Part 7-Valli's Secret

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 The woods spread behind the palace for miles. It was a dry forest with acacia, khejri, khair, and palash, as well as bushes and scrub. A thin, perennial stream passed through it, the sound of tinkling water echoing in the environs. The banks of the stream were covered with velvet-like moss. Bird calls fell into the ear like a song orchestrated by Nature. The serenity was soothing, a balm to the soul.

Neelanjana sat under a tree on the bank of the stream, her eyes, drawn of their own accord toward the man sitting with his back to the tree trunk. The black stallion was grazing a short distance away. The prince had arrived as promised, but instead of going to a room, he had brought her here, to this beautiful place.

Neelanjana's fingers touched the material of her flared skirt. It had exquisite beadwork on a colorful background. She had never worn anything like it or the gold jewelry handed to her by Menaka.

"Wear these, girl. You cannot meet the prince in these clothes," she said, pointing to her simple robe.

She had thus dressed up, lined her eyes with kohl, and colored her lips with some berry juice. Her hair piled into a bun atop her head lent her an added charm. The prince had stared at her with admiration when they came face to face in the hall of Menaka's mansion.

Now, he cleared his throat, before breaking the silence.

"Very few know of this place. I have always considered it my special retreat. Do you like it?"

She nodded her head shyly. Why did she feel so tongue-tied in his presence? He was, after all, a man just like others, wanting the same thing from her. She had surrendered her body before numerous men, letting them do unspeakable things to her. What was different now? He too would fall on her as a hungry beast and have his way with her before leaving her. But, he spoke again.

"Do you like it at the mansion?"

"Yes, my lord. It is a far better place than the tavern," she replied with honesty.

"I wish you to perfect the arts needed to be a good courtesan," he said, leaning forward and speaking in earnest as if it was really important to him.

"I promise to try my best, my lord," she said, wondering where it was leading. No man had engaged in such talks with her, only ever being interested in her body.

"Listen, Neelanjana, it is up to you to work hard to make a good life for yourself. Wealth and fame shall be yours if you let them," he told her, and she accepted the truth of his words. This opportunity was heaven-sent. Most of the girls like her in the neighborhood, forced to sell their bodies for a living, would jump at the chance to be where she was today, sitting before the crown prince. She knew that she had a chance of her lifetime, if she could please him, that is.

Silence stretched between them once again, till he ran his heated gaze over her.

"Come here," he beckoned, and she moved a bit nearer to him.

He put his arms around her shoulders, drawing her against his chest and resting her head on it. She could feel his heartbeat and her own picked-up race. Slowly, he raised her face to his and placed his lips on hers, eliciting a response from her that she had never felt before, except with Dhruva. The same frisson of awareness ran down her spine, and she felt her body melt as the kiss deepened.

With an oath, he lowered her on the mossy ground and then stared at her. Her hair was askew, her lips half open and her lids heavy, while her breast rose and fell with agitation.

"Gorgeous," he commented, before lowering himself to her.

They disrobed each other, but when she reached for him, he stopped her with a gesture of his hand. Instead, his fingers ran over her, playing her like a stringed instrument. His lips followed suit, till Neelanjana could feel every pore of her body awash with desire. Their union was something she had never experienced with any man before. Wave after wave of pleasure pulsated through her, and she moaned with the rapture of it. Her cries mingled with that of the prince, until, spent, they lay breathing hard.

He spoke after what seemed like an eon.

"We have to leave, Neelanjana."

Reluctantly, she left his arms, dressed herself, and walked toward the horse. The ride back was in silence, each busy in their own thoughts.

She saw him off in the hall, then climbed up to her room as if in a trance. Lying on her mat, she found it difficult to forget what had taken place. It was such a new experience for her, this giving and receiving of pleasure, unlike the harrowing experiences with other men.

She was lost in the wonder of it, recalling every touch and every kiss, when a knock on her door broke her reverie. She pulled the door open to find Valli and Lakshmi, Menaka's daughter, standing outside, their faces eager and curious.

"What do you want?" Neelanjana asked, not in the mood to break the train of her thoughts.

"Why, to be let inside, and to know about your meeting with him," Lakshmi replied, her eyes dancing with mischief.

"Go away," she tried to shoo them.

"Not until you spill the beans," Valli chimed in, pushing her aside and entering the small room.

Defeated, Neelanjana let them inside and closed the door securely after them. It wouldn't do for that virago, Madhulika to find them gossiping at this late hour.

They sat down cross-legged on the mattress, the girls looking at her with impatience.

"So?" Lakshmi asked her.

"So what?" Neelanjana wasn't going to share everything so easily.

"How did it go? What is Prince Harshvardhan like?"

Neelanjana thought for a moment. What was he like? Well, he was handsome and exciting, every girl's dream.

"Did you not lie with him?" Valli asked, raising her brow.

She nodded her head, and the girls let out a heartfelt sigh.

"You're fortunate, Neelanjana. Every girl here wants to be his lover, but he chose you," said Lakshmi, then continued, "Of course, you'll have to watch your back."

"Why do you say that? Who wishes me ill?"

"Didn't you guess? Madhulika wants to be in his bed, so badly. She is aiming to be the chief courtesan of Jaigarh and one can only do that if one pleases the royals."

"She is welcome to him then. I have no such ambitions," Neelanjana retorted. She was grateful to have a roof over her head and food in her belly. Anything was better than being a slave to the evil tavern keeper.

"Do you want it too?" She asked Lakshmi.

"I'm destined to be the chief courtesan after my mother," the girl replied proudly.

"What about you, Valli?"

Before Valli could reply, Lakshmi spoke.

"She only has her eyes fixed on her secret lover," she confided in a hushed voice. "They meet every full moon day behind the barracks."

"Lover? Who is he?" Neelanjana was curious. She had never expected the quiet and docile Valli to be involved in a passionate affair.

"A young soldier, newly recruited. He is quite pleasant of features and a gentleman."

Valli colored at this revelation of her romance. She was in love with her soldier and dreamed of eloping with him.

"At least, share his name," Neelanjana teased the girl. Valli shook her head, but the other girls pressed her until she relented.

"Dhruva," she said, before running out of the room.   

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