Birthday Spanking Engagement Part 2

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Birthday Spanking Engagement Part Two

It was a day before her birthday and finally met after they both got off work and met at the local coffee shop at there usual table outside furthest away from everyone else.

Mark, I want to have some special secluded time with you tomorrow after my party.

You know funny you say that because so do I. Now, I know tomorrow is Saturday and I do have take my cousin to the airport in the morning but will be on time to the party at your mom's place at noon. But since the party is ends about 3, I wanted to take you on a special birthday surprise at the lake for few hours.

Only for a few hours? Because I need to get back to grandmother place to take care of somethings. I was hoping to have our own little late picnic.

Ok, we go to the lake for a few hours and than go your grandmother place. Is she still out of town?

Yes, she won’t be back for a few months. But I want a special birthday request from you. No it won't cost you a dime, and no its not sex either, but we have to be alone. But that’s why I want to my grandmother place, we have an extra bedroom too if you want to spend the night?

I wasn't thinking sex, I have already resolved to respect your boundaries about that, but what’s the special request? He queried.

I don’t want to spoil it, besides is very personal and intimate for me, I just want you to have an open mind and not feel I'm some sort of freak. She said in a serious tone.

I could never think you’re a freak, I know you have a lot of traditional values and we share those too but what is it your going request of me that’s so intimate? He inquired.

She placed her hand on his.

I rather not say until than. In fact, I don’t want to tell you until than.

There was silence for a second, she sat back and started drinking her coffee again.

So what are we going to do at the lake, we can't swim that late, the party doesn’t end until 3 and by the time we get the lake it be after 4 and there's no swimming after 5?

I have a special birthday surprise for you and I too don’t want to say anything. He said with a smile.

Although, she knew, she didn’t want to steel his thunder or ruin anything he had planned. She was just hoping that he still wanted to marry her after she revealed to him about herself.

Well, it’s a good thing the lake is only about 15 minutes from the my grandmother place.

Early that morning she rose and got everything all ready before going to her mom’s house for the party.  She arrived about 11am. When he arrived at the party in his regular cloths boots, hat etc. They had a great party and she had 16 friends show up. They had a great party, she got some nice gift cards and other cool things including and new I-tablet from her mom. After all of it was all over and everyone left. Mark came to her.

Patty, why don’t we drop your car off at your grandmother place since we are going back there after we’re done at the lake?

Yes sir, no problem.

He has never heard her say “yes sir” that caught him off guard, nor did he know what to think. They dropped her car off and she got into his truck. They drove over to where the docks were and all the boats.

Why are we over where all the boats are? She queried with curiosity .

A friend of mine lent me his boat for the evening and we are going on a boat ride.

She clapped her hands together in excitement

Yah, I love boat rides.

Now, did you realize that this is your golden birthday, you turned 24 on the 24th?

No, I didn’t, that’s really a thing?

And you deserve a golden birthday present. He hinted at her.

In the back of her mind she caught the hint of the “golden” gift with gold engagement ring he was going to propose with.  But she didn’t want to show her hand. Her heart was fluttering and almost started crying tears of joy knowing what he was going to do and couldn’t wait to see it.

They got into the boat put their life jackets on and he started the boat. He took her the middle of the lake. He dropped anchor and gently took my hand and led me to the middle of the boat. They sat down on the two center seats. She started breathing a little heavier and getting misty eyed. She felt a flood of emotions swell up inside her as he made direct eye contact.

Patty, we been together now almost two years now. There is absolutely no one I'd rather be with, and I love you more and more everyday.

The sun was ready to go down but still light.  It beamed off shimmering of the still waters. He got down on one knee as he gently took my hand. He slowly pulled out a small ring box out.

Patty will you marry me and be with me for the rest of our lives? He asked with misty eyes and heart racing.

He opened the box and all she could say was. . .

Whoa! Oh my gosh!

It was a full carrot marquie diamond ring with a row of other diamonds going down each side set in yellow gold. It was so huge.

She fell silence for a moment. It actually froze her up as she was crying with joy and just couldn’t believe how big the diamond was and how he could've afforded something like that. It took her a moment to come to her senses as she looked back up to him. As serious as she could and tears of joy coming down her face.

I have a question for you Mark before I answer you?

He got a nervous and concern look on his face as he swallowed hard.

What? He queried with a concerning tone.

Will commit to do everything in your power and be willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure I don’t walk all over you? Will you help me give you the respect you deserve as the head of our home as we live together as a team and work together in life? And be faithfully to only me?

Mark had a look of bewilderment and with confidence he answered.

Of course I will

She leaned over and gently gave him a long passionate kiss. She was now tearing up.

Yes, Mark, I will Mary you!

With a big sigh of relief he took the ring and slide it on her finger. And made eye contact with him again.

As my future husband to be I would like you to promise with same resolve to grant my request, that I'm going to asked you to do night, no matter now weird and uncomfortable it maybe for you? Its connected to what I asked you before I said yes. Consider it your first official act as my fiancé.

What would you like me to do for you?

I don’t want to tell you until we get back to the house but I want your promise no matter what it is or how strange it may sound, you'll do it. Its extremely important to me and I want you to promise me, here and now, to follow through with my only request. Afterwards, it will be completely up to you. I promise, after its all done, I will explain everything to you. Consider it as your first official act as being the head of our relationship.

With a strange look in his face he just sat there for a moment.

Mark, I promise in the end, I truly believe it will provide you and me a lot more security as we start this new chapter in our lives.

Letting out a deep breath.

Ok, I'm not sure what your going to ask me but I promise.

Now you gave your word, you promise no matter how you feel about it at first. I promise, it’s the only thing I will ever insist on that you follow through with. I have your promise now right? Its going to most likely sound very strange at first. I also promise you that its will create a special kind of bonding that you couldn’t possible comprehend at first. I know it will make our honeymoon that much more special on our first night together, also.

He saw how important it was to her and how serious she was about it. He looked directly into her eyes and gently took her hand.

I can see how important this is to you and I promise, no matter what it I will follow through with it.

She threw herself in his in his arms, almost knocking him over into the boat.

Thank you Mark, can you just hold me close for a while? She asked.

He embraced her and held her close as they just drifted there on a boat in the middle of the lake. He just held her for at least a good ten minutes or so. He was wondering what on earth could she possible want her to do. He fired up the engine again got back shore and secured the boat again. They got back in the truck and head back the house. He was driving.

So picnic ah? How long is this little request going to take, honey?

That was the first time he called her honey. She felt so special and afraid at the sometime because she didn’t know how he was going to respond to the idea. But she had to know inside if he could and would actually do it. As she was still admiring her beautiful ring, she still couldn't believe how big the diamond was as it sparkled in the what was left of the sun light. As she thought about the answer.

How long is this going take anyways. I brought a overnight bag just in case.

Well, oh about 2 maybe 3 hours. She said just admiring her ring.

And your not going to give me any hint? He queried.

She gently placed her hand on his leg.

Mark do you trust me, I mean really trust me? In inquired with all sincerity.

Of course, I trust you with my woman, I love you Patty.

Well, your going to learn just how much I love and trust you. But you have to really believe in what I'm about to ask you to do is what I firmly believe is going to benefit us.

Not really knowing what he was in for but he knew it was important to her.

I believe you honey, I believe you.

Trying to change the subject now.

Hey, on another note, would you be willing to read some relationship books so we can learn more about how to have a better relationship?

I'd be happy too, I am 100% committed to you, you know that?

They arrived at her place and it was starting to get dark. They got out of the truck.

Mark, I arranged everything in the barn, I'm going to the house and I'll be right there about 10 minutes. You can turn on the lights you can’t miss it.

Yeah, I remember where they are, I wait for you there.

Mark walked in the barn. It was huge and very spacious. It had the two horses fences off in the back but in the middle on the ground were 2 comforters. One was all laid out like blanket on the ground so they can sit on and the other was all folded up nice and neat and one dinning room armless chair from the house. There was also three large pillows. He didn’t know what to make of it but he sat down on the comforter and waited. It was summer with cool evening breeze. The sun was going down but the flood lights lite up the entire barn really bright, as if it were day time.  She returned with a fairly good size basket. She sat down and pulled out ready made could cuts and some wine with two wine classes. While they were eating they talked about the party and how happy she and how perfect it was the way he proposed to her. They started talked possible wedding dates another things while they ate. After about 2 hour had passed and it was dark and you could here the crickets chipping. Finally Mark stopped her.

So, Patty, you going to tell me what it is you want me to do for you?

To be continue. . .

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