Chapter 3

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   Ember's POV

   As I woke up I had the worst headache I have ever had, granted I am 8 and haven't had a lot of headaches. It was probably from the pain in the tank. Everyone was sitting around a round table, talking about whatever. I trudged over to Luna.

   "Hey, Kiddo! You okay?" She asked as I was sitting down. I just nodded, "You don't look very okay, come here, I went to college to be a nurse." I sat on her lap, "You have a fever, sweetie, go lay down, I'll get you something soft to eat." She walked off, I went back to bed. It was black. I teleported to a road, I didn't know where I was. There was a semi truck coming towards me, I tried to run but I didn't move. As the semi truck got closer, I noticed that there was a massive Barbie strapped to the front. I found this funny, the truck soon hit me, still laughing, I was crying in pain. I woke up back in Aella's hideout. I was laughing."I thought you died! You were out for 2 hours!" Still laughing I started to get really hot, like in the tank but not painful.

   Aella's POV

   I heard laughing from the room Ember was in, I walked in on her... laughing? Why was she laughing? "I thought you died! You were out for 2 hours!" She was still laughing? Her laugh was contagious, I started laughing too. Then, Ember exploded, I don't know how she did, but she did! I was horrified, there were ashes everywhere, I started to cry. I fell to my knees crying. The ashes started to swirl around like a tornado, I heard laughing, it was Ember laughing. Ember came back from her ashes, like Dumbledore's phoenix! Just much more dramatic. She looked different, she had bird wings and a bird tail. "What's so funny?"

   "My dream!" She said laughing harder.

   I had stopped crying, "What was it about?"

   "Okay, okay, okay," she started, she took a breath to calm herself, it didn't work too well, "I spawned on a road and got hit by a semi truck!" She laughed like a crazy person.

   "How is that funny?!" I was super confused.

   "There was a barbie strapped to it!" Laughing harder, she was on the ground. I was laughing too.

   "We gotta tell the others!" I said failing to get off the ground from laughing so hard.

   Jordyan's POV

   Aella and Ember walked out of her room laughing their asses off. I gave them a confused look, because, one, they were laughing, two, Ember had bird wings.

   "Okay, okay, okay," They said in unison.

   "Ember had a dream that was funny as hell!"

   "The dream was," Ember wheezed, "I got hit by a semi truck, and- and-," She said trying to breathe, "There was a barbie strapped to the front of it!" She finally fell over. There was a fizzing sound, then there were ashes everywhere. Edward walked in and was confused.

   "What in the world?!" Edward raised his voice

   "What just happened!?" I was pretty much yelling.

   "Oh yeah! You haven't witnessed it yet have you?" Aella chuckled at this.

   "Witness what?" We asked back

   "Ember blowing up."

   "No! What the hell?!"

   "I'm going back to bed!-" Edward announced and walked away.

   A few hours later

   "Alright! Who wants to get revenge?" Evelyn said with a scary look, her scary looks always mean that she's up to something.

   "Evelyn... what are you up to?..." I said this slightly terrified.

   "Did you not hear me? I said, 'Who wants to go get revenge?' Not-" I cut her off.

   "Okay smart ass! I get it! I mean, what did you plan for revenge?" I shook my head, chuckling.

   "Uhhh- I didn't think that far-" She said looking down.

   I face palmed and laughed, "Of course you didn't!"

   "Hush your butt!" She giggled.

   "I'll figure something out for you." I chuckled and walked away.

   I got to my room and started to think, what happened to Ali? Did he get kidnapped like everyone else? I told him to meet me at the bar the other day, but I didn't see him. I miss him. I miss his face, I miss his eyes, I miss his personality, I want him with me now. I went to talk to Evelyn again, "Hey Ev?"

   "Yeah, Jordyan?"

   "What happened to Alistair?"

   "My brother? He's working with your dad." She said.

   "My Ali?! He would never work with my father! He said he didn't take the job!" I was on the verge of tears.

   "Yeah, he took it. Wait, your Ali?" She was confused. Did he not tell her?

   "Oh, did I say my Ali?" Trying to keep it cool, "I probably messed up my words, now please excuse me, I will be going back to my room now. Cya later." I ran to my room and immediately started to bawl my eyes out. How could he?! He told me that he loved me too much to take that job my father offered him! There was a knock at the door, "Go away!..." I tried to say it as sturdy as I could. The door opened, damn, I guess it wasn't sturdy enough. I covered my face with my wings.

   "What do you want?" pulling my wing closer to my face.

   "I just wanted to see if you were okay..."

   "I'm fine." I shuffled to see who it was, but my eyesight was too blurry.

   "You don't seem fine."

   "It's just my... friend... he betrayed me, he told me he wasn't going to take the job my father offered him, but he did." I ended up laying my head on her lap.

   "Why did he lie about working for your father?" She questioned.

   "My father's job is like a suicidal mission."

   "What do you mean?"

   "He works for some baaaaad people." I'm calmed down at this point to see that it's Luna who is talking to me.

   "What do yo-"

   "Don't worry about it. I'm kinda tired, I'm gonna sleep now. I'll talk to you when I'm up again." I tried to not sound rude but with all the crying I sounded rude. "Ugh, that sounded so rude." I hid my face with my hands, I felt so stupid.

   "It didn't sound rude at all, I'll let you sleep and you better sleep pretty damn good." She laughed it off as she was walking out of my room.

   "Hey," She flipped back around, "Thank you for calming me down." I gave her a smile. She returned it and left. I put my head on my pillow, I tried to pull the blanket over my wings but that didn't happen."Ugh!" So, I got up to find Aella. "Aella! Do you have a massive blanket?" She was in the kitchen with Mr. Chadwick, Athine, and Luna. Seemed like they were planning something.

   "Yeah! I'll get one for ya!" She walked to a closet that had to have at least 500 blankets. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

   "Holy- How-" I couldn't talk straight. She just laughed.

   "What one do you want?"

   "The red and black one that's really fluffy, please!" She handed me the blanket, "Thank you!" She smiled and nodded. She walked back over to the adults. I walked back to my room. I jumped on to the bed, fell on my pillow, pulled the massive blanket over me, and fell asleep.

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