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  Chapter 66 Bugs

  After finally convincing everyone, Chu Yi dressed up and headed to City B with Zhao Qing. There were no small vehicles in the base, only large green pickup trucks. However, this place was far from B. It would take time to walk and only one soldier could drive. Taking the green pickup truck, the two of them temporarily arrived at the outskirts of city B, where they dropped them off and drove the green pickup truck back to the base.

  Then Chu Yi and Zhao Qing walked from the suburbs to City B. Fortunately, it was not far from City B and could be reached in an hour or two on foot.

  As soon as he entered City B, the surrounding area was silent and deserted. Chu Yi took out two masks from his pocket, put one on himself, and handed one to Zhao Qing, "Take it with you."

  Now there are so many people infected with bugs in their base, and they don't know what's going on outside. At this moment, Chu Yike deeply realized that the disease enters through the mouth, and wearing a mask is safer and can also cover their appearance.

  Zhao Qing took the mask without saying anything, put it on directly, and the two of them set off towards the city of B.

  As a result, for some reason, no one could be seen in the urban area of ​​city B. The surrounding area was deserted and there was no movement at all.

  Zhao Qing said, "Where has this person gone?" He looked around.

  Chu Yi didn't know. It had only been a little more than two weeks, but why were there no people on the road? No one is clearing the rubble on the roadside anymore, and no one is cleaning the roads.

  Chu Yi pondered for a while and said, "Go and have a look at the evacuation base." City B established an evacuation base. Chu Yi had lived there before and was still a little familiar with the road there.

  Taking Zhao Qing with him, he set off towards the evacuation base in City B. There were no people in the streets and alleys, so he could only try his luck there.

  Unexpectedly, when they were about to get closer, Chu Yi and the two found that there were many people sitting on the roadside some distance away from the evacuation base. Next to them were various supplies, which looked in tatters.

  These people were sitting or lying on the ground, their faces turned pale, some were twitching, and some were coughing. They looked in bad condition no matter what. People coming in and out of the evacuation base looked at the people lying on the ground on both sides. People covered their mouths and noses one after another and passed by in a hurry. Most of the people entering and exiting were wearing masks. Those who were not wearing masks also covered their mouths and noses with their sleeves.

  Looking at it this way, Chu Yi and Zhao Qing don't look out of place wearing masks.

  Zhao Qing grabbed Chu Yida and said, "What happened to the people on the roadside here? Why not let them enter the evacuation base? Just lie on the roadside like this."

  Chu Yi whispered, "Observe first, don't talk."

  The situation here was a bit strange. Then Chu Yi saw a woman lying on the ground on the side of the road retching and coughing loudly. Pedestrians passing by saw this and stayed away. Even the person lying next to the woman looked out. Moved his body.

  Chu Yi didn't know why, but he still went with the flow and pulled Zhao Qing to stand aside.

  Then a terrifying and disgusting scene happened. The woman was spitting and spitting out a mouthful of white foam. From Chu Yi's perspective, she could vaguely see several slender insects twisting in the foam.

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