Part 12

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The next morning Frank heard his aunt rummaging in the attic. When she came down she was clutching a yellow dress. Frank could see it flared from breast level, had quite puffed sleeves and just one layer of petticoat which peeped an inch below the hem. He sighed heavily. It was clearly quite little-girly. He didn't dare protest as his aunt buttoned his yellow dress up at the back. "Luckily Laura was quite a chubby girl when she was little so this fits you nicely." Frank didn't feel lucky as he tugged the petticoat hem of his dress half-way to his knees. At least it wasn't as short as his junior bridesmaid dress.

He was almost relieved to see her select plain white tights rather than the even sissier lacey ones. Of course there was a pair of yellow matching panties with five rows of white lace and he wasn't too surprised to find a pair of ankle socks with yellow lace being pulled onto his feet. At least he got to wear low-heeled Mary Janes.

He looked in the mirror. It wasn't too bad and he felt so much more comfortable in a looser dress, tights and low heels than in his corset, stockings and suspenders and five-inch heels.

Then his mother produced a snow white pinafore and drew it over his arms. It had stiff lace trimming standing upright over his shoulders and she tied it in a big bow at his back. His aunt fluffed it out over his dress as Frank looked at his increasingly juvenile appearance in the mirror.

Then his mother took some elastic hair bands and twisted his hair on either side of his head into tight pigtails. His aunt tied big yellow ribbons onto the base of each pigtail.

"Happy now?" his mother asked as Frank squirmed in front of the mirror. He didn't dare object he knew he had to thank his mother and aunt for dressing him up like a six-year old again. "Thank you mummy and auntie", he mumbled insincerely.

At church he naturally got all sorts of funny looks. He still had his boobs in his bra which made him look clearly like a teenager dressed like a six-year old. He saw some girls from his convent class surreptitiously taking photos on their phones, no doubt to show around at school on Monday.

After church his mother decided it was a nice day and they should go to the park. Frank trotted along obediently relieved to be in low shoes at least. They sat on a bench near the snack shop.

His mother took out a pound note. "Why don't you buy yourself one of those nice lollipops?" Frank took the money, stood up, taking great care to smooth his dress and pinafore down and walked over to the shop. The lollipops were great big things with swirly pink and white colouring. Frank bought one as instructed.

He knew exactly what he looked like walking back in his short yellow dress with peeping petticoat, puffed sleeves, snow white pinafore, white tights, frilly ankle socks and hair tied up in pigtails with fluttering yellow ribbons and now clutching a jumbo-sized lollipop.

He sat on the bench, carefully smoothing his dress down with his free hand. He started licking the hard candy. "We won't leave until you finish your lollipop." Frank sighed. It would surely take hours given the size of the thing. He tried biting a bit off to make it go more quickly. "No, no!" his mother scolded. "That's bad for your teeth! Just lick it." Frank sighed and resumed licking his lollipop as hard as he could.

"Let's walk!" His mother made sure they visited every nook and cranny of the park, lingering in the busier areas as people sniggered and pointed at Frank, clutching his lollipop and licking it, seemingly enthusiastically. When they passed the playground Angela ran off to the climbing bars. Frank looked at the various climbing frames and slides enviously. There was no way he was going on any of them in his short dress. He would probably snag his tights anyway.

A little girl clutching a doll, probably an actual six-year-old, stood with her mother by the hop-scotch grid painted on the tarmac. Her mother saw Frank and assumed he was much younger than he was. "Would you play with her please?"

Frank looked to his mum pleadingly but it was clear from her look that he was to accept. "Yes sure!" he forced a smile. "Would you mind holding Cindy for me please?" the girl asked, handing Frank her doll while she started the game.

Now the picture was complete. Frank clutched a doll in one hand and a jumbo lollipop in the other. He watched the girl jump, twist and bend over to pick up the counter. It was alright for her in her shirt and little pair of jeans.

It came to Frank's turn. His only consolation was losing the doll. He braced himself as he went to throw the counter. He hopped forward, feeling his dress, petticoat and ribbons fluttering as he did so, and jumped over the counter. He heard sniggering behind him – the usual sign that he had treated everyone to a view of his frilly panties. He got to the end and jumped and turned, his pinafore ballooning out as he did so. He could see all the amused faces now.

He smoothed his pinafore down. He could see one of the frilled shoulders was drooping badly. He fluffed it up, thinking it would look silly with one standing up and the other flopping down. As if he didn't look silly enough – a teenager in a flared dress with pinafore, white tights, frilly panties and pigtails in ribbons clutching a large lollipop.

He hopped back and knew he had to pick up the counter. He tried to think of a way of doing it without bending over so much but he was on one leg, clutching his lollipop. There was no other way. He looked over towards the climbing frame and saw Angela watching with interest. He bent over to pick up the counter. The wind blew his dress up over his head. He had to go down on both feet to push his dress back down. He didn't dare look at the faces around.

"You lose!" the little girl was delighted and seemingly oblivious to Frank's mortification. "Never mind", her mother told Frank. He tried to give a disappointed smile. "OK. Best of three!" she added. Frank cringed.

By the time the third game was over and Frank was mercifully free from the inevitability of showing his frilly panties as he played, his lollipop was still only half its original size. His mother finally took some pity on him. "OK we can go home now - if you skip all the way."

Frank had to think about it. The numbers walking in the park seemed to be increasing in the late afternoon. He nodded. His mother, aunt and Angela stood to go and waited for Frank to start. He sighed, clutched his lollipop and started to skip along. He knew his short dress and petticoat were billowing as he skipped. The frills on his pinafore and the ribbons on his pigtails fluttered. The best he could hope for was that he was only giving short glimpses of his frilly panties.

People stopped and started at this teenager passing in the frilly dress, lacey ankle socks and pigtails, clutching a lollipop and seemingly happily skipping along but awkwardly trying to hold the fluttering dress down with the free hand.

Back at home that night his mother asked: "so next weekend do you want to wear your pretty frilly dresses or your corset, stockings and high heels?" Frank sighed. "The latter", he mumbled eventually. "Sorry? Ask properly." Frank winced. "Please can I wear the corset, stockings and high heels mummy?" "Of course dear, if that's what you want."

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