chapter 7

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   I decided to take Ali's phone for, you know, a little prank. I pulled Evelyn along, because, well she had told me that she knew his password. I took it while we were singing That's What I Like, and he somehow didn't notice, but he should know better than to leave things out in the open with me around. This guy had his phone sitting on the couch. Once the song came to an end, I bolted, holding Evelyn's wrist. "What are we doing?" She asked.

"You are gonna give me his password, so I can go through his camera roll." I realized we were being chased by Ali, I yanked Evelyn into my room. "Hurry! Please!" She put the pin in, Ali started banging on the door yelling at as give their phone back. His phone was open to his messages with a person named Tay, he had sent a picture of me and started telling this Tay person how cute I was. Ali opened the door, I looked up at him with shock, did Ali, my Ali, really like me back? I wasn't able to get anything out before he took his phone back. "Wait!" I called out, but he was already gone. Evelyn had walked away, which was good I didn't want her to see me cry. And so that's what I did, I cried, I cried and I cried. It reminded me of a poem I once wrote:

I have fallen down a pit of love,

I hit the ground too hard,

I can't back up,

Even if I could stand back up,

I wouldn't be able to get out of this pit,

I would need my tears,

My tears of being rejected,

Or the hearts of my love's love,

The acceptance of my love for them,

So here it goes, just to get out of my pit,

My darling, I love you,

I can't tell you how much I love you,

Your beautiful eyes,

Your amazing smile,

Your goofy personality,

I love you for you,

No one, and I mean no one,

Will ever change that,

Either accept my love your reject me,

I don't care, I just need you to know,

I love you.

(Yes, I wrote this, I've write about my experiences in poems, it makes it easy to express and I can send them to people if they need it. I also write encouraging poems, so that's great. Anyway, on with the story!)

I wrote this when I first started liking Ali, back before it happened, back when I was 14 and was not who I am now. It's been almost two years, and I still love him. I wonder why, why I have loved him for so long. I first started to like him around when he started to transition. I thought he was hot, then I got to know him and I fell even harder. He was the first one who really made me realize I was gay, I think. He was there for me when I broke up with my "girlfriend", who he doesn't know was his sister. What I mean by, he was there for me is that he helped me break up with her. I needed to go talk to him, and tell him how I feel, "Ali! Where are you! I'm sorry I didn't say anything!" I yelled as I went searching for him. I walked past Luna, "Luna, do you know where Alistair went?"

"The bird guy?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's Ali." I tried to smile, I hope it was convincing enough.

"I saw him run, I don't know where he went," she paused, and stared at me a bit, "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." She put her arms out for a hug, I accepted it.

"'Cause I have been," I chuckled a bit.

"Tell me, what's wrong child."

"I- I-," I stuttered, "I- Ali- Stupid I am, that's what I am, I-" it continued.

"Hey, hey, hey," She stopped to look at me, "it's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, or if you're brain won't let you." She smiled at me, I smiled back, not realizing I had tears running down my face. She wiped the tears, then embraced me once more. "I'm here for you, don't forget that. Now, go tell that birdman how you feel." How did she know what was on my mind?

"How did you...?" Just letting the thought float.

"How did I what?" She questioned.

"Read my mind?" She looked at me confused.

"What do you mean? You were just yelling at yourself about how you loved him, and how you messed everything up." Luna said as she got out the wine, offering me a drink, I politely declined.

"No thanks, and I was not yelling about it, I was talking to myself. In my head." I stated.

"No, you were yelling it, just like how Alistair is yelling about you right now." She argued.

"He isn't," I had a moment of realization, "can you read minds?" I was really curious.

"I don't know, can I?" She pondered a bit, "think of a number between 1-5000."

"Erm, I would but I've got to look for Ali." I smiled and walked away. I thought of my number, 4339.

"4339! That's your number!" I guess she can read minds.

"You got it right!"I started to open every door in sight. I opened up a closet, and sure enough there he was. Curled up in a ball, wings over him like a blanket. I decided to go up to him, and cuddled. He seemed to be in a deep sleep, so he didn't wake up. I cuddled a little closer since I was cold, I could tell he was too, so I put my extra warm wings around us both. I don't know why they are so warm, he snuggled me a bit closer. I wrapped my arms around his waist. Soon I was asleep.

Alistair's POV

I woke up feeling a little warmer than expected, then that's when I noticed, I know I have wings, but I don't think they were dragon wings. I looked down, and there they were, snuggled in a small ball, wings around me to keep me warm. I pulled them in a bit, they put their arms around my waist. I gave them a little peck on the forehead then reached for my phone, which was on a shelf next to me. I went to open my camera app, but I got a message:

"Hi! I got your number from Evelyn. I'm Luna btw. Jordyan really likes you. They were just astonished that you liked them back. Did they ever find you?"

"Hey, Luna. Yeah they found me." While I waited I took a picture of Jordyan and I.

"Okay good, they were having a mental breakdown just like you did. Their voice is a bit louder than yours.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️"

"Wdym that their voice is louder than mine??"

"I can read minds. Idk, Jordyan and I figured it out when they were looking for you. Also, why are you texting me when they're with you?"

"They are asleep, and you can read minds??"

"Yup! Can I see a picture of Jordyan to make sure they really found you?"

"Yeah *1 Attachment*"

"Awwww!! You guys are cuddling! 😍"

"and you're done, I'm tired bye bye"

I shut my phone off and went to sleep because, why not?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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