~Part 8~

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~Part Eight~

Luna was with Will's mother while Will and I were in Manhattan doing a radio interview with Howard Stern. Krystyn had been on me since Luna's birth to do an interview. I finally caved when Howard offered to interview Will and I together. Dressed in a pair of fitted jeans and a Sleep Token t-shirt, I was sitting beside Will on the love seat in Howard's radio space.

"and we are back in three, two," the producer said and then pointed at Howard.

"Welcome back to the show, everyone. We have some guests joining us on the program now. Please help me welcome Lorna Shore front man, Will Ramos, and his fiancée, artist, photographer and music video director, Nova Rain. Welcome," he said and everyone else in the room clapped.

"Thank you for having us," Will said.

"Thank you for being here," Howard said. "So, Will, you're from New Jersey."

"Yes, I am."

"Nova, where do you reside?"

"In Georgia," I said with a smile.

"Oh, so did y'all fly up here just to do the show," he asked.

"No," I said. We've been here for three days now in New Jersey. The rest of my family is flying in this afternoon. Will and I are getting married tomorrow," I said with a smile on my face.

"Shut up," Robin said. "Seriously?"

"Serious," Will said. "I'm so glad I finally get to marry the woman of my dreams."

"According to the interview you did with Loudwire and Revolver, the two of you met in an elevator," Howard asked.

"Yes, we met in an elevator that decided to get stuck," I said. "It did not bode well for me."

"Why is that?"

"I'm claustrophobic and have ptsd."

"Oh, I bet that was not good either," Robin said.

"No, but this guy, he did an amazing job keeping me calm."

"So you trauma bonded in a stuck elevator," Howard asked.

"Yes," I said with a giggle.

"Do you think that trauma bond has something to do with your relationship?"

"No," we both said at the same time.

"Wow. Okay," Robin said. "So what makes you feel as if it doesn't."

"I made him chase me," I said and picked up my Sprite to take a sip of.

"Oh you did," Robin asked.

"And I did," Will said. "I chased her all the way down to Covington, Georgia."

"How did that go?"

"We had a baby and we are getting married, what do you think?"

Everyone in the room burst out laughing.

"Is it true you missed the birth," Howard asked.

"I did. She was at her studio working when she went into labor. They called me and before I could get there, Luna had made her grand entrance."

"So, who delivered your baby," Howard asked.

"Joakim Karlsson of Bad Omens did," I replied.

"Oh, this is news. How did that come about?"

"I was photographing Bad Omens when I went into full blown labor. Joakim stayed levelheaded, kept me calm and caught her when she came out."

"Do you consider Jolly a friend," Robin asked.

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