Part 15

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When Annie had gone, Mrs Polstead looked wistfully at Frank in his pretty dress and pinafore clutching a doll. "It would be nice to have a granddaughter around the place again." Frank wondered if she meant him. Pretending to be her granddaughter would be much more desirable than working as her maid. Frank tried to look as cute as possible. He smiled shyly, hugged his doll and took the hem of his short dress and held it out prettily, hopefully showing a few frills of his panties.

"Would you like that too?" she asked. Frank grabbed his chance. "Oh yes Granny!" "Well why don't you go back to your doll's house and I'll phone your mother." Frank skipped away as happily as he could muster and knelt down beside the doll's house and started pretend-talking with the dolls.

His mother was agreeable and had his junior bridesmaid outfit sent over for the next day. He put on the pink petticoated dress, the white lacey tights his mother had included, the matching frilly panties and ankle socks and the pink shoes. He took the pink ribbons provided in the pack to Mrs Polstead.

He walked into the room while she was having breakfast. He curtsied and asked sweetly "could you tie my hair up in pigtails please Granny?" as he proffered the pink ribbons. She was as pleased to be asked as he hoped. He stood with his back to her, trying not to yelp as she pulled his hair into tight pigtails and tied the ribbons into big bows.

He curtsied, thanked her and skipped over to the doll's house quite sure that she was enjoying the sight of his layers of petticoats fluttering. He knelt at the doll's house and leaned forward to ensure that she got full sight of his frilly panties.

When she was having her late morning cup of tea on the patio he fetched the skipping rope and performed for her. He could feel the wind resistance in his ballooning petticoats as he skipped and his pigtails bouncing against his head.

He was inseparable from the dolls all day and made sure to skip around as much as possible and carelessly expose his frilly bottom whenever he could. She was more than happy for him to continue for another day.

It was mind-numbingly boring playing with his dolls all day – relieved only by periods of skipping or hop-scotch. It was mortifying having to pretend to love wearing a short frilly dress, lacey tights and pigtails. The alternative was to be trussed up in corset, suspenders and high-heels doing housework all day. Frank had to remind himself of that, as Angela appeared with her camera phone again to video him playing with dolls, skipping and bending over to retrieve the counter at hop-scotch – all the time smiling and skipping around.

The next day he was playing with his dolls wearing the yellow dress and pinafore when Mrs Polstead came in with an envelope. "Annie is having a birthday party tomorrow and you are invited!" Frank smiled as if he was happy with that but he fiddled nervously with the frills on his pinafore as he wondered how he would be dressed for the party. How many people were going to be at this party?

Mrs Polstead decided that his junior bridesmaid dress would be perfect. When Frank stepped out of the car outside Annie's house he observed the dozens of cars parked up on the grass verges and he could hear the chatter of dozens of people in the back garden of the house.

He smoothed down his petticoats as best he could. He needed to check that the lacey tops to his ankle socks weren't awry. The only way to check this below his petticoats was to bend substantially forward so he checked that nobody was looking first. The frills on his left sock stuck up untidily so he went down on one knee, hoping not to dirty his white lacey tights, reached below his petticoats and straightened the frills.

He stood, leaned forward to check again and heard a little boy's voice behind him. "Look Mummy!" Frank straightened up double quick, pushing his petticoats down at the back. The woman was looking him up and down incredulously. Frank squirmed as the breeze ruffled the pink bows on his pigtails.

When they went out onto the patio at the back of the house Frank could see only a couple of girls wearing dresses – and nothing as frilly and flouncy as his dress. Most of the children were five, six or seven. He towered above them but even the little girls giggled at his juvenile attire. He could see he was the only one in pigtails. He was also conscious how high the patio was over the garden and the little boys looking up at him. He clutched his petticoats and went quickly down the steps.

Annie saw him and came rushing over. "Frances is really good at skipping!" she told everyone and handed Frank a rope. All eyes were on him and he had no choice. He started skipping. He could see the ladies eyebrows raise as his ballooning petticoats obviously exposed his frilly panties.

He stopped as soon as he thought was reasonable but Annie had fetched another rope. "Let's do it together!" Frank was mortified as she kept up their joint performance for several minutes. He was so relieved to be able to hand back the rope and settle his petticoats back to a more respectable order.

Little boys kept conspiring to make him reveal his frilly panties. One threw a ball to Frank well above his head so he had to reach up to catch it. Another rolled one to Frank's feet hoping he would bend over to pick it up. Frank was terrified he would dirty his pink dress or white tights and get into trouble.

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