CHAPTER 20(28844-30467)

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CHAPTER 20(28844-30467)

The world was calm in some way. If I want, I can indeed survive till eternity, but knowing that I am not eternity myself would be problematic. The only thing that I could do was pure horizontal development. I released a lot of systems created by me into the multiverse. I also made sure that different logic can be used for exchange. It was similar to fishing. It was a good thing to find out that there were not many multiverse level beings. But I cannot release the suspicion.

Three thousand years had passed. The ants and animals had become extinct. The interesting fact was that humans now were able to survive in space and travel to other planets. They have also nearly colonized the planet. They came to me thinking they could fight against me. I destroyed a cluster of galaxies in a single shot and that was enough for them to okay. The vitality they use is given to them by me as they still had not developed the technology. The sun's vitality was used so they could only exchange it honestly with me. I am the richest man with 30% of the ownership of the galaxy.

The systems that I sent to different world was interesting but boring. I found out that I was the strongest in this observable multiverse. Outside the multiverse is pure void. This would mean that this multiverse is an absolutely isolated multiverse and will die out after certain rebirths. The rebirth of the universe is when space and time will create another singularity where all time and space will come to a single point to to form a 14-dimension superstructure. It will be extremely unstable and collapse. Either this multiverse will form a superstructure and will form a singular super universe or will die out in the end by falling out as singular world particles, each world particle containing worlds of different sizes.

I went outside this multiverse to find out that this void was very boring. I sent different clones in different directions. I used to think that void energy was not higher than multiversal energy and mixed both to get better. It seems pure void energy is higher. I destroyed the universe I was resting and the whole civilization that was associated with it. There should not remain any of my traces anywhere.

I went and created another non-time area and refined by body to the limits of the void energy. I thought if it was possible to use non-attribute energy and was astonished to find out that unlike other energies, non-attribute energy can be compressed to no limit. There does not seem to be any limit to non attribute energy and as long as I want, I can turn the non-attribute energy into same concentration other energies. But the energy will not be useful in refining. I started running an automatic refinement using energy equations using non-attribute energy.

I started refining the multiverse. I destroyed all possible life forms and made it into a pure circle. Refined the multiverse into a pure ring and put on my other middle finger so that if someone provokes me, I can show both my middle fingers, I with infinitely expanding energy simulating world and other will all the objects collected. I started flying in one particular direction. I flew with the maximum speed. It was interesting to note that in the void there was really nothing. I tried to break through void and could not even sense void. Either there was no void layer or I was not strong enough to sense it.

After going some time I saw a few void creatures. I was scared at first and then later found out that they were weaker than me. I killed them and refined them to my left fingered ring. It was getting interesting to find out that these animals never had any consciousness on them. I refined all the other universes and multiverses which had some form of divination or fate sensing against external invaders. It was sad thing that I had to refine trillions of multiverses. I don't know how much time had passed. I had collected a few multiverse that was good enough for me to enter and enjoy life.

I started sensing the void. I will only break through the void if I am strong enough. I need to prepare. I entered the first universe which was an isolated universe.

This universe was an interesting universe and there were multiple civilizations of multiple beings. The difference was that all life forms had evolved to absorb dark energy of the universe. All life forms did not care for home planet as there was no such thing as home planet. I went inside and created a whole galactic size single piece dark matter cube. I create the machines necessary for things inside.

The arrival of a huge cube was met with vigilance. The direction of the development of this universe was towards technology, but the fighting force was mainly humans. There were two types of fighters, ancient warriors able to fight against the world and mecha-warriors fighting with the support of the technology.

I was approached by different civilizations and these people does not seem to have the vigilance or the chain of suspicion. The whole universe is like a single village. There does not seem to have any limit to speed in this world and hence they could travel faster than the speed of light. The people of this world has eyes that perceived dark energy and hence sees through it. I had already destroyed the past and the future so that only continuous present remain.

These people came to fight me. It seems that these people are really foolish enough. Any ant that challenges god is foolish. I walked outside to sight against them. The strongest people of the world had gathered. I was going to fight them myself. The reason the genome of this world was because of the items that the system I sent, sent to this word. I smiled and wore my dark conqueror uniform. The moment I appeared the strongest among them, the dragon clan was nearly scared to death. All of them bowed to me. Sadly their predecessor was the one who got the system. Sadly, none of his actions gave any result. The sad thing is that these people thing that I am their god. Foolish enough. I released absolute coercion through the universe and made all the living being bow down. I spoke using projection magic. "To punish you all, exactly half of the people of this world shall be killed."

I snapped my fingers and half of the people of this world died due to death spell. I went back inside my new house. The heroes who came to fight was nearly killed by the people. The anger of the masses was not something that this distorted world with principles and philosophies could handle. Most of them committed suicide or ran away from their home.

I had refined my body for a long time. It was time to go and meet some people. I wore a mage dress and started walking all over the world. It was interesting to see different things in different planets. I flew and landed on a dwarf planet that was drifting apart without any support of star. I could not see any heating device. I landed on the planet. This was one of the dark planets without any proper administration. I walked to see some stalls. There was no atmosphere in this world. It was hard to live with these kinds of living beings. I thought I would be a chivalrous man in a fantasy world with busty women. But sadly, women cannot keep up with me. Fantasy world is foolish and interstellar is the king.

I walked to the entrance of the cave. The inside of the planet seemed to be where the indigenous races lasted. I walked through the gate. I was stopped inside and was asked to give some coins. The coin here was dark energy condensed. I condensed few coins and gave them. I walked inside and saw a huge city. There were cities at multiple level. It was hard for such a planet to exist due to low resource availability. The different smuggling routes and fugitives made this planet alive. I never saw a planet that was alive, now that I think. It would a good research subject.

I was blocked by a few people. They tried to approach me with a knife. I used a wind-blade spell and they were killed. I used a void-spell erasure and erased these people's bodies from existence. The people aside ran away noticing that I have taken care of this situation. It was interesting to note that this place had old school trains. I went and sat inside the public trains. Two women approached me and sat beside me. I did not care much about them. They tried to touch me. I found from calculation that they were trying to trick me into touching them and then accusing me of sexual harassment. Their gang members were waiting to catch me then. It seems foolish. Wouldn't it be better to kill these people directly. Are these even the problems? I directly used mind break and killed both of them. There was no sign on their bodies. I also used the same spell and slaughtered their whole gang. I used telekinesis to move them away from me. I enjoyed the ride. It was time to meet the indigenous race and become a hero. I will play as the hero who will drive out the unnecessary dark forces.

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