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I kept to my word and I beat the shit out of that wally mammoth.Me and Makayla sat in the principals office not sure what to say or do.It was kinda awkward.That kid did get his punch in i'm not going to lie but it wasn't as bad as I had him,he left me with a bruise and a scratch and a bleeding nose but that's all.

Makayla got up going into a cabinet and pulling out a first aid kit.She kneeled down in front of me and began to clean my face"You didn't have to do that Chris"But I did,he hurt her.I winced at her cleaning up my scar"Just be more careful next time"

The principal walked into the room calling us into the front office.We walked in and I saw her mom who looked livid.I was immediately met with her hand pinching my ear and dragging me out of the school.We got into Makayla's car,I guess her mom took the bus here.

We were given a lecture the whole car ride home,well I was"I'm sorry"I wasn't sorry though,at least not to Lenny.I walked into the room to see Makayla under the covers.Other than the fact that I hated Lenny,he hurt her,she liked Lenny a lot.I climbed in the bed with her,spooning her.I could hear her soft sniffing as she got comfortable in my arms.

This felt like more than a friend comforting a friend,more than childhood friends being there for each other.

We fell asleep and when I woke up she was on the floor folding clothes.

"You okay?"She says as I sit up rubbing my eyes.Middle of day naps be having me questioning if i'm real or not when I wake back up.

I nod,she looks so tired.I wonder if that velociraptor went to the hospital.The door handle starts to shake but i'm guessing it was locked so it was followed by a knock.She opened the door and her dad walked in,I haven't even seen him since I came back.I climbed out of the back and we shared a hug,him patting me hard of the back.

He sat in her desk chair and I sat on the end of her bed"Son your big ass can't go around beating the shit out of people,I get it you love Makayla and I'm so grateful that there is another male figure in her life that is willing to protect her as much as I am.But if you keep it up you'll have to get sent back to Italy early"I didn't wanna go back to italy at all but I guess I can try my best to reach the full year of staying here.

"I mean how tall are you now?"To be honest it's been like a year since the last time I went to the doctors"I think I'm 6'4"Makayla snickers at me,she always makes fun of my height.

I rather be 6'4 than 5'3 though,that being her height."Yeah you too big to be running around here fucking people up so calm your big ass down before you get sent back"He stand up and walks out the room,closing the door behind him.

He didn't even give me a chance to respond.I got on the floor with Makayla and began to help her fold clothes because mine were mixed in"What's the real reason you did that?"
Her voice was raspy and nearly gone from her crying and yelling at me to get off of him from earlier"What do you mean"

To be completely honest I was slightly jealous of Lenny,because he got Makayla,the girl I loved so desperately."I don't know"It was either I leave her hanging or I be completely honest"I was jealous of him,he had everything I wanted"She began to laugh,completely stopping folding clothes "You have everything he doesn't have"I take a deep breath,do I say it? will it ruin our friendship?If I get rejected I have to sleep in the same bed with her for the next 11 months.

"Everything he had that I wanted was you"She immediately stopped laughing.I felt her eyes on me but refused to make eye contact so I kept folding clothes to take my mind off of what I was confessing"He had the girl I wanted so badly,the only girl that made my heart throb"

The silence was so loud and awkward,what have I done?"And I knew he was going to hurt you"I felt her soft hand on my face and before I knew it our lips locked.I felt as she sinked into the kiss,it ending up with her on the floor and me on top of her.Were we really making out right now?

I pulled away from the kiss to breathe,this shit got me panting and mess"fuck"she said under her breath"Im sorry" she rolled from under me standing up.What did she have to be sorry for,if anything I wanted more.

I stood up to face her"why?"She shook her head holding her face in her hands out of what i'm guessing embarrassment.I took her hands off of her face slowly"Don't be sorry"

This is really short but a person I was really close to passed away recently so i'm kinda out of it with everything you know.Hopefully I get back in my head before school starts but i'll try to get the next part out soon

R.I.P forever missed,forever remembered🕊️🤍

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