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  Chapter 51 Robbery

  Not long after chatting, Chu Yi took the baby and left 204. It was really annoying to see someone looking askance at you next to you.

  Chu Yi then stayed in City J. He had no choice but to stay here until he found a way to go to City B.

  In the blink of an eye, the baby is eleven months old and will soon be one year old. If the disaster on this planet is counted from the original flood, it has already been nearly a year.

  As time goes by, the situation in City J is getting worse and worse, not only because the food cannot be grown here, but also because City J has not yet developed a medicine to cure red-eyed mice.

  Moreover, Chu Yi has discovered that the red-eyed mice here are no longer afraid of the sun. Although their movements will still be hindered by sunlight, this also indicates that human disasters will become more and more serious.

  It was supposed to be a situation where a rat crossed the street and everyone shouted to beat it, but now it has become a situation where a mouse crossed the street and everyone ran for their lives.

  Just when the situation in City J was getting out of control, City J ushered in a group of special people, but Chu Yi did not see this situation.

  Due to the food shortage in J City, people in the base have been very uneasy recently. There have been many cases of home invasions and robberies. Most of the victims were killed in their own homes. Although the J City government is doing its best to appease the people, Efforts were made to identify criminal suspects.

  But today is different from the past. Due to the disaster, the city was severely damaged and communications have not yet been restored. Now it can no longer be compared with before the disaster, when a person with the Internet could find out any crime he had committed.

  Those data in the past could not be repaired due to network disconnection and disasters, and the government was unable to investigate. Now disasters are coming one after another, and people are panicked. The government can only strengthen the patrols and management of the base in the hope of suppressing crimes. .

  Seeing that the situation in City J is becoming more and more serious, Chu Yi plans to leave the city first and stay here, which does not give Chu Yi any hope of going to City B. Moreover, a robbery was discovered in the base, which made Chu Yi I don't dare to stay here any longer.

  Chu Yi can't solve the situation here, but it can't provide any help to Chu Yi. Only by leaving can he find a way to go to City B.

  But before Chu Yi could make any move, someone quietly stared at Chu Yi. That night, Chu Yi was sleeping soundly with his baby when he suddenly heard a sound coming from the door next to him. Chu Yi opened his eyes alertly. .

  The door lock was making a squeaking sound, and it seemed that someone was prizing her door. Chu Yi's face was slightly cold, and he first activated the protective ring in the space button to wrap the baby. I wonder if it was because the baby was connected by blood with her. Relationship, Chu Yi once did an experiment, and the protective circle could not be used by anything except himself and the baby.

  But at this moment, the protective circle can protect the safety of the baby, allowing Chu Yi to deal with those who have their own ideas in mind.

  The sound of knocking on the door became louder and louder, Chu Yi took out two daggers directly from the space button, one in each hand.

  The one in front of him was an old-fashioned door lock. Chu Yi knew that the door would be pried open soon, so he made preparations and hid in the darkness.

Natural Disaster: Bringing a Baby into the End of the World [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now