CHAPTER 24(35620-37296)

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CHAPTER 24(35620-37296)

The Roller family was not something the Jitan Airways could ignore. The private jet landed on the airway and the steps were ready for the person inside to come out. I waited inside for some time to finish the orange juice I was drinking. The juice made using different energy was different. It was interesting to note that each energy gave different flavours to the drink. I walked out of the door. The people around me were replaced with androids made to show my royal status. It was some time since I took them out.

I walked out of the door to find out that ambassador of this nation was waiting for me. I paid no attention to him and passed by his side. No man is worthy in this world for me to show pity or grace. Almost all the people existing in all the worlds live by profit and loss, they eat to gain energy and work to gain more food, making profit. They help each other for profit. Even the pity or help given to others is to satisfy their vanity or ideal. There is never a person helping other truly, unless it is a person who does not care at all and helps at will.

I entered the lone villa I had purchased. It was farther away from the metropolis and was an isolated one. When did rich people care about the cost of gasoline?

I was playing some online games. I always played offline games during my times. It was interesting to defeat others. My account got banned due to perfect execution thinking that this might be done by some bots. It did not take much time before the executives of the company called me to apologize and remove the ban. Many people complained that I was using some hack to achieve the perfect record. I am not some fool to pay attention to these fools. I kept enjoying different games.

I was informed that a different person from the government's side came here. It was interesting to note that this was a beautiful woman. What do they take me for? I can't even enjoy properly with these women. Even if I reduce my power to the level of these women, when will I stop fucking. I am a infinitely perpetual motion machine and keep on going forever. My consciousness is too strong that I will never tire out. Forget it. Women will affect my heart. I don't want any women. I asked the android to inform them to sent her back and sent someone more eligible as I was not interested in beauties.

It did not take much time for them to send a delegation of two people. One old man and one old woman. They really take everything to words exactly. They entered with my permission and sat down without my permission. Should I kill these ants for disrespecting me. Let it be.

The woman was angry and spoke in an elegant manner, "You should respect your elder."

Are they going to talk about age with me? Fools! I smiled and spoke still playing on the phone, lying on the sofa, "Respect is given to the strong. Elders used to be respected in the past society due to the fact that in the same class level, elders had more power. Elders among the nobles had more power and were kings and higher generals. Elders among the society of the rich controlled the family and were richer than youth. Elders in the scientific community were more knowledgeable and hence were respected. Elders in politics will be respected because they have stayed more in the arena and hence are at the top. Elders are respected because they are strong. Will you respect a beggar who is older than your grandfather? You will not. Isn't it right? Bitch!"

The woman was angry and was going to speak. The man stopped her from speaking. He smiled and said, "You are indeed right. You are strong enough to break this rule."

So, are they going to play the game where one of them acts as the villain and the other one acts as the hero? It is indeed the foolish method. Even knowing that I had the power, they are trying to tempt me into showing some weakness. Most likely others think that I am someone supported by a hidden power. But even if they think like that, they should know that then my position will only be higher and equivalent to the president of a nation.

I asked them without showing them any respect, "Speak whatever you want to speak."

They frowned seeing the lack of any respect shown. The lack of respect is directed at their nation as they represent their nation. They were angry, not due to patriotism but due to the fact that their status and power was attached to this world. It was interesting to note that the world was indeed interesting. Each world has its speciality. I looked through the eye of God to see that there was no heavenly will or destiny arranged in this world. So everything that was going to happen was nothing more than the combination of 0 and 1.

The old man spoke, "You could have given the research result to the country you grew up in."

I asked, "And then what? Get a medal of thanks. Or get to be appointed as a scientist to research for the rest of my life where you reap all the benefits. There should be a limit to foolishness. Do not look down on anyone. Fools are those who think others as fools. Fools are those who think others are not fools. All of us are fools living in our own reality never knowing whether which reality is the real one. The world is full of fools and hence the world has no fools."

The man could not understand anything I said. He asked again, "Why did you give the agency to Roller family. We can ban your products in this nation."

I spoke, "You seems to have some misunderstanding about me. I do not need to have this country helped and neither need anything from your country. I can live in any other country."

He spoke, "We don't need your help. Either give the agency or lose the market. It will make you lost the money."

I spoke, "How many nuclear missiles do you want?"

He stammered. Something was spoken to him through the headset connected to his ear. It was not interested in listening to it. He spoke, "The International Union of Nations will not allow such acts of humanity to happen. They will ban you and your works."

I smiled and spoke, "All the fear arises from the lack of firepower and truth is at the end of cannon. It would have been good enough to respect me, but you are indeed foolish enough to challenge me. Let me ask you something, what will happen when I strike all the eight permanent members of the international union of nations with nuclear missiles. What will you do?"

He smiled and spoke, "You will make the world your enemy."

I smiled and spoke, "For me, sooner or later, no matter whatever world I would be in, the world will become my enemy. Every nation at the top is an enemy of the world. I am strong enough to challenge the nations and hence is the enemy of the world. I will be releasing missiles. R-44. Throw them out."

They were thrown out of the villa. It did not take much time for the perimeter of my villa. It was interesting to see how the ants acted. I release a few missiles. The reason I showed nuclear missiles is to show my power but the problem with nuclear missile is simple. Radiation. But I do have other missiles with the same yield and same power without any radiation. I can even release a vitality missile that will only be effective on certain creatures. I released three missiles targeting this nation. They were ordinary missiles with ordinary explosive power. They were powerful as nuclear bombs. They will also cause mushrooms in the air. Mushroom is the only truth. I released a missile each for the eight countries that flew near their capital of their parliament and then flew to above the atmosphere and exploded in the exosphere.

Explosion is an art. This planet did not shake but the hearts of humans did. The army outside retreated immediately after hearing some orders. War is not a children's game but there are many children playing this game. They are useless in all things except giving orders to puppets trained since childhood. That is the true essence of this world. A world where all people try to fight each other. They think the society is the one the protects them and join the society. Only after joining the society do they understand that they might have been protected against animals and diseases, cold and rain but shall face the greatest malice of this world. Humanity. A pyramid scheme asking them to retain morality while destroying their backbone without any guise to morality. People cannot leave this society. Their individuality will still be destroyed as when they were not in the society. They were not protected at all. The sadness of the truth is visible to all, even the leaders, as they were not the true leaders. They were only the ones who manipulated the system and stood above the system. Even dragon-slayers live by the system of rules. Below the gods all are bugs. Before the society all are puppets. Before the life, all are beggars. The sad truth is only known to sages and they live and die standing tall above all, still heartbroken. Only beings like buddha escaped this fate, yet they ceased to exist when they died. Or have they. I don't know whether they became gods or not. But I will become a truly infinite being.

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