(Tanaka x Reader) 🍋A colledge party🍋

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(Disclaimer, I have aged up everyone, so instead of being in high school, they are in a college volleyball team.)

Being a manager for an all-boys volleyball team is a struggle sometimes. I have gained new friends and experiences, so it's not all bad. Going back to the friends part, iv gotten quite close to the pair of troublemakers, Tanaka and Nishinoya. Also, the new manager in training, Yachi, has been a real help.

"Hey, princess. Wanna go to a party tonight?" Nishinoya slides his way beside me while chucking his arm over my shoulder. 

"I don't know, I've got to study." I grab his hand and remove it from behind my head. 

"Oh, come on! it won't be a party without someone as pretty as you there~" Tanaka plonks himself down on the other side of me. Pink blush dances lightly across my face. 

"Fine..." Both the boys leap into the air and fist-pump each other.

"Hey, Noya?" I balance my phone on my shoulder as I hold up a dress option from my closet.

"Can you come to mine with Tanaka? I can't figure out a dress to wear, I have too many." A laugh comes from the other end of my phone as I neatly put away the dress I was holding up. 

"Yep, we're nearly at your house."

"Why do you have so many god-damn dresses?" Noya falls back onto my bed, letting out bored Noya sounds. Tanaka laughs at him.

"So I can have a dress for any situation!" I say in a duh kind of voice. I finally find the perfect one, I hold it up to my body and look in the mirror.

"Ok, I think this one is it!" Quickly, I hide it before the boys can see, I want it to be a surprise. 

I walk out of my bathroom, my hips swaying as I face the two boys on their phones. Noya is the first to look up from his phone, letting his mouth hang open. I laugh a bit as I watch him slap Tanaka's shoulder, making Tanaka look up, annoyed before laying eyes on me.

 The black mini-dress hugs my body perfectly, showing the most cleavage a dress can, only being held up by thin noodle straps. I finish the look with calf-high, black heels, Latina make-up, and fishnets.

"Perfect." They both say at the same time, still gawking at me. We rush out the door and pile into the car, Tanaka driving, me in the passenger seat, and much to Noya's dismay, him in the back seat.

"OK, so you have never been to a house party before?" Tanaka asks, in disbelief. 

"Nope, in a virgin to this stuff." I hear a snicker from the back seat, making me point the finger behind my head.

"So, there are some rules you need to follow for safety, especially since you're pretty." A blush dusts both of our faces before Noya steps in. 

"Don't accept drinks from strangers," He holds up a finger. 

"Adding to that, only pour your drinks unless it's someone you can trust," Tanaka adds.

"Don't leave your drinks unattended, and don't turn your back to it." Noya puts up two more fingers.

"But most importantly, if you feel uncomfortable or just want to go home, find or call either me or Noya, and we will take you home." They both hold serious faces.

"Jeez, ok, mum." I roll my eyes and turn my head away from them, smiling.

We walk into the house party fashionably late before gunning it straight for the liquor. Passing kids drunk, high, and making out opened up my eyes to what actually happens at house parties. Tanaka hands me a drink before sculling one of his own. 

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