Part 10

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At the gala dinner Frank was grateful to be sitting at the table with his sparkly stockings and short dress nicely tucked in underneath. He knew that Angela was hotly tipped to win as she had scored goals in the three final matches.

When her name was announced, he clapped along with everyone else. His aunt and mother stood at the table to applaud her. Frank hastily got up out of his seat, wobbling in his five-inch heels while he tried to push his net petticoats down at the back, only to have they flip up at the front. He looked around desperately but thankfully all eyes were on the elevated stage.

Angela made towards the steps up at the middle of the stage. She beckoned to her family to follow. His mother and aunt obliged. Frank was appalled. He wasn't expecting this. He had no choice but to go up on stage.

His mother and aunt were already at the steps. He desperately scampered after them. He looked at the five steps and at the people at the front tables. He knew what they were about to see as he tottered unsteadily up the steps. He wanted to hold his netting down at the back but needed his arms to steady himself as he went up the steps.

He arrived beside the others but was now hugely concerned about the height of the stage above the audience. He noticed men grinning in the audience and ladies looking disapprovingly. He desperately tried to hold his dress down as much as he could.

Angela made the speech last as long as possible, enjoying Frank standing very unsteadily in his heels, cringing in his neon pink dress in front of the packed room. He was so relieved when she finished and he could return to his seat. Going down the steps he again wanted to hold his net petticoats down but again had to steady himself with his arms out so his petticoats ballooned up as he descended. He cringed at what the audience must have seen.

After the dinner the tables were cleared away. "Can we go home now?" he asked his mother. "No way, the dancing will be starting soon", Angela interrupted. Frank sighed.

A band started up and she insisted that they dance. Frank was barely able to in his five-inch heels, his purse dangling from his wrist but he didn't want to sit at the side alone with lots of leering boys about.

After a few songs the band started playing a slow song. They headed off the dance floor. A guy passing Frank grabbed his wrist. "May I?" Frank was hauled after him. "What? No!" But in his high heels he couldn't resist the tug and tottered involuntarily after him.

The guy assumed a firm waltz hold and started swaying from side to side. Frank couldn't free himself and certainly didn't want to cause a scene. He already had a lot of eyes on him with his big boobs, tiny waist, short flared cocktail dress and shining silver seams in his stockings.

The guy pulled him closer so Frank's ample boobs were pressing against his chest. It also caused the front of Frank's net petticoat to be pushed down and he dreaded what was happening at the back. Were his suspenders in view or his pink pettipants? His hand was firmly held so there was nothing he could do.

The guy smiled at him. Frank was now acutely aware of his pink swollen lips and long fluttering eyelases. He was very conscious how his short dress and stockings allowed easy access underneath if anyone was so minded. How he wished he was wearing a nice thick pair of tights. In these heels there was no getting away from anyone.

The song finished and Frank quickly said thank you and freed himself from the disappointed guy. He saw Angela at the edge of the dance floor talking to some friends showing off her award. Frank tottered in her direction. It was taking so long to walk that short distance in these heels. Angela saw him coming and grinned at his discomfort.

Then his wrist was grabbed again. "May I?" Frank winced in Angela's direction before he was whisked off again. She was laughing.

The same thing happened after each song. Frank just couldn't get off the floor fast enough in his heels and the guys were just queueing up to take their turn on him. In the end he was just resigned to having to dance in his short dress and five-inch heels all night just hoping that nobody was going to take things any further in his highly vulnerable state.

The school term ended a few days before Christmas but Frank's old clothes stayed locked in the trunk. His mother told him he could have one treat in compensation which was to open his Christmas presents on Christmas Eve rather than waiting for the morning.

He opened the first parcel. It was a green Christmassy dress with red sparkly stars and baubles. He should have known! The next parcel was big and round. He ripped the paper off to reveal alternating green and red petticoats. The next small parcel contained red and green striped tights. Then there was a red coat with white fur trimmings and red boots also trimmed with white fur around the ankles. "You'll look fantastic at church tomorrow!"

The following morning Frank was dressed ready to go out. His red coat was flared below its high waist and fell a few inches short of his green dress. His green and red petticoats peeked underneath and ended a few inches above his knees leaving his long legs in his red and green tights down to his fur trimmed boots. The coat had a fur-trimmed hood and white fur mittens which were attached to the cuffs with string. He was embarrassed to wear the mittens but they looked even sissier dangling from his wrists so he wore them.

At the last minute before he went out the door his mother added some accessories to his boots and collar. It wasn't until he was outside that he realized she had tied little bells and he jingled unavoidably as he walked along.

So as they approached the church everyone turned to see where the jingle bells were coming from and saw Frank coming along in his red fur lined coat and boots, his green Christmas dress and his red and green petticoats and tights, his hands in white fur mittens. He could hear teenage girls scoffing at his childish outfit.

Frank sighed heavily. One day he was dressed in corsets, stockings and suspenders and high heels and the next in sissy petticoats and stripey tights. He couldn't make up his mind which was worse.

After Christmas dinner his mother told him that she had signed him up at the convent for the rest of the school year. It was all going so well as far as she was concerned. He went to protest. "All paid up and everything." He just sighed.

His mother and aunt detected his dejected lack of resistance. In the first weekend in January they decided "we must take in the January sales and find you some new dresses!" Frank looked at the wardrobe packed with pretty dresses. There was hardly room for any more. But he just sighed. There was no point in protesting. It only seemed to make things worse. "Yes mother."

They decided to press home their advantage. On the Saturday morning they made him wear a corset – he felt it was tied as tight as for his cocktail dress. He had to put on the padded panties and they dressed him in seamed tan stockings, then a turquoise a-line dress just above the knees. He winced as they produced the five-inch heels but didn't bother resisting anymore.

Just after they closed the front door and he was mincing carefully towards the car in tiny steps forced on him by the high-heels they told him the plan for the day. "First the beauticians, then shopping, then lunch at the Grand Hotel, more shopping and dinner at Pierre's!" He was going to spend the whole day trussed up in this corset, padded out well with his big boobs, hips and bottom, feeling his stockings and suspenders stretching with every step and mincing around in agonizing five-inch heels!

At the beauticians he had another curly perm and acrylic nails again. Then they brought him to the town's most upmarket boutique where a shop assistant would be with them at all times. She was clearly amused seeing this teenage 'girl' trussed up in such an old-fashioned way in corset, stockings and ultra-high heels with a perm.

Frank had to try on about a dozen dresses. With the assistant looking on, he realized he had to act as if he was enthusiastic about the dresses or she would wonder what was going on. Eventually his mother selected three: a floral dress in pastel shades, a pink dress with black polka dots and an apricot dress with copious frills. Each one fitted tightly around his corseted waist and fell above the knee with a full skirt. His mother assured him each one would go nicely with petticoats which made the assistant smirk again.

"Which one would you prefer dear?" his mother asked him with the assistant looking on. Frank didn't want any dress but knew he had to give an answer. "The polka dot", he replied. "Why do you prefer that one dear?" Frank squirmed inwardly but he had to give a plausible answer. "I like the pink and black."

"Actually I think we'll have all three!" his mother concluded anyway. Frank forced a smile. "Thank you mummy." His mother immediately walked over to a large display. "Now you'll need to choose stockings to go with each dress." Frank cringed.

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