Mindless Beasts

852 26 16

Y/n/n = Nickname BTWs

Wyldfyre = Wildfire 

I searched this up. I know it's a weird way to spell it but I even watched the show with subtitles to double check that it was spelled like that. Enjoy! 

P.S. If you haven't watched the show, and you actually read this little side note. I'm sorry in advanced for introducing you to a character you don't know. 

P.P.S. Malachi is my OC, Wyldfyre is not. 

Now actually go and enjoy this chapter.

Y/n's POV...

"So let me get this straight... You have a boyfriend, who's also the green ninja. Aka Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon?" Malachi asked.

"Yes that's right." I confirmed.

"And Sora is from Imperium, where we are right now. Except she ran away after the Merge happened. Arin found her and you let her stay."

"Also correct."

"But now you guys are here because she needs to stop the Photac which she created in the first place? Is that correct too?"

"Yes, I know it sounds like a lot to take in b-

"Sounds like? It is Y/n/n." Malachi said. "Also where is your boyfriend, brother and this Sora anyways. You said they were here in Imperium with us. So where are they?" 

I bit my lower lip. "I uh, I- we got separated." 

"Separated? That's bad isn't it?" He asked

"Unfortunately. I'd like to at least find one of them before anything else. But I'm afraid that we need to get out of here first. Preferably as soon as possible." I told him.

Malachi put his hands behind his head, "Sounds good to me. I want out of this place as soon as possible." 

"Couldn't agree more, but everything around here looks the same. So I don't know how we can get out of here."

"I might have an idea on that actually. All these halls seem to have some sort of hidden map at the end of each hall. Let's just find one."

"Okay, but where's the closest one?" I asked. "All I see is more and more endless hallways."

"Yeah, but we're bound to find one... Eventually." He was way to optimistic for his own good.

I signed and honestly told him, "I really hate your logic somedays, but it's right so I won't disagree with you." 

"Glad we're on the same page Y/n/n." He was teasing me now.

Lloyd's POV...

I hid next to the cell door I opened. Whoever was inside was certainly not Kai. But how in the world did they have have fire powers? I tried to get another glance at them before quickly dodging from there fire.

"Eat flame, bad guy!" The girl yelled. I stepped out infront of the door, "Get wrecked by Wyldfyre!" 

She threw more fire at me, making me dodge her the best I could. She kept coming at me. Wait, she thinks I'm with Imperium? "Bad guy? No, wait, this is a disguise!" I tried reasoning with her.

Her fire disappeared, but she looked angrier. "A disguise? I can still see you, loser!" 

That doesn't make any sense, shouldn't she understand I'm not a threat? Did I say it wrong? She threw more fire at me, making me dodge once again. 

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