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I don't really feel bad for what I said because to be fair she insulted me first.I just got back and she already acting bitchy.

I brushed through my curls with my fingers as I walked through the halls,I avoided her at all costs and she avoided me.This was so stupid,and it's crazy because I know i'm right.That kid Lenny got no business tryna play Makayla,MY Makayla.

If he do something i swear Im beating the shit out of him.My thoughts are interrupted by Lucas coming up to me,he never talks to me"Christopher can we talk?"I shrugged and nodded.Lucas was nice and chill,he was never a bother.I follow him into a seperate part of the hall with less people"So you and Makayla haven't talked at ALL in the past two weeks?"I nod sighing.I honestly didn't want to talk about it at all but I didn't want to be rude to Lucas"Well I think you were right"I know I'm right.

"Sasha she,she is always talking about him and always with him.And Sasha all of a sudden doesn't like Makayla as if she did something to her. I think me AND Makayla are getting played like fucking rag dolls and he's messing with her Chris he is getting to her"I listen as he progressively gets more frustrated,his voice getting louder and louder while still trying to keep his composure.

But it was true,I heard the two ki ki and ka kacking on the phone like a fucker aint tryna sleep.And he acted so wierd towards her,some nights I willingly slept on the couch.

"Man she's so stubborn,I feel bad for what I said really"

"No trust me I know,she was being a bitch"
Me and Lucas laughed it off and agreed to keep an eye on them.

In the car on the ride back home Lenny had called her and kept him on speaker phone"Hey baby"I heard his annoyingly high voice come from the speakers of the car.He sounds like he hadn't even hit puberty yet,not a single hair on that body.

"Hey are you still on for tonight?"We heard silence and shuffling coming from his end of the phone.I didn't wanna make it obvious I was listening to their conversation so I pulled out my phone and went on the weathers app to act like I was doing something.

"Oh shoot I forgot about that and made plans with Sasha"Makayla went quite for a second.I looked over at her and she looked somewhat mad but also like she wanted to cry"Okay that's fine,just let me know next time you're free"She hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

I start to text Lucas because he was right,there definitely was something going on.It went back silent for awhile before she took and un normally deep breath.She seemed frustrated and even more frustrated she had to be in the car with me.

So why not put my two cents in?

"He could've just canceled with her if y'all had plans first"I mutter loud enough for her to hear.She looked over at me and suddenly she no longer seemed angry at me,her whole demeanor changed.Her eyes softened and she sighed."You're right"she says.

I roll my eyes and keep looking out the window."But why do you care so much Chris?Im sorry for saying all of that stuff and making you sleep on the couch,but I wanna know why you are so against me and Lenny"I sat up straight,guess my 2cents turning into bills cause i'm finna talk my shit at this point.

"Kayla he hangs out with a bunch of girls twenty four seven,he cancels plans with you to hang out with Sasha,he oddly only comes over when it's convenient for him,and he just looks like and asshole,plus he smells like bath and body works all the time,GIRL bath and body works"I had only been here for a good five weeks but he sticks out so much that you can't help but notice it.

She sighs in defeat"Okay,I understand your concern.So can we stop having this angry silence between us,for fucks sake we sleep in the same bed and go to bed mad at each other,I don't wanna go to sleep mad at my bestfriend"Makayla was being genuine so for now I had to put away my attitude and be serious.

"Okay Kayla"I look at her as a smile spreads across her face"Okay Chris"

                                 {Time skip}


Me and Chris ended up finding our way around our disagreement and became friends again so everything was good.Im dating Lenny,me and Chris are friends,and even Lucas is getting closer with Sasha.

Lenny made it up to me and bought me flowers and made a movie date for us which was fun.I don't see why Chris was so worried,guys can have girl friends.

We called 24/7,he checked up on me,and he's even slept over.Chris was just being paranoid I think,but all of a sudden Lucas is on his side with the whole thing because at first Lucas was rooting for me and Lenny.

I walked through the halls with Chloe,a new girl in my chemistry class"Go ahead to class,I'm gonna go to the bathroom"We split our ways and took out my phone making my way to the bathroom.

Chris the hater💀‼️
yo can you take me to Chick fil a at lunch?
Chris the hater💀‼️
My stomach touching cdmy back and that school lunch ain't gonna do it

I laughed at his text before i hear noises coming from the corner I was about to cross so I instantly back up.

Why the hell do people choose to make out in the middle of the hallway?

I peek over the wall to see Sasha,I get ready to text Lucas before I see that the one she's making out with is Lenny.My heart drops,I can't trust mean for shit can I?

His hands all over her body,it was disgusting.I wiped the tears strolling down my face.I don't know why but I just watched.I could either drag a bitch or go be in my feels,sadly I just wanted to cry right now so I walked away.

I skipped class crying in the bathroom until lunch came and I go to my car waiting for Chris.I tried my best to make it look like I wasn't crying but my eyes had gotten really puffy.He climbs in the car and looks at me"Kayla what's wrong?"He reaches out his hand and gently turns my face to be looking at him.

I can't help it,I started to cry.I liked Lenny so much,he told me I was pretty when I felt un pretty,he stayed up late night on calls with me,he was who I trusted.

I start to sob in Chris's arms"I'm sorry Chris,I should've listened"His large hand rubbed circles on my back.I always gave in when it came to Chris,I couldn't hide my emotions with him.

"It's okay Makayla okay"His deep voice softened.He pulled me away and held my face in his hands"I don't know what to do Chris"
"Listen you're fine Makayla,You're okay.Youre gonna be okay,trust me"He planted a kiss on my forehead before letting go of my face and sliding his hand over mine"What did he do?"

I contiplated not telling Chris because he's crazy and I could see it written in his eyes.But fuck it why not get someone a good beat down?"He-He and sasha were in the hallway and I saw.He doesn't know I know"He took a deep breath climbing out of the car.

I got out with him following him into the court yard where everyone sat to eat lunch"Chris it's fine don't do anything stupid please"

He just ignored me and I watched as he tapped on Lenny's shoulder.As soon as Lenny turned around Chris punched him right in the jaw,throwing him to the ground.

Lucas came up to me and hugged me,I guess it was visible that I had been crying.But what about Lucas,wasn't he hurt too?

I could see Chris punching Lenny over and over again over Lucas's shoulder.Lenny had passed out and teacher were trying to get Chris off of the boy as Chris did not hesitate to keep going."Lucas please"I say pointing at Chris.Lucas sighs and breaks up the fight"Chris get the fuck off of him"

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