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Me and Makayla sat in the car with Kristen.It was just quite,me and Makayla kept eyeing each other because we both noticed very visible bruising on Kristen but neither of us wanted to be the one to bring it up.

She caved in her lips and gave me a look.I sighed,I barely knew Kristen why did I have to do it?"Hey kristen"

She looked up from her phone,she had been quite and on her phone this whole time.I point on my face where the bruising was on her face."Oh uhm I fell"

Now even though I didn't know her well,she was a horrible lier"That's bull crap,what happened"I say with a demanding tone.She set the phone down and held the bridge of her nose.I mean the bruises were pretty bad.There was like a ring bruise around her kneck,and I know a hickey when I see one,that's not a Hicky.And then she had one on her eye as if someone punched her.

"Kristen you can tell us"I know how much she meant to Makayla,she was everything to her.

She had so much worry in her voice,concern in her eyes."Plesse Kristen"

"Just leave it alone Makayla okay?!"She snapped at Makayla.I had never heard her sound so mad,definitely not at Makayla.

Makayla looked as if she wanted to cry as she focused back on the road and sniffled.I turn around and look ahead too. She didn't have to snap at her like that,she just trying to be a good friend,plus she's driving her to school.

When we got to school Kristen put on her hoodie and walked ahead of us.I felt Makayla's fingers slip into mine"You okay?"I ask.She gives me a small nod but I can tell that she was hurt but more worried than anything.

We got to our lockers and she pushed everything in.She was bout to walk away but I grab her wrist pulling her close to me and resting my hands on her waist"She'll come around"

"No Chris this has happened before,and everytime im scared that she won't bounce back"She looked away,she sounded like she wanted to cry."And I don't understand why she won't just you know open up to me,i'm her bestfriend"

I pull her in holding her head up against my chest."It'll be okay,I'll see you later at lunch alright?"

She nods and we go our separate ways.I do wonder what caused the bruising,she didn't date so it couldn't have been a boyfriend or anything.And if it really wasn't that big of a deal why was she so pissed about us asking?

Kristen often did worry about being home on time,and I mean she panicked if she was even five minutes past her curfew.I had asked Makayla about it but she just brushed it off and said"Kristen just has really strict parents and you know she's a perfectionist"

but I feel like it's more than just her being a perfectionist.We had never been to Kristen's house and when we dropped her off and picked her up we weren't aloud to park in front of her house,we had to park down the street and she walk the rest of the way.Her mom had died when she was young so it was just her and her dad,at least that's what Makayla told me.

I imagin losing your wife can take a toll on you.You can get bad habits like addiction,isolation,even abusing your children.But I can't jump to conclusions,this could be anything really.

But Kristen means a lot to Makayla which means she means a lot to me,so if that is the case I might just have to go back to jail.

But hopefully she does come around to Makayla because knowing her she's gonna stress about it and over think it,and my heart aches just seeing her face whenever Kristen snapped at her.

During History,Kristen was gone for the first half then came in and put her down for the rest.To be honest,I kept my eye on her the whole class because I was really worried.This wasn't like her at all,like Makayla said,she was a perfectionist.

She always made sure she didn't go to bed past 11:00 on school nights,her assignments were usually done weeks before the due date,she was really neat and clean,and was always overly respectful to adults.

Sometimes it freaks me out,how can come someone force their selves to be that perfect,it just doesn't make any since.

As I walked to the lunch table,I noticed an empty seat on the other side of Makayla.

She had zoned off into her food,Lucas looked at me worried.I put my hand on her back sitting next to her"Hey Kay"she snaps out of it,kind of jumping at my touch.She smiles at me"Hey Chris"

A girl with blonde hair sits next to Lucas with a heavy sigh.I think her name is Chloe,she was one of Makayla's friends"Guys it's either i'm pregnant or I been downing this school lunch a little to hard"

Makayla lets out a laugh and shrugs"It's a 50/50 chance not gonna lie"

Chloe rolls her eyes smiling.Chloe was the only girl I knew was friends with Makayla,she doesn't have many friends,and i'm not sure why.She was pretty and funny,not to mention like really nice so I just don't understand.

"Bruh that math teacher always tryna embarrass somebody,I was talking to Tony asking him where Kristen was and she was like oh you're failing my class you need to stop talking.Like boy that's why your marriage failed"

Lucas was very sassy for a straight male,but I knew he was straighter than a raw spaghetti because he was always whining about he he either wanted a girlfriend or some if you know what I mean.

"Hey where is Kristen anyway?she usually sits with you guys right?"Makayla looks at me as if she realized or remembered something.Chloe and Lucas starts talking about how she's been acting all day and so feel a vibration in my pocket.

My wife😫❤️‍🔥
Bro Kristen was on the phone in the hallway and she was like being all formal to whoever it was,yk like saying yes sir and stuff

My wife😫❤️‍🔥
And then the person like started yelling to the point where I could hear it from the end of the hall even though it wasn't on speaker and she was like"No no please I'm sorry,I swear it won't happen again"

My wife😫❤️‍🔥
And she started crying then she walked away

I looked up at Makayla who looked at me worried.I open my mouth to say something but I don't even know how i'm supposed to justify this in any way.

But now we know it was someone who was doing all of this.

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