Part 1

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Frank had showered, getting ready in their aunt's house for the wedding rehearsal. He wasn't looking forward to having to wear the embarrassing suit they'd had specially made for him with a cute floral waistcoat. His younger sister Angela wasn't any happier about the junior bridesmaid dress she was going to have to wear. She hated dresses and skirts. That was his only consolation – she was going to be even more embarrassed than him. They were under strict orders from their mother that they had to be good for their cousin's big wedding day.

There was some kind of delay and their outfits only just arrived from the bridal shop in time for the evening rehearsal. Frank picked up the shirt and frowned. It didn't look big enough. He tried to get his arms in but it definitely wasn't his size. He examined the trousers, put one leg in and confirmed that they had obviously got his measurements wrong. Had there been a mix-up between centimetres and inches? Anyway, he clearly couldn't wear it. He smiled as it looked like he might be reprieved from having to wear the corny outfit.

"Mum!" He heard his sister calling from the other room. They came into his room. He cringed a little being just in his briefs. "Something's definitely wrong!" his mother fussed. "You are right. The dress is too big for you."

"Really?" Frank added "this suit is too small for me!" His mother looked cross. "What happened?" Then she had a thought. "Is it possible they mixed up the two measurements?" Frank shrugged.

"Here try this on", his mother urged him, holding up the powder pink dress. Frank backed off, mortified at the idea. "No way!" "I just want to see if that's what's happened", she assured him. "Have they got the measurements the wrong way around?"

Running out of patience she threw the dress over Frank's head. "Mum!" he protested as she pushed his arms into the sleeves. He could hear Angela giggling. His head emerged at the top and his mother pulled the dress down and started buttoning it up at the back.

"That could be it!" she decided as it buttoned up neatly against his back. Frank tried to push down the billowing dress which had lots of layers of petticoats. Angela was still giggling. "It looks too short though", his mother decided. The dress flared from breast level and Frank couldn't really see how short it was below the flared petticoats.

His mother picked up the white tights from the box. "Let's see if these fit you." "No!" She pushed him down on the bed and started pulling the tights over his feet. "Don't fuss. I need to be sure what's happened before I get on to the shop about it."

Frank frowned as she pulled the tights up over his bottom. "They do seem to fit you", she observed. Angela was holding her sides laughing at her brother in the pink dress and white tights. "What's this?" his mother had returned to the box. She held up a pair of powder pink matching panties that had rows of lace across the seat. "We didn't order these!" "Maybe they decided that the dress was very short and needed these", Angela suggested.

In a flash her mother was pulling the matching panties up over Frank's tights. "Hey! Stop it!" But they fitted perfectly. She pulled him to his feet. She made him twirl. His petticoats fluttered up. "Yes they do show!" Frank pushed his petticoats down as quickly as he could. Angela had her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh too much.

"And we didn't order these for you", her mother added, picking up a pair of ankle socks with powder pink lace around the tops. "We ordered pairs for the toddler flower girls but thought you were too old for them", she told Angela. "Do these fit him too?" she wondered.

Frank sighed as she pulled the lacey socks over his feet. There was no stopping her. Angela offered the pink t-bar shoes that were at the bottom of the box. Her mother strapped these on his feet.

She stood back. "The whole outfit seems to be made to your measurements! Except that the dress is so short." "And this seems to fit me!" Anglea was buttoning up his shirt and when she pulled the trousers on, they fit her perfectly too. Her mother helped her on with the waistcoat and it buttoned up snuggly.

She looked at her watch. "6pm. The shop will be closed by now. You'll just have to go to the rehearsal like this and we'll sort it out tomorrow morning. "What?! No way!" Frank reached up to the buttons at the back of his dress. They were small and fiddley. Angela laughed looking under the front of his dress. His frilly panties were obviously showing when he reached up. He dropped his arms quickly and pushed his petticoats down.

His mother pushed a straw basket of rose petals into his hands. "You'll need this." She was pushing him towards the door. Angela was eagerly putting on the shoes for the boy's outfit. "Please no!" Frank begged. "I warned you not to do anything to spoil Marie's big day, now do what you're told!"

Frank sat in the back of the car amongst his petticoats clutching the basket, unable to believe that he was being driven to the wedding rehearsal, where all his relations were going to be, in a powder pink junior bridesmaid's dress with lots of layers of petticoats, white tights, matching panties and pink shoes!

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