Part 11- A Meeting

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 Neelanjana wallowed in the cool water, enjoying the sensation against her body. Harshvardhan stood staring at her frolicking figure for a few moments, then shed his clothes and joined her, slipping into the pool behind her. He pulled her against his chest so that she rested with her back to him, their bodies touching. They lay like that, the prince nuzzling her nape and then his hands moving to explore the treasures she held. Their union, when it came, was unhurried but as intense as the first one, leaving them shuddering and satiated.

Later, they moved onto the softness of the bed, Neelanjana getting playful and taking the lead. The prince did not seem to mind, rather reveled in her experienced moves.

It was quite late when Harshvardhan donned his robes. Neelanjana too, dressed up, expecting to be dismissed now that her services had been enjoyed, but, to her astonishment, the prince brought out a gleaming silver jewelry box from a chest. Bringing it to her, he opened the small box, revealing an emerald ring set in gold. The jewel twinkled as light fell on it, making her wonder at its value, which must be immense.

Harshvardhan took it out and the ring lay on his palm for a moment, then, turning to her he placed it in her hand.

She looked at him inquiringly. What did he want her to do with it?

"It's yours, Neelanjana. A gift for the pleasure that you have given to me," he said with a smile.

She felt a momentary pang of disappointment. She had been expecting him to declare his love. Hadn't their passionate lovemaking meant anything to him? Her vision clouded over with the moisture that rushed to her eyes. In all her years as a woman of the night, she had never felt anything for any man, except maybe disgust for a few. Her lovemaking with the prince had been so different, that she had forgotten that she was a mere courtesan and he, the crown prince of Jaigarh.

He was waiting, expecting her to show her gratitude, maybe, so she took it from him, her fingers tightening into a fist around it so that the claws which held the large, round gemstone, dug into the soft flesh of her palm and drew blood.

"Thank you, my lord," she mumbled, hiding the disappointment in her voice.

"Here, take this box too, for safekeeping. It is just the start, my beautiful girl. You have new heights to reach, riches to amass, and make a name for yourself. I want all neighboring kingdoms to envy us for having you as a courtesan," he said, pride evident in his voice, for making such a valuable find as this exquisite woman.

His words struck her heart like hammers, falling painfully and breaking her dreams of love and marriage. Why had she thought that she could make him fall in love with her? That he would be so enamored of her that he would propose marriage and make her a princess? All the sweet words he had whispered into her ears during their lovemaking had been for naught. When he had cried out her name at the pinnacle of their union, had been for naught.

Neelanjana stared at the silver box in her hands. Was this the return for her feelings? A wave of despair washed over her, but the next moment, a faint ray of hope pierced the darkness in her heart. Maybe, just maybe, he was waiting for her to make the first move, to declare her undying love for him. After all, he was royalty, and she was but a commoner.

She would wait for another meeting, give him some more time, and then confess her feelings. Yes, that was what she would do, she decided, her heart lifting a little. So, she thanked him again and then followed the servant who showed her to the palanquin waiting outside.

It was a full moon night. Valli plaited her long dark hair, and then tucked a garland of fragrant jasmine flowers into it, admiring her handiwork. With kohl-lined eyes and flowing robes, that followed every curve of her body faithfully, she appeared seductive and pretty.

She glanced out of her window. The first star was out, beckoning her toward the rendezvous. Dhruva would be getting impatient. Hurriedly, she covered her head with the veil, then picked up the basket of flowers, coconut, and kumkum. Hastening down the steps, she almost collided with Menaka at the bottom of the stairs.

"Mind your steps," Menaka snapped. "Anyway, where are you going at this hour? Has any nobleman summoned you for your services?" she asked dryly.

Valli swallowed the ball of fear in her throat. At no cost should Menaka find out about her secret tryst.

" the....temple," she mumbled, her mouth dried with apprehension.

"At this hour? Why didn't you go in the morning with the other girls?"

"I....I...have taken a vow to visit the goddess on a full moon night for a year to pray for our welfare. The head priest has said that the vow should not be broken at any cost," she made up quickly, her heart thumping at the prospect of being caught lying. She was sure, the punishment would be worse than any she could imagine.

"Oh," Menaka rolled her eyes, then nodded, waving a hand, dismissing her.

"Be sure to return on time," she called out to the girl.

Nodding, Valli, rushed out of the door, running down the path and then taking a less traveled lane to the barracks.

There really was a temple of the goddess behind the barracks. It was old, and very few people ever came there, except for the eccentric old man who cleaned it and placed flowers before the idol. Climbing over the mound, called a dungar, she could spot Dhruva waiting under a tree. She ran down the little hillock, calling out his name.

Dhruva looked up at that, his face breaking out into a smile to see the welcome sight of the pretty girl, her dusky face flushed and her bosom rising and falling with the excitement of the meeting.

"What took you so long, my darling?" he whispered as she stopped in front of him, trying to catch her breath.

"You know how difficult it is, Dhruva, to deceive everyone and leave the house," she said, drawing him down on the steps leading to the temple.

They sat side by side, rejoicing in the other's presence. These moments were so precious, thought Valli, stolen from her miserable days at the mansion. She hated the profession she was forced to follow. Of course, Menaka had spent good money in buying her from the foreign slave trader. Who knows what would have happened to her if she hadn't spotted her that day at the slave market? She had heard that girls were sold across the sea, never to be heard of again. At least, her fate wasn't so horrible.

"Let's go inside," she said to the man sitting beside her.

Every time they met, she made it a practice to pray at the temple. They went inside, made their offerings, and knelt before the goddess. Valli prayed for a better tomorrow, where she and her love, Dhruva, would always be together, never to be parted again. She was sure, Dhruva prayed for the same, for he was madly in love with her.

Later, they retreated to a grove, shielding them from onlookers, although there were none. Their lovemaking had an urgency as if they feared to be torn from the other at any moment. Still, they were smiling and panting at the end of it. Dhruva held her hand and placed a kiss on it.

"I can't take this anymore, my heart. Let us elope tonight," he suggested, an eagerness and desperation in his voice. "We'll go far away, to another kingdom, and never return here again."

"We would, my love. Very soon. Let me plan it well. I do not wish for Menaka to send her minions after us. You know that they would kill us if we fell into their hands."

Dhruva nodded. He knew the dangers of loving this woman, but he was helpless. She was everything he had ever wanted in a wife. He remembered another girl, blue-eyed and exquisite, and felt a pang of remorse. He shouldn't have left her without a goodbye. How hurt she must have felt? Maybe, they weren't destined to be together. Where was she now? Still with the wicked old man, he guessed, feeling sorry for her.

Valli rose to leave, righted her robes, picked up the basket, and bid him goodbye with a promise to meet again. Then, remembered something.

"There is someone who wishes to see you, Dhruva."  

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