Part 2

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As they arrived outside the church they could see Marie chatting with her three senior bridesmaids, checking their dresses. It had been a close run thing having the final fitting on the same day as the rehearsal but she was happy that everything seemed to be fine so far.

She watched as Angela stepped out of the car wearing the suit. That was odd. Then she saw her aunt pulling a very reluctant junior bridesmaid from the back seat. That couldn't be Frank desperately pushing down his petticoats could it?

"There's been a mix-up!" his mother told her. Marie tried not to laugh as she watched a mortified Frank walking towards her in the short pink dress. "We'll sort it out in the morning I'm sure but here we are for the rehearsal."

The bridesmaids giggled as they realized it was Frank in the dress and Angela in the trousers. "You look so pretty!" Frank glared at them and clutched his basket of petals. "Let's get inside for the run-through."

Inside they found the toddlers in their dresses that matched Frank's except that theirs almost reached their frilly ankle socks while Frank squirmed, continuously trying to push his petticoats down as far as possible.

He had to walk up the aisle, pretending to scatter the rose petals while flanked by the toddlers. At the altar his mother indicated to him to put down the basket. He stooped to do this and heard an explosion of laughter behind him. "Look at his frilly panties!"

The whole rehearsal was mortifying for him, especially now that everyone knew what was under his short dress. He just wanted to get home and out of this outfit. It was a huge relief when he climbed into the car, trying to ignore the giggling behind him as he undoubtedly flashed his frilly panties again.

A frantic phone call was made to the bridal shop in the morning. Surely they had these outfits in other sizes? They had but not in the right ones, came the answers. They had already made lots of alterations to the outfits supplied – mainly shortening the dress and there was no time to do anything else.

Frank stood in his pyjamas listening to the phone conversation. His mother put down the phone. "Sorry but you're going to have to wear the dress." Frank's jaw dropped. His Aunt had been standing behind him and pounced before there could be any resistance from him.

He was bundled into the bedroom and soon the women had him buttoned into the dress. "You mustn't ruin your cousin's wedding!" "But ...!" "We'll make it up to you. We'll bring you to the railway museum you've been wanting to visit." That was hardly going to make up for it in Frank's book. "Look, your relations have already seen you in the dress yesterday anyway", his mother reasoned as she pulled the white tights over his bottom. He sighed. That was true. But there would still be a big congregation.

There was no stopping them. He tried to resist the frilly panties but they were insistent that he had to wear something pretty underneath because his dress was so short. "It's strange that they got that bit so wrong", his mother observed. Angela came in to see them pull his frilly ankle socks on and his pink shoes. She was proudly her suit with waistcoat.

Frank cringed as he saw himself in the mirror. Obviously a boy in a dress. "We're going to the beauticians. They'll create lovely hair arrangements and can add extensions so you won't look like a boy. Frank cringed at the idea but it was definitely better that he didn't look like a boy.

At the beauticians he was sat in a reclining chair and a lady set about washing his hair and then intertwining thin white and pink ribbons into his hair in intricate webs incorporating hair extensions along the way and lots of hairspray.

Another lady started on his make-up. He had to keep his eyes closed to avoid hairspray and the various powders and creams. Then he felt a third lady working on his fingernails. There was nothing he could do but lie back, close his eyes and hope that they managed to make him look convincing.

"There we go!" the lady doing the make-up finally announced. Frank opened his eyes and looked in the mirror. He was surprised to see his girly face with blush and eye-shadow looking back. His hair was fully entwined with white and pink ribbons with his hair extensions streaming down his back. Then he looked at his nails. Long pink nails had been applied to match his dress.

His mother walked in. "Splendid! You do look pretty. Well done ladies." Then she looked concerned. "Are those acrylic nails?" "Yes, isn't everyone to get them?" the nail lady asked. "Eh, yes, that's right. Good job."

Frank wondered why she seemed concerned about the nails. He followed her out of the room, pushing his petticoats down as much as possible. "What's the problem with acrylic nails?" he asked. "Well it's just that they last for two or three weeks. But it's ok. They can be removed. You just need to get it done professionally or your nails will be ruined." Frank looked at his pink extended nails. They seemed pretty solid alright.

Marie appeared in her bridal dress. "Oh you look so pretty! What an amazing job!" Frank just looked embarrassedly down at his pink dress. His mother pulled him along and they met Angela in the hallway. She was wearing the suit and waistcoat. Her face lit up on seeing Frank. "Wow! You make such a pretty girl!" Frank glared at her. "So if anyone asks", their mother told them, "she's another cousin, Frances". Frank cringed.

They were joined by the toddlers in their pink dresses. Frank still could only envy them for the length of their dresses. He cringed as he thought of his frilly panties, just barely above the hem of his petticoats. They were ushered out the door to the waiting limo. There was no going back now.

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