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(WARNING:Mentions of physical and emotional abuse)

I wake up not quite sure where I am.The only clothing I have on my body are underwear and the last thing I can remember is my big back self downing like 15 donuts then puking. I climb out of bed,no top,no pants,just underwear,not even a fucking bra. Damnit I shouldn't have partied. I look out my window,who tf is sleep in the floatie? And why is there some random bitch passed out on the top of my car,why is the car in the backyard in the first place?

I hear a rustling in my bed and I turn around to see a naked sleepy Chris,my room is a disaster. No fucking way i'm cleaning all this shit up. I watch in disbelief as two people walk out of my closet tripping and shit like nothing happened."Damn Kayla,what time is it?"

To be honest I'm too fucked up to care. Not to mention when I walk through my halls I have to step over people with dicks drawn on their faces"DAMNIT WHAT THE FUCK,ALRIGHT BITCHES,OUT MY HOUSE" Everyone on the floors and in rooms start to frantically leave the house. My chandelier was on the ground shattered. Chris walks in the hallway,almost bumping into a girl running through. "Oh shit" he says. We both look over the railing,is that dude under it even alive? He's sleeping on glass.

I'm too black for this"Good party tho"Chris says handing me a shirt. I put it on,what the fuck am I gonna do? And of course ,what a good time for the doorbell to ring. I have to step carefully down stairs and kick cups and plates out of the way. I open the door and to a surprise,it's Kristen. Her face looked so bland and numb"Kristen,hey"

I try my best to make myself look as approachable as I can. I don't want to make her uncomfortable so I have to hold myself back from hugging her as tight as I can"Hey Kayla" She looks back as a half naked girl runs to her car,quickly leaving"So you had a good party i'm guessing"

I open the door wide enough,inviting her in. I hum in agreement with what she says as she steps carefully over glass."I'm sorry I couldn't come"she stands at the kitchen island as I make both of us a cup of orange juice. Keeping myself busy while she talks is the only way I won't bust out in tears and apologize for absolutely nothing."It's fine Kristen" I sit across from her with our cups of orange juice. I just want to talk to her,even if it's not about why exactly she's been avoiding me.

I can't go much longer with this silent treatment cause what's a girl without her bestfriend?"How have you been?" I can tell she tenses up,she used to be so calm and open around me."Good,I heard about the fight between you and that girl,you didn't have to do that"I shake my head,yes the fuck I did have to do that,she was making her death wish as soon as she let herself even say Kristen's name.

"No I did,she was spreading lies about you" By the way she looks when I say spreading lies about you,I can almost instantly tell that they werent lies"well they weren't exactly lies,and i'm only telling you this because you're the only person I know won't judge me for it,but my dad has been getting really drunk and aggressive lately."


"Well he always has been but it's been worse,he's getting really handsy"My eyes search her skin that is showing for any mark that he might have left on her. I spot a dark purple/black bruise on her neck. I walk around the table and to her side. I gently move her hair out of the way to reveal the bruise across the back of her neck"What the fuck Kristen" I can hear her soft sniffles as I gently caressed the bruise trying to feel for any swolleness or broken skin"He threw me,and he hit me until he felt that it was good enough punishment for what I had done"

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