..

She said as she hooked the inside of her jeans with her thumbs. Then she stopped and looked at him.

I love you Mark, will you order me to do it?

Do you want me to? He queried.

She swallowed hard and exhaled deeply.

Yes, I would like you too, please? Part of me wants you. It just would feel right if you did. She asked in a submissive tone.

Ok! Patty. . . He paused for a few seconds . . . Take’em down! And if you're going to do it, then push them down all the way.

Yes sir!

To be continued.

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