Birthday Spanking Engagement Part 7

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Birthday Spanking Engagement Part 7

They both got up and went in the house. He put his things in the guest room and they met at the dining table where she set up her laptop.

For the next few hours she explained how she was a spanko. Told him about her past, explained the benefits and her history and how she really wanted experience a therapeutic emotional release spanking. They went through several webs sites about domestic disciple. She taught him all the lingual and explain how she well she would most likely respond to it. They went through all the different types of spankings as described in the different web sites. She explained all about what she self discovered about basic needs of men and women in all the relationship books. How men need respect and women need security on all levels. This was all new to him. He connect why she called him vanilla and why she asked him to do all this.

Mark, remember the question I asked you before saying yes that I would marry you? Patty asked.
Yes, you said that you wanted me to do everything in my power to make sure I don’t let you walk all over me or be disrespectful towards me.

Exactly! Well, you know, I can be head strong, stubborn and even driven. What you may not know is that I watched my mom go through 3 marriages. She ruined everyone because she is a control freak and doesn’t really have a clue about men and their needs. She is literally a bitch towards all men. I am absolutely determined not to go through a broken marriage and I don’t want to be disrespectful towards you. I know theirs is a part of my mom inside me that can do that and that scares me. Domestic disciple is my way of empowering you to help me not to be bitchy towards you and ruin our relationship. I'd rather have a fire in my behind now and than, than to have a fire of regret in my heart, knowing that its within me to push you away. Now, I'm not making any conditions here. I meant what I said when I accepted this ring from you. But that’s why I asked you the question before I said yes. What I am essentially asking you is would you be willing to try this as a means to help me not repeat the cycle of my mom and help me be respectful and obedient to you, not only as your fiancé but as your wife?

He was always pretty bright and connected the dots pretty quickly.

You used the excuse of a birthday spanking to see if I could bring myself to follow through and see if you could allow yourself to submit to it, right? He asked in a half sarcastic tone.

Yes, that’s partially why. It was also the perfect opportunity to take the risk and share this secrete part of my life to you. I was hoping I could do so before you asked me to marry you, in case you felt I was some sort of kinky freak or something, so I had to plan it quickly.

Wait a minute, you knew I was going to ask you to marry you did you?

There was silence for a moment.

Yes, I did, Jessica told me. I was really afraid you would break it off with once you realized I was a little weird. So I wanted to do this, I was just so afraid because I'm not talking about anything close to 50 Shades of Grey or anything, its just about domestic disciple and I knew you may feel like I am a. .

He interrupted her and put his finger on her lips this time.

Shuuuuuuu, Patty, I love you and you could’ve just came right out with this to me instead of going through all the mind games of a birthday spanking and keep me in the dark about all this. Now, I admit, it’s a little strange and I always knew you kept your emotions inside you and now I know why. You don't want to end like your mom and since your role model was to be disrespectful towards men you came up with as a solutions, I get that. I didn’t realized you like spanking that much too either. But my offer still stands, I'm not backing out on this just because things got a little weird as you say it. All it means is, we have to adjust and overcome. I didn’t give that ring to you conditionally, I meant it. So if this is what you need than we can try it provisionally.

Provisionally? She queried.
Yeah, meaning if we see its not working or you don’t need it anymore, we can always reexamine it later. We also have to talk through this too. Because I liked some of the basic things I saw on that one site you had, like the four D's of disciple: Disrespect, disobedience, danger and defiance. Maybe we can use that as a starting point. But whatever we decide we need to make are sure we have everything spelled out before hand. If we decide a disciple spanking is necessary, I don’t want this to become an abusive thing, nor just something you feel is strong arming into to doing something just because I can. Now unless I know it’s the right course of actions and you work against it. I don’t want to be a tyrant or a bully about this either. He said emphatically.

Well, you would have the final say, and I trust you with all my heart and that mean I trust with my derriere too. Ultimately, its still falls to me to submit to or not. But, yes, I can work within a structure and it would be good have everything worked out also. She said.

Now do you still really want to go through with it in the morning, now that the cat is out of the bag. He asked.

She got up and gently took his hand to lead him over to the couch. He sat down and she sat in his lap. She put her arms around him and gave him a long passionate kiss.

Absolutely, I want to finish what we started especially now that I know you don’t feel I'm a freak. She said

No, I don’t think you’re a freak, it’s a little strange but I understand your are wanting to do to avoid following in your moms tracks but not a freak. Now you know, now that I know what’s going on, if I follow tomorrow morning, I'm not going to hold back at all anymore, right?

She swallowed hard.

Yes sir. In fact, I don’t want you too either, a belt is suppose to be hard and yes, I expect I will be sobbing when its over. I want to be taken way past my tolerance and experience that emotional release towards you. Like I said before, I've been waiting for you. You’re the first and only one that has ever spanked me bare bottom and you are the only I trust to help get to that point of absolute sobbing and be vulnerable to.

OK, well do it. Well, I have something to reveal to you too now. But I need to ask you a few questions.

Sure, what’s up? She asked.

Can you bring me your purse and wallet?

She felt a little apprehensive about it because she had a feeling where this was going.

Yes sir!

She got brought it to him.

Pull out all your credit cards and tell me all other places where you have a open line a credit.

Now she was feeling nervous.

Oooooo, can’t we do this another time besides. . .

It will only take a few minutes. I promise. He exclaimed.

Oooooo, yes sir.

She pulled a Master Card, a Visa Card and a Discover and told him four other departments store where she had a lines of credit all just about maxed out.

I have good credit, I pay this minimum payments and I don’t miss any of them.

How much do you owe on each one?

well, I mean, 3 of them were maxed out but I open up another one to consolidated the 2 together.

Did you use them again after paid the off?

She put head down In silence for a moment.

Yes sir, but I can still make all the payments. I make all the payments every month and. . .

Ok, Ok, take a deep breath. Are you making your school loan payments too?

I have them on deferment so I can pay all my bills, see everything under control. She said in a nervous tone.

She suddenly felt a knot in her gut and had a bad feeling about where the conversation was headed.

How old is your car?

It’s a 2015, it still runs fairly good. What does this have to do with what you want to reveal to me, I already know you know all about business and money. That’s was your major right? She asked.

Ok, here’s what we going to do. We'll wake up at the crack of dawn like 5 or so. We’ll go on out for breakfast and on our way back we'll going to stop by your place and get all those statements and gather them together and come back here, so we can add them all up and. .  know how much they are so we can pay them all off and Monday morning. I want you to call in and take a personal day so we can do that and close them all out.

Hey, wait a minute, we just can’t. .
Patty, I really don’t want you to interrupt me here. Just hear me out, OK! Just Take a deep breath. He said.

Ooo, yes sir.

When we come back here it should be about 8 or 9 am. That’s when I'll give you’re your remaining of birthday spanking with my belt. After you get yourself together we need go get you a new car. Either tomorrow or Monday depends on what car dealers are open tomorrow.

Wait, wait a minute, how can we afford all that? She asked.

OK, here we go. He paused for a second.

Patty, when I graduate from college, I inherited a approximately quarter of a million dollars from a rich Uncle I had. Now most of it is in tied up in varies investments and varies of other things. I have almost double it since then. However, we can get things rolling in the right directions for you and put you on a budget and clear up your debts.

I never knew that you were loaded. I knew you were a private person but you don’t look like your loaded.

Well, economics 101, never live above your means and don’t blow money just because you can. Now, we'll pay off your student loans and put you on a budget as we prepare for our wedding. We'll set you on an allowance using some of your pay check. But believe when I say you will not spend more than your allowance and you will respect those boundaries. You can keep one credit card but if you spend more than 30% of your card without plausible justification, you and the backscratcher, that you love so much, are going have talk about it and I won’t be holding back with medium force either and there won’t be a specified number of swats. We’re going to have to get control of your spending habits. Now, I know you like shopping and you still can, its just going to have be on a budget for now on. The last thing is, you are to absolutely tell no one about our financial situation, understand? He said very emphatically.

She just sat there starring at him in complete shock. She didn’t know what to say. She just complete surrender to his authority and was horrified about telling him about domestic disciple and her fetish and he was holding a secrete of his own. Theory and reality now clashed inside her, she didn’t like someone telling her how to spend money and limiting how she spent it.

She has never heard him sound so authoritative before either and she could tell he was very passionate about what he was saying.

Is that understood? A budget, and allowance and one credit card with less than 30% of the credit amount used and only if you have too. There will be no more credit card spending. If you want something that cost more than your allowance, come talk to me but I will run the books in our relationship.

She had a bad feeling she was going to be meeting that bamboo a few times in course of the next few months. She swallowed hard and exhaled deeply.

Yes sir, I will, I promise.

OK, but the first thing we're going to do after your belt whuppin tomorrow morning is go looking for a brand spanking new car, something that you like and want. We'll get whatever trade in value we can get on that piece of junk. You need to be safe and have a good car to drive. Take your time, you have tomorrow and Monday to make your decision and I'll buy you whatever car you want except anything like a Hummer or something that big that you really don’t need.

She just sat there speechless.

Any car I want? She said as her eyes lit up in amazement.

Any car you want. He said.

She threw her arm around him and hugged him tightly for like a good minute.

Oh, I forgot something, I have something for you.

What? He queried.

She got up and went out to her car and came back into the house. She sat back down on his lap and opened the small box with his ring she bought.

Now you know how I bought it but, your going figure it out anyways but I personally picked it out.

He saw the row of diamonds in a man’s wedding band. She put her hands on his face so that he made eye contact with her.

I know, I already said yes but let me say it again. Yes, Mark, I will Mary you, I just know deep inside me that I want to be a good wife to you and I will do anything and accept any disciple from you to make this work. She said in all seriousness.

Patty this really nice, I really appreciate it. I really like it. Thank you.

She started crying a little from joy and snuggled up to him and laid her down on his shoulder.

It going to be hard for me to give control of my money but I know that’s what marriage means. I just know I going to get myself in trouble though but I will do my best Mark, I love you and I trust you Mark.

I love you too honey and we'll do this together and one step at a time OK?

Yes sir!

He took a deep breath while holding her and motioned her to sit up straight and started rubbing her back.

Alright, maybe I came across a little to strong about it. I'm sorry. Its just money is very important and you need to be intentional about. It doesn’t all have to happen tomorrow, after all its Sunday and hardly any places are open. So I tell you what. Why don’t we just sleep in, I take you for breakfast and start car shopping. You don’t have to make a decision tomorrow anyways. If we wait until Monday to buy it, the DMV will be open and we do everything, tax, title and license at once. That will also give you time to recuperate from this evening. First thing Monday morning say like 6 or so, we go get breakfast come back here and give you your whupin than. Afterwards we can still go by the store payoff and close the accounts and get your car.

Well, that may be better that way too because you know that 16 didn’t count you or me.

Well, I don’t count and. . .

She interrupted him.

Yes it does, in fact, yours count more than all the others and you’re the math wiz, if we add you and me 24 plus 1 to grow on how many does that leave remaining?

Without even using his fingers he said.

That 183 but that’s a lot to take with a belt especially the way you want me to apply them.

I know, I'll take them, maybe we should consider it as our official introduction to domestic discipline spanking instead of a birthday spanking. Because after midnight it will no longer be my birthday. It will be our engagement spanking. She said..
Is that what you really want to do, because that many time with my belt will leave you. . .

She finished his sentence for him.

Brusied, welted and crying. Yeah, I understand, but I think I need that cathartic sobbing release about now. I'm all wound up inside and I was being a little dramatic about tonight and I was holding back a little. She said.

You mean you didn’t get that tonight.

Oh gosh no, that was just a little crying but a compete emotional reset is when I'm bawling, sobbing and hiccup crying out of control like a kid.

And you think maybe getting 183 with the belt will get you that release.

Since it our official introduction to domestic discipline spanking, I'm going to completely surrender to you. I've been pretty wound up inside, like I said, and I will trust you to give me my first real discipline spanking as my fiancé. I don’t want any issues between us. I know I'm going to have issues at the beginning with being held accountable for how I spend my money. I just didn’t think we would be putting our money together so soon. So it can also serve as a warning too. Does that make sense? She said in a surrendering tone.

He embraced her and held her close.

Your made of good stuff Patty. I'll make you a deal?

What? She queried.

We'll do just as you suggested for Monday morning . But I'd like to also educate you about finances also. So, for every relationship book or article you want me to read, you have to read one about budgeting and finances?

Hey, now that's best idea I ever heard. I have lot of relationship book though.

Well, I even pay for a few college class for you to take about basic money management for you if your willing.

Hmmm, I be willing to do that and we can both take a few class on interpersonal communication or something.

Well, I read all the books together and we'll entertain that idea about classes later but if we can self educate ourselves without having to pay for the class that would save a lot of money. For now, lets get some sleep, OK?

She kissed him goodnight and went to bed.

To be continued. . .

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